
Los Evangelios de Mateos, Marcos, Lucas y Juan


Combinados, en orden cronológico


Flora Morales

Algunas aclaraciones sobre el idioma

Las historias recopiladas en esta colección emplean una versión ligeramente modificada del inglés para beneficiar a los lectores que no hablan inglés de manera nativa (el 92% de la población mundial). Aquellos hablantes nativos que sean abiertos de mente (8%) pueden adaptarse de manera fácil e intuitiva.

A las raíces de palabras en inglés (cuya ortografía nunca se altera) se les añaden (separados por guiones cortos) prefijos y sufijos (cada uno con un significado único y fijo).

Por ejemplo:  re۔visit (re۔visitar), pre۔school (pre۔escolar), explain۔ing (explic۔ando), explain۔d (explic۔ó), quick۔ly (rápida۔mente).

¿Qué beneficio obtenemos de todo ello? El idioma puede aprenderse en meses. Por esta razón, el pipolés se convierte en un idioma global accesible para miles de millones de personas que no tienen los recursos necesarios como para pasar años aprendiendo inglés americano o británico.

Para comprender las historias recopiladas en esta colección tan solo necesita leer las siguientes pautas:


Las palabras de punto medio están compuestas por dos palabras (separadas por un punto a media altura ·) cuyo significado combinado es resulta comprensible de manera intuitiva si sabes el significado de cada una de ellas por separado. Por ejemplo, quizás nunca hayas leído antes la palabra "wrist·clock", pero intuyes inmediatamente que significa “reloj de muñeca”, es decir “reloj de pulsera” en español o "watch" en inglés.


Solo un puñado de palabras difieren del inglés estándar:
       ap   aproximadamente (puede ser usado como un artículo). 
                  Ej:  I will meet you ap 4 oclock = Nos veremos ap(roximadamente) a las 4.
       dur   duración.
                  Ej: on Friday → dur Friday [en lugar de “el viernes” – dur(ante) el viernes]
                        in 2017 → dur 2017 [en lugar de “en 2017” – dur(ante) 2017]
                        at night → dur night [en lugar de “por la noche” – dur(ante) la noche]

        iz      is, am, are
                  Ej: I iz happy. 
He iz happy. They iz happy – “Iz” sustituye a las demás conjugaciones
                        del presente.
        ta      he o she.  – “Ta” sustituye a “él” y “ella”.
                  Inspirado en el pronombre de género neutro , proveniente del chino mandarín.
        wuz   was, were
                  Ej: He wuz here, and so wuz they [él estuvo aquí, y también estuvieron ellos]
                 “Wuz” se convierte en la única conjugación del verbo “to be” en pasado.

Se elimina la “s” final en las conjugaciones de presente en tercera persona del singular.
Ej: I go, you go, she go, we go, they go [en lugar de “she goes”]
Ej: she want [en lugar de “she wants”]

Todos los prefijos y sufijos son comprensibles de manera intuitiva para hablantes nativos, tanto de inglés americano como británico, con la excepción de los siguientes:

۔d    Indica pasado verbal.  Ej:  told → tell۔d
۔ly    Indica adverbio, el cual modifica al verbo.
                            Ej:  finally → final
۔ly [finalmente]
۔y     Indica adjectivo, el cual modifica a un sustantivo. 
                            Ej:  angry → anger
۔y [enojado]
۔t      Indica voz pasiva. 
                            Ej:  written by me → write
۔t by me [escrito por mí]
۔or, ۔orm,۔ ort    Indica una función. 
۔or es neutral; podría tratarse de una cosa ("dry۔or")  [secador]
                         o una persona sin especificar su género (“farm
۔or”)  [granjer@]
۔orm es femenino.
                         Ej:  "farm
۔orm" es una granjera. 
۔ort es masculino,
                         Ej: "farm
۔ort" es un granjero.
                        Así, identificamos el género de nombres que no nos sean familiares
                                (al contrario que en inglés).
                        Ej:  Chen Jianguo is a book edit
۔ort in China
                               [Chen Jianguo es un editor de libros en China]
۔by  Señala un modificador de un adjetivo.
                        Ej:  vast
۔by different view.
             ۔in   Convierte al verbo en un sustantivo.
                        Ej: The build
۔in is tall (el edificio es alto)
                     Esta construcción existe en inglés, pero en pipolés se introduce una mejora:
                          una diferenciación. La terminación
۔ing solo se emplea en los gerundios (build۔ing a
                          wall = construyendo un muro). La terminación
۔in solo se emplea para sustantivos
                         (formados a partir de una raíz verbal).
                     Ej: Train
۔in = entrenamiento   Mean۔in = significado      Feel۔in = sentimiento.

۔     Indica deshacer una acción previa, en el sentido de repetirla pero en sentido inverso.
                               Ej:  dis
۔plug the toast۔or  [des۔enchufar el tostador]
۔    Indica que algo es neutro (no que sea lo opuesto).
                               Ej:  non
۔relevant [no relevante]
۔      Indica lo opuesto al significado de la raíz. 
                               Ej: "un
۔happy" [infeliz es lo opuesto a feliz. Triste]

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The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

            Accord۔in to the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – combine۔t and present۔t here chronologic۔ly – dur the time when the Roma۔y empire encompass۔d much of the territory around what wuz then name۔t Great Oceansea, in Canaan, the arid hill۔y country east۔ward of the oceansea, a Jewan priest name۔d Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth wuz both righteous, follow۔ing all the commandments and ordinances of God as specify۔t by they’s Judaism religion.  But because Elizabeth wuz barren, they wuz child۔less, and both wuz already old.  One day, as many peoples wuz pray۔ing outside, Zacharias, in accordance with his dutys as priest, enter۔d the temple to burn incense, and there appear۔d to he, stand۔ing on the rightside of the altar, an angel.  Zacharias wuz startle۔t, and fearful.  But the angel say۔d, “Fear not, Zacharias.  Your prayers have been earhear۔t.  Your wife Elizabeth shall birth you a son, and you shall name he John.  Many shall rejoice at his birth, because he shall be great of the eyes of the Lord.  He shall consume neither wine nor strong drink, and be fill۔t with the holyspirit, even from his mother’s womb.  He shall go forth in the spirit and power of prophet Elijah, to turn hearts of fathers to they’s childs and the un۔obedient to the wisdom of they who iz just, and prepare peoples for the Lord.”  Ask۔d Zacharias, “How can I believe?, because I iz an old man, and my wife iz far beyond child-birth۔in years.  Answer۔d the angel, “I iz Gabriel, who stand in the presence of God.  I have been send۔t to speak to you, to reveal this glad news.  Behold, because you do not believe my words you shall be render۔t dumb, non۔able to speak, until the day these events shall be fulfill۔t.”  Outside, the peoples wait۔d for Zacharias, wonder۔ing why he tarry۔d so long in the temple.  When he come۔d out, he could not speak, and they surmise۔d that he had see۔d a vision, because he beckon۔d, remain۔ing speech۔less.  When the term of his ministrations end۔d, Zacharias return۔d home.  Afterward Elizabeth become۔d pregnant, and dur five months remain۔d in seclusion.

            Dur the subsequent month, angel Gabriel wuz send۔t by God to the northern Canaan region of Galilee, to a town name۔d Nazareth, to the home of a virgin name۔d Mary, espouse۔d to a man name۔d Joseph, hisself a descendant, after 27 birthcycles, of king David.  The angel appear۔d to she, and say۔d, “Hail, the Lord iz with you.  Bless۔t iz you among womans.”  When Mary see۔d he, she feel۔d anxious, and wonder۔d at his salutation.  The angel say۔d, “Fear not, Mary, because you iz favor۔t by God.  Behold, you shall conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son, who shall be name۔t Jesus.  He shall be great, and shall be name۔t the Son of the High۔est.  The lord God shall give he the throne of David.  He shall reign forever, and his king۔dom shall be without end.”  Mary ask۔d, “Because I iz a virgin, how shall this be?”  Answer۔d the angel, “The holyspirit shall come upon you, and the power of the High۔est shall overshadow you.  The holy being that you shall birth shall be name۔t the son of God.  And, behold, your cousin Elizabeth, who wuz barren, iz in her dee۔six month of pregnancy, because with God nothin iz impossible.”  Mary say۔d, “Behold, I iz the maid of the Lord.  Let it be in accordance with your words.”  Then the angel vanish۔d.
            Mary henceforth hasten۔d south۔ward to the hill country, to a town in region Judea, and there enter۔d the house of Zacharias, where she greet۔d Elizabeth.  As Elizabeth earhear۔d Mary’s greet۔in, the babe in her womb leap۔d.  And Elizabeth wuz fill۔d with the holyspirit.  To Mary she declare۔d, “Bless۔t iz you among womans, and bless۔t iz the fruit of your womb.  Because, lo, as soon as I earhear۔d your voice, the babe in my womb leap۔d for joy.”  Mary respond۔d, “My soul magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoice in God, my savior.”  She stay۔d with her cousin dur ap three months, then return۔d to her own house in Nazareth.
            Elizabeth birth۔d a baby boy.  Therefore she and her kins and her neighbors rejoice۔d.  On the dee۔eight day, dur the circumcision ceremony, they name۔d he Zacharias.  But his mother say۔d, “Not so.  He shall be name۔t John.”  They object۔d that no kins or ancestors had that name, and ask۔d the newborn’s father.  He reach۔d for a write۔in tablet, and write۔d, “John.”  At that moment his speech wuz restore۔t, and he praise۔d God.  Fill۔d with the holyspirit, he prophesize۔d, “You, child, shall be name۔t the prophet of the High۔est, because you shall go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways.”
            At such strange events, peoples who reside۔d nearby in the hill country of Judea wuz fill۔d with wonder. 
            When Joseph realize۔d that his wife Mary wuz pregnant, he wuz perplex۔t, because they had not yet physical۔ly unite۔d.  But while he ponder۔d the situation, in a dream an angel appear۔d to he, say۔ing, “Joseph, fret not, for he who iz conceive۔t in Mary iz of the holyspirit.  Mary shall bring forth a son.  You shall name he Jesus, and he shall save peoples from they’s sins.”  Joseph awake۔d, and believe۔d what the angel had tell۔d he.
            Dur that time emperort Caesar Augustus issue۔d a decree mandate۔ing that within the Roma۔y empire all mans should be tax۔t, each in his native town or city.  Therefore Joseph, and his wife Mary who wuz by then full۔by pregnant, depart۔d from Nazareth, in Galilee, and venture۔d south۔ward, pass۔ing through the region of Samaria, into the region of Judea to the town of Bethlehem, the birth·place of former king David – because Joseph wuz a descendant of David, who wuz a descendant of Abraham, total۔ing more than fifty birthcycles.
            In Bethlehem Mary birth۔d baby Jesus.  They wrap۔d the baby in cloths, and lay۔d he in a manger, because there wuz no room in a guestlodge.
            That evenin in the country, as some shepherd۔s wuz watchcare۔ing over they’s chun, an angel appear۔d to they, startle۔ing they.  Say۔d the angel, “Fear not.  Behold, I bring news of great joy!  Birth۔d this day in the town of David iz a savior:  Christ the Lord.  Yous shall find the babe lay۔ing in a manger.”  And sudden۔ly there appear۔d with the angel a multitude of spirits, exclaim۔ing, “Glory to God!  And peace among those He favor!”
             The shepherds hasten۔d to Bethlehem.  There they find۔d Mary and Joseph, they’s baby lay۔ing in a manger.  They describe۔d what they had see·earhear۔d, and all wonder۔d outloud at the strange events.  But Mary remain۔d silent, ponder۔ing in her heart.  The shepherds go۔d away, glorify۔ing and praise۔ing God.  On the dee۔eight day the baby wuz circumcise۔t, and name۔d Jesus.
            Meanwhile from the east journey۔d wise mans, say۔ing, “Where iz he who iz birth۔t the king of Jewans?  We have see۔d his star, and iz come۔in to worship he.” 
            When Herod the First, the Roma۔y client-king of Canaan, earhear۔d of it, he worry۔d.  Therefore he gather۔d Jewan chief priests and scribes and demand۔d they tell he the whereabouts of the baby.  They reply۔d, “In Bethlehem, here in Judea, because it wuz prophesize۔t that from there would come a govern۔or who would leadrule the peoples of Israel.”  Therefore Herod summon۔d the wise mans, and send۔d they to Bethlehem, say۔ing, “Go and search diligent۔ly for the child, and when you find he, send me word, so that I may come and worship he.”  They depart۔d, and, lo, the star of the east go۔d before they, until it stop۔d above baby Jesus and his mother Mary.  The wise mans kneel۔d and worship۔d he, and open۔d they’s treasures and present۔d he with gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh.  In a dream God warn۔d they not to return to Herod, therefore they depart۔d toward they’s own country by another routeway.
            When Mary’s period of purification in accordance with the laws of Moses wuz complete۔d, Joseph and Mary take۔d they’s baby to nearby city Jerusalem, to present he to the Lord, and offer as sacrifice a pair of dovebirds and two young pigeons.  There, an old man name۔t Simon, just and devout, upon see۔ing baby Jesus, take۔d he in his arms and praise۔d God, say۔ing, “Lord, now let your servant die in peace, in accordance with to your word” – because it had been reveal۔t to he by the holyspirit that he would not die before see۔ing the Lord’s Christ.  Continue۔d he, “My eyes have now see۔d the salvation You have prepare۔d for all peoples:  a light to lighten the gentiles, and the glory of peoples in Israel.”  Joseph and Mary marvel۔d at his words. 
            At the temple, serve۔ing God with foodfasts and prayers nights and days, reside۔d a prophetorm name۔d Anna, an 84-years-old widoworm, the daughter of Phanuel, of tribe Aser.  See۔ing baby Jesus with Simon, she alikewise thank۔d the Lord, and speak۔d to those who seek۔d redemption.
            When Joseph and Mary had perform۔d all things require۔t by they’s Judaism religion, they journey۔d back north۔ward to region Galilee, back home to town Nazareth.
             The child grow۔d, and wax۔d strong in spirit, fill۔d with wisdom, because the grace of God wuz upon he.  When he wuz twelve years old he journey۔d with his parents to the Passover feast in Jerusalem, and after the ceremonys he tarry۔d there.  Joseph and Mary, among numerous kins and acquaintances, trek۔d back home۔ward dur an entire day before realize۔ing Jesus wuz not in they’s midst.  Therefore they return۔d to the city, and dur three days search۔d for he, final۔ly find۔ing he in the temple, sit۔ing among teach۔orts, listen۔ing they and ask۔ing questions.  Scold۔d Mary, “Son, why have you thus treat۔d we?  Your father and I have been seek۔ing you, sorrow۔ing.”  Respond۔d Jesus, “Why wuz yous seek۔ing me?  Do yous not know that I must be tend۔ing to my Father’s business?”  Jesus return۔d with they to Nazareth, and wuz obedient, and his mother treasure۔d his words in her heart.  He increase۔d in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and peoples.
            Dur the dee۔fifteen year of the reign of Roma۔y emperort Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate wuz govern۔or of Judea, and Herod Antipas, a son of deceased king Herod the First, wuz tetrarch (regional leadrule۔or) of Galilee, John, the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth, preach۔d in the wilder۔ness of Judea, declare۔ing, “Repent, because the king۔dom of heaven iz at hand.”  John wuz clothe۔t in camel’s hairs, with a leather girdle around his loins; his food wuz locusts and wild honey.  To the multitude who flock۔d from throughout Judea, he preach۔d, say۔ing, “Birthcycle of vipers, who warn۔d yous to flee from the wrath to come?  Even now the ax lay at the roots of trees, and every tree that do not produce good fruits shall be chop۔t down and throw۔t into the fire.”  Warn۔d John, “The winnow۔y fork iz in his hand, to clear his thresh۔in floor and gather the wheat in his granary, but the chaff he will burn with non۔quench۔able fire.  Do not depend on being descendants of Abraham – repent, and demonstrate by your acts that your hearts have change۔d.”  Those who confess۔d they’s sins, John baptize۔d with water from river Jordan.
            Peoples ask۔d he, “What shall we do?”  John answer۔d, “He with two warm·coats, give one to he who have none, and he who have food, let he do alikewise.”  Tax·collect۔ors arrive۔d to be baptize۔t, ask۔ing he, “What shall we do?”  John reply۔d, “Collect no more than the legal amount.”  Soldiors alikewise ask۔d, “What shall we do?”  Say۔d John, “Do violence to no one.  Do not accuse anybody false۔ly.  Be content with your wages.”  From Jerusalem arrive۔d priests, send۔d by the Pharisees, who ask۔d he, “Who iz you?”  John answer۔d, “I iz not the Christ.”  They persist۔d, “Iz you the prophet Elijah?  He answer۔d, “I iz not.”  They persist۔d, “Who then?  So that we may report to they who send۔d we.”  Say۔d John, “I iz a voice cry۔ing in the wilder۔ness.  There shall come one might۔yer than I, the latches on whose sandals I iz not worth۔y to stoop to loosen.  I baptize yous with water, but he shall baptize yous with the holyspirit.”
            John’s actrole wuz to attest to the light, so that everybody could believe.  He wuz not that light, but wuz send۔t to attest to that light.  Thus to all who receive۔d he, he bestow۔d the power to become childs of God.
            On the day John see۔d Jesus walk۔ing down·hill toward he, he declare۔d, “Behold the lamb of God, who shall remove sin from the world!”  Jesus had come to be baptize۔t, but John refuse۔d, say۔ing, “I need to be baptize۔t by you, but you come to me?”  Jesus reply۔d, “Allow it, as an appropriate way to fulfill righteous۔ness.”  Thus John baptize۔d Jesus.
            They walk۔d out of the river and, lo, the heavens open۔d, and the spirit of God in the form of a dove touchland۔d upon Jesus.  A voice from heaven declare۔d, “This iz my beloved son, in who I iz well pleased.”
            Say۔d John, “He upon who the spirit have touchland۔d iz he who baptize with the holyspirit.”
            One of John’s disciples, Andrew, go۔d to his brother Peter and announce۔d, “We have find۔d the messiah!”  Therefore they hurry۔d after Jesus.  Notice۔ing they follow۔ing, Jesus turn۔d and ask۔d, “What do yous seek?”  They reply۔d, “Mastor, where do you reside?”  Jesus say۔d, “Come and see.”  And they reside۔d with he because it wuz late, the dee۔ten clockhour.
            Afterward Jesus retreat۔d into the wilder۔ness, where wild beasts roam۔d, yet angels watchcare۔d he.  He foodfast۔d dur fourty days, and afterward hunger۔d.  Then the devil appear۔d to he, and say۔d, “If you iz the son of God, command that this stone become bread.”  Jesus answer۔d, “It wuz write۔t, peoples shall not live by bread alone, but by the words of God.”  Then the devil take۔d he to the holy city and put۔d he on the pinnacle of the temple, say۔ing, “If you iz the son of God, jump down, for it wuz write۔t, He shall send his angels to care for you, they’s hands will hold you up, so that you will not hit your foot against a stone.”  Jesus reply۔d, “It wuz also write۔t:  You shall not tempt the Lord your God.”  Then the devil take۔d he up upon a high mountain, and in a moment in time show۔d he all the king۔doms of the world, and all they’s splendor, say۔ing, “All these things I will give you if you will bow down and worship me.”  Reply۔d Jesus, “Go away, Satan, for it wuz write۔t, You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve he alone.”
            A man name۔d Philip, of Bethsaida, the birth·town of Andrew and Peter, encounter۔d Nathanael, and say۔d, “We have find۔d he, of who Moses and the prophets, have speak۔d:  Jesus of Nazareth, son of Joseph.”  Question۔d Nathanael, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?”  Respond۔d Philip, “Come and see.”
            Jesus spotnotice۔d Nathanael approach۔ing, and say۔d, “Behold, an Israelite in who iz no guile!”  Nathanael ask۔d, “How do۔d you know me?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Before Philip call۔d you, while I wuz sit۔ing beneath the fig tree, I see۔d you.”  Say۔d Nathanael, “Rabbi, you iz the son of God, the king of Israel.”  Respond۔d Jesus, “Mere۔ly because of what I say۔d, you believe?  You will see great۔er things than that.  You will see heaven open, and angels ascend۔ing and descend۔ing upon the son of man.”
            At a wed۔in in town Cana, in Galilee, among the guests wuz Mary, and Jesus wuz also there, along with his disciples.  When all the wine had been drink۔t, Mary say۔d to her son, “They have no wine.”  Jesus reply۔d, “Woman, what concern iz that to me?  My clockhour have not yet come.”  Mary say۔d to the servants, “Whatever he tell you to do, do it.”  Nearby wuz six stone water pots, utilize۔t in purification rituals, each with the capacity of ap 100 liters.  Jesus say۔d, “Fill they with water,” so the servants fill۔d they to the brim.  Then he say۔d, “Flowpour now, and serve it to the chief steward of the feast,” thus they do۔d.  When the steward taste۔d the water that had been convert۔t to wine, he call۔d the bridegroom, and say۔d, “Always the good wine iz drink۔t first, and, when the guests iz drunk, the poor wine iz bring۔d forth.  But you have save۔d the good wine until now.” 
            That wuz Jesus’ first miracle.  It manifest۔d his glory, and enhance۔d his disciples’ belief in he.
            For Passover the family return۔d to Jerusalem.  There in the temple Jesus encounter۔d oxes, sheeps, and dovebirds, all offer۔t for sale by vend۔ors, among who wuz money exchange۔ors.  From small cords Jesus make۔d a whip, and with it herd۔d the animals out of the temple.  Then he overturn۔d the tables of the money exchange۔ors, scatter۔ing the money.  To they who sell۔d dovebirds, he declare۔d, “Take they away.  Convert not my Father’s house into a house of merchandise.”  Jewans ask۔d he, “What sign can you show we that grant you authority to act thus?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”  Respond۔d one, “It require۔d 46 years to build this temple, and you will re۔build it dur three days?”  But by “temple” Jesus mean۔d not the build۔in, but his body.
            One night a chief Pharisee name۔d Nicodemus approach۔d Jesus, and say۔d, “Rabbi, we know you iz a teach۔or who have come from God, because nobody can perform a miracle unless God iz with he.  Jesus respond۔d, “Unless a man iz birth۔t again, he can·not see God.”  Nicodemus ask۔d, “How can a man be birth۔t when he iz old?  Can he enter his mother’s womb a second time, and be birth۔t again?”  Reply۔d Jesus, “True۔ly I tell yous, unless a man iz birth۔t of water and of spirit, he can·not enter the king۔dom of God.  What iz birth۔t of flesh iz flesh, and what iz birth۔t of spirit iz spirit.  Marvel not that I say۔d that you must be birth۔t again.  The wind blow where it blow, but you do not know from where it come or where it go.  Thus it iz with everybody who iz birth۔t of the spirit.”  Ask۔d Nicodemus, “How can that be?”  Say۔d Jesus, “You iz a teach۔or, yet do you not comprehend?”  To those who had gather۔d, he add۔d, “True۔ly I tell yous, we speak of what we know, and testify to what we have see۔d, yet yous reject our testimony.  I have tell۔d yous about world۔y things, and yous do not believe, so how can yous believe if I tell yous of heaven۔y things?  Nobody have ascend۔d into heaven except he who have descend۔d from heaven, even the son of man.  As Moses in the wilder۔ness lift۔d up the serpent, so must the son of man be lift۔t up, so that whoever believe in he shall have eternal life.  God so love the world that he give۔d his only son, so that everybody who believe in he shall not die, but have everlast۔y life.  God do۔d not send his son to condemn the world, but so through he the world may be save۔t.  Those who believe iz not condemn۔t, but those who do not believe iz already condemn۔t.  The justification for the judgement iz this:  light have come into the world, but peoples, because they’s deeds iz evil, love dark۔ness rather than light.  Those who do evil, hate light, and avoid it, lest they’s deeds be expose۔t.  Yet those who live the truth come to the light, so that they’s deeds may be manifest۔t as god۔y.”
            Afterward Jesus go۔d with his disciples to Judea country, and there tarry۔d, and baptize۔d.
            John wuz baptize۔ing in Aenon, near Salin, where water wuz abundant, when a Jewan say۔d, “Rabbi, he who wuz with you across the Jordon, to who you testify۔d, iz baptize۔ing, and all come to he.”  John respond۔d, “A man can receive nothin but what have been give۔t from heaven.  You yourself witness۔d what I say۔d:  I iz not the messiah, but I iz send۔t ahead of he.  He who have the bride iz the bridegroom; he who stand and earhear the bridegroom’s voice, rejoice; therefore iz my joy complete.  His stature must increase, as mine must diminish.  He who come from above iz above all; he who iz from the world speak mere۔ly about the world.  He have testify۔d, but nobody accept his testimony.  Whoever receive his testimony thereby certify that God iz true.  He who God have send۔d speak the words of God.  The Father love the son, and have put۔d in his hands all things.  He who believe the son will have everlast۔y life, while he who do not believe will endure God’s wrath.” 
            John anger۔d Galilee tetrarch Herod Antipas by declare۔ing that Herod’s marriage to his wife Herodias, divorce۔d from Herod’s half-brother Philip, wuz contrary to the law of Moses.  When John, have۔ing return۔d from Judea to Galilee, further rebuke۔d Herod for evil things he had do۔d, Herod condemn۔d John to prison.
            When Jesus earhear۔d that John wuz into prison, he depart۔d Judea, head۔ing back north۔ward to Galilee. Pass۔ing through Samaria – the region inhabit۔d main۔ly by gentiles (non۔Jewans), all three regions between river Jordan and Great Oceansea – he arrive۔d at the town of Sychar, near the piece of land that Jacob had long before give۔d to his son Joseph.  Ap noon, Jesus come۔d upon Jacob’s famous groundwell and, tire۔d from his journey, rest۔d near it.  A Samarian woman arrive۔d to pull up water, and Jesus, because his disciples had go۔t into town to purchase food, say۔d to she, “Give me a drink.”  As Jewans general۔ly had no deal۔ins with Samarians, she respond۔d, “How iz it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a Samarian?”  Jesus answer۔d, “If you know۔d the gift of God, and who it iz that iz ask۔ing you for a drink, you would ask he, and he would give you live۔in water.”  The woman reply۔d, “You have no bucket, and the groundwell iz deep.  Where do you get that live۔in water?  Iz you great۔er than Jacob, who dig۔d this groundwell and with his childs and cattle drink۔d from it?”  Answer۔d Jesus, “Whoever drink this groundwell water will thirst again.  But those who drink from the water that I shall give they, will never thirst again – that water will become in they a watersprin gush۔ing up to eternal life.”  Say۔d the woman, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will never thirst.”  Jesus say۔d, “Go, call your husband, and come back.”  She answer۔d, “I have no husband.”  Jesus say۔d, “You have speak۔d true۔ly, because you have had five husbands, and he who you now have iz not true۔ly your husband.”  Respond۔d the woman, “Sir, I perceive you iz a prophet.  Our ancestors worship۔d on this mountain, but yous Jewans say Jerusalem iz the place where peoples must worship.”  Say۔d Jesus, “Woman, believe me, the time iz come۔ing when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem shall you worship the Father.  Yous Samarians dont know what you iz worship۔ing; we Jewans do know, because salvation come from Jewans.  But the time iz come۔ing – indeed, it iz already here – when true worship۔ors will worship the Father in spirit and truth, because it iz those peoples that He seek to worship He.  God iz a spirit, and those who worship He must worship in spirit and truth.”  Say۔d the woman, “I know that the messiah iz come۔ing, the one who iz name۔d the Christ.  When he come, he will tell we all things.”  Jesus reply۔d, “I, to who iz speak۔ing, iz he.”  His disciples arrive۔d, and they wuz surprise۔d to see he talk۔ing with a woman, but they do۔d not question he.  Then the woman, leave۔ing behind her water pot, hurry۔d to the town, and announce۔d, “Come, see a man who tell۔d me all things I have ever do۔d.  Iz not he the Christ?”  Therefore the mans hasten۔d from the town toward Jacob’s groundwell.  Meanwhile Jesus’ disciples wuz urge۔ing he, “Mastor, eat.”  But he reply۔d, “I have food to eat of which yous know not.”  The disciples look۔d at one another ask۔ing, “Do۔d somebody bring he somethin to eat?”  Jesus tell۔d they, “My food iz to do the will of He who send۔d me, and to finish His work.  Do۔d yous not say, ‘Four months more, then the harvest’?  But I tell yous, lift your eyes, and see how the fields iz already ripe for harvest۔ing.  Those who reap۔d iz already receive۔ing wages, gather۔ing fruits for eternal life, so that plant۔or and reap۔or may together rejoice.  The adage iz true:  one plant, another reap.  I send۔d yous to harvest what yous do۔d not plant.  From the labor of others have you benefit۔d.”  Then arrive۔d the Samarian mans, and they ask۔d Jesus to tarry with they.  Thus he stay۔d with they dur two days.  And many more Samarians believe۔d – nolonger only from the woman’s testimony but because of what they earhear۔d with they’s own ears – that, indeed, Jesus wuz the Christ, Savior of the world.
            From Samaria, Jesus and his disciples continue۔d north۔ward to Galilee.  As his reputation spread۔d throughout the region, he teach۔d in the synagogues, and wuz wide۔ly praise۔t.
            Jesus stop۔d at Cana, where at the wed۔in feast he had convert۔d water into wine.  At Capernaum, a fish۔in town on a northern shore of lake Galilee, reside۔d a nobleman whose son wuz fatal۔by sick, and upon earhear۔ing that Jesus had return۔d to Galilee, he hasten۔d to Cana, and beg۔d Jesus to come to cure his son.  Jesus say۔d to he, “Unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.”  The nobleman plead۔d, “Sir, come before my boy die.”  Jesus say۔d, “Go.  Your son will live.”  The man believe۔d Jesus, and head۔d home.  Enroute he encounter۔d his servants, who tell۔d he, “Your son live.” Ask۔d at what clockhour the boy had begin۔d to mend, they reply۔d, “Yesterday at the dee۔seven clockhour the fever depart۔d he.”  That wuz the clockhour Jesus had say۔d, “Your son will live”, therefore the nobleman, along with his entire household, believe۔d.  That wuz the second miracle that Jesus perform۔d.”
            He return۔d to his birth·town Nazareth, and dur the Sabbath day, as wuz his custom, stand۔d to read.  The scroll of Isaiah wuz hand۔t to he, and he dis۔roll۔d it, and find۔d the place where it wuz write۔t, “The spirit of the Lord iz upon me, because he have anoint۔d me to preach the gospel to the poor.  He have send۔d me to heal the brokenheart۔y, to preach deliverance to the captives, to restore sight to the blind, to free they who iz oppress۔t.”  He hand۔d the book to the attend۔or, and sit۔d, then – as all eyes wuz fasten۔d on he – declare۔d, “Today this scripture have been fulfill۔t in your ears.”  Many wonder۔d at his words, ask۔ing among theyselfs, “Iz he not the son of Joseph the carpentor?”  Jesus say۔d, “Sure۔ly yous shall quote me the proverb, ‘Doctor, heal yourself’, and yous will implore me to do here what I do۔d for Capernaum.  But the truth iz, dur the days of the prophet Elijah, dur three and a half years of severe famine, of the many widorms, Elijah wuz send۔d only to one, a widorm at Zarephath, a town in Sidon.  And dur the time of the prophet Elisha, of the many lepors, he cure۔d only one, Naaman the Suriyahan.  Those in the synagogue, earhear۔ing Jesus’ words, wuz fill۔d with wrath.  They rise۔d, and thrust۔d he out of the town, and lead۔d he to the top of a hill, intend۔ing to hurl he off the cliff.  But Jesus pass۔d through they’s midst, and walk۔d away.
            Depart۔ing Nazareth, Jesus go۔d back and reside۔d in Capernaum.  Dur the Sabbath (Saturday) he preach۔d, say۔ing, “Repent, because the king۔dom of heaven iz at hand.”  Peoplese feed۔d amaze۔d at his doctrine and at the power of his words, because he teach۔d not as the scribes but as somebody with authority.
            One day, walk۔ing along lake Galilee, Jesus notice۔d, in a boat not far off·shore, three mans – James and John Zebedee with they’s father – mend۔ing they’s nets.  Jesus call۔d to they, “Follow me, and I will make yous fish۔ors of peoples.”  The sons depart۔d the boat, and follow۔d he.
            Dur the Sabbath in the synagogue wuz a man with foul spirit, who call۔d out, “What have you to do with we, Jesus of Nazareth?  Have you come to destroy we?  I know who you iz, the holy one of God.”  Jesus rebuke۔d he, say۔ing, “Be silent, and come out of he!”  The foul spirit convulse۔d and, cry۔ing out in a loud voice, come۔d out of the man.  The peoples wuz amaze۔t, and ask۔d one another, “What teach۔in iz this?  When he command, even foul spirits obey!”
            Soon after Jesus depart۔d the synagogue, he enter۔d, with James and John Zebedee, the house of his first disciples, Andrew and Peter.  There, Peter’s wife’s mother lay۔d sick with fever.  Jesus take۔d her hand, and lift۔d she up, and the fever depart۔d; thus she arise۔d and minister۔d to they.
            The town·folks of Capernaum bring۔d peoples with disease, and peoples who wuz possess۔d with demons, and by sunset a big crowd had gather۔d around the door of Jesus’ residence.  Jesus heal۔d many who wuz sick with dive۔ors’ disease, and he rid۔d many of demons. 
            In the mornin before sunrise he depart۔d to the country, and there pray۔d.  Later Peter and his companions search۔d for he, and when they find۔d he, say۔d, “Everybody iz search۔ing for you.”  Jesus answer۔d, “Lets go to neighbor۔y towns, so I may preach there also, because that iz why I have come.”
            Thus Jesus go۔d all around Galilee, teach۔ing in the synagogues, preach۔ing the gospel of the king۔dom, heal۔ing all types of diseases.  His fame spread۔d throughout Galilee and north۔ward into Suriyah, as peoples bring۔d to he those with torment and dive۔ors’ disease, and those who wuz possess۔t by demons, and those who wuz lunatics, and those who wuz paralytic – and they he heal۔d.  Follow۔ing he wuz large crowds from Galilee, from Jerusalem and elsewhere in Judea, and from  region Decapolis beyond river Jordan.
            One day while Jesus wuz stand۔ing by lake Galilee, as many peoples press۔d near to earhear the words of God, he notice۔d, slight۔by off·shore, two boats, both vacant, because the fish۔orts wuz wash۔ing they’s nets.  Jesus step۔d into one of the boats, which wuz Peter’s, and ask۔d to be push۔t a little away from shore.  Sit۔ing there, he preach۔d.  After he finish۔d speak۔in, he say۔d to Peter, “Launch into the deep, and lower your net.”  Respond۔d Peter, “Mastor, we toil۔d all yesternight, and catch۔d nothin.  But at your word, we will lower our net.”  Then they’s net enclose۔d a multitude of fishes – so many that the net break۔d.  They motion۔d for they’s partnors in the other boat – James and John Zebedee – to help, and they fill۔d both boats – so full that they begin۔d to sink.  When they express۔d astonishment at the number of fishes they had catch۔d, Jesus say۔d, “Henceforth yous shall catch peoples.”  After the fish۔orts dock۔d they’s boats, they forsake۔d everythin, and follow۔d he.
            There approach۔d Jesus a lepor, who kneel۔d in front of he, beseech۔ing he, “If you so desire, you can make me clean.”  Jesus, fill۔d with compassion, reach۔d out his hand and touch۔d he, say۔ing, “I shall make you clean.”  And immediate۔ly the man’s leprosy wuz cleanse۔d.  Jesus send۔d he away, say۔ing, “Say nothin to anybody.  Show yourself to a priest, and make the offer۔in for your purification that Moses prescribe۔d.”  But the man could not quell his tongue, thus news of his cure spread۔d.  Multitudes flock۔d to be cure۔t of infirmitys, and to earhear his preach۔in, so that Jesus could nolonger enter towns open۔ly. Thus he remain۔d most۔ly in arid places. 
            When it wuz report۔t that Jesus wuz inside a house, many peoples gather۔d, so many that there wuz no more room for outside.  Among they wuz four mans carry۔ing a paralytic man on a pallet, and when they find۔d no way to enter, they dis۔cover۔d the roof above where Jesus wuz stand۔ing, and lower۔d the pallet on which lay۔d the paralyze۔d man.  When Jesus see۔d they’s faith, he say۔d to the man, “Son, be of good cheer.  Your sins iz forgive۔t.”  Some of the scribes nearby think۔d, ‘This man blaspheme.  Only God can forgive sins.’  Jesus, discern۔ing they’s thoughts, turn۔d to they and say۔d, “Why reason thus?  Which iz easy۔er to say, ‘Your sins iz forgive۔t’, or ‘Stand, pick up your pallet, and walk’?  But so that yous may know that the son of man had the authority to forgive sins…”  He turn۔d to the paralytic, “I say to you, stand, pick up your pallet, and go home.”  The man rise۔d, and pick۔d up his bed, and depart۔d.  The multitude marvel۔d, say۔ing, “We have never see۔d such deeds,” and they glorify۔d God.
             Later, as Jesus wuz walk۔ing along, he notice۔d a Roman tax·collect۔or sit۔ing at a tax booth.  Call۔d Jesus, “Follow me.”  And the man, Matthew Levi, rise۔d and follow۔d he.
            Matthew Levi host۔d a feast in his house, and sit۔ing at the tables with Jesus and his disciples wuz many tax·collect۔ors and sin۔ors.  Scribes and Pharisees complain۔d, ask۔ing, “Why do you eat with tax·collect۔ors and sin۔ors?”  Jesus answer۔d, “In need of a doctor iz not they who iz health۔y, but they who iz sick.  I come۔d to call to repentance not the righteous but the sin۔ors.”  Then ask۔d disciples of John the baptize۔or, “Why do we and the Pharisees foodfast, but your disciples do not foodfast?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn while the bridegroom iz still with they?  The days will come when the bridegroom shall be take۔t from they; then they shall foodfast.”  He continue۔d, “No woman sewstitch a patch of non۔shrink۔t cloth to an old garment, or the patch will pull away from the garment, make۔ing the tear worse.  Neither do mans flowpour new wine into old wine-skins, lest they burst and the wine spill; they flowpour new wine into new wine-skins, so both iz preserve۔d.  Nor do any man, have۔ing drink۔d old wine, desire new, because the old iz better.”
            For the year۔y Passover feast, Jesus return۔d to Jerusalem.  There, by the sheeps market, wuz a pool with five porticos, around which lay۔d numerous impotent folks:  blind, lame, paralytic.  They believe۔d that dur a certain season an angel enter۔d the pool and stir۔d the water, and whoever first step۔d into the move۔in water would be cure۔t.  One man there, non۔able to walk, had been an invalid dur 38 years; Jesus ask۔d he, “Do you want to become well?”  The man reply۔d, “Sir, when the water stir, no one help me, thus somebody else always step in before me.”  Jesus say۔d, “Rise, take your bed, and walk.”  And the man stand۔d, pick۔d up his bed, and walk۔d.  That day wuz the Sabbath, when no work wuz permit۔t, therefore Jewans warn۔d the cure۔t man, “It iz un۔lawful for you to carry your bed.”  He answer۔d, “He who heal۔d me, tell۔d me, ‘Take your bed, and walk.’”  They ask۔d, “Who tell۔d you that?”  The man look۔d around, but the heal۔or had disappear۔d into the crowd.  Afterward in the temple Jesus encounter۔d the invalid he had cure۔d, and say۔d, “See, you have been make۔d complete.  Sin no more, lest to you occur somethin worse.”  The man go۔d away, and declare۔d that it wuz Jesus who had cure۔d he.
            Jewan lead۔ors come۔d to Jesus, intent on persecute۔ing he because he had heal۔d dur the Sabbath.  Respond۔d Jesus, “My Father iz still work۔ing, thus I also iz work۔ing.”  Then do۔d they want to kill he, because he not only violate۔d the Sabbath, but claim۔d God wuz his father, as though make۔ing hisself equal with God.  Jesus answer۔d they, “True۔ly I tell yous, the son can do nothin hisself, but only what he see the Father do, because whatever the Father do, the son do alikewise.  Because the Father love the son, He show the son all that He hisself do, so that yous may marvel.  Indeed, as the Father raise those dead and give they life, so also the son give life to whoever he want.  The Father have grant۔d judgement to the son; thus, everybody should honor the son as they honor the father.  He who do not honor the son do not honor the Father who have send۔d he.  True۔ly I tell yous, anybody who earhear my words, and believe He who send۔d me, shall pass from death to everlast۔y life. The clockhour iz come۔ing when the dead shall earhear the voice of the son of God, and those who earhear will live. The Father have grant۔d the son authority to execute judgement, because he iz the son of man.  Marvel not at this, because the clockhour iz come۔ing when all who iz in they’s graves will earhear his voice and will come forth – those who have do۔d good, to resurrection to life, and those who have do۔d evil, to resurrection to damnation.  I can do nothin on my own.  As I earhear, I judge, and my judgement iz just, because I seek not my own will but the will of the Father who send۔d me.  Yous send۔d messagors to John, and he testify۔d true۔ly.  Not that I accept such human testimony, but I say these things so that yous may be save۔t.  He wuz a burn۔in and shine۔y light, and yous for a season wuz willin to rejoice in his light.  But I have great۔er testimony than John’s.  The deeds that my Father have give۔d me to accomplish, the deeds that I iz do۔ing, testify on my behalf that my Father have send۔d me.  Yous have never earhear۔d His voice, nor see۔d his form, nor iz His words abide۔ing in yous, because he who He send۔d yous believe not.  Yous search the scriptures, because yous believe that in they yous will find eternal life, and it iz the scriptures that testify on my behalf.  Yet yous refuse to come to me, that yous may have life.  I do not accept glory from peoples.  But I know yous do not have the love of God in yous.  I come in my father’s name, and yous accept me not; if another shall come in his own name, he yous will receive.  How can yous believe when yous accept glory from one another, but seek not the glory from the one who come from God?  Do not think that I will accuse yous before the Father.  Your accuse۔or iz Moses, in who yous have set۔d your hope.  If yous had believe۔d Moses, yous would believe me, for he write۔d of me.  But if yous believe not his write۔in, how shall yous believe my words?”
            Dur the next Sabbath, Jesus and his disciples walk۔d through a corn field, and as the disciples wuz hunger۔y, they pluck۔d corn cobs, and eat۔d.  When the Pharisees learn۔d of it, they confront۔d Jesus, say۔ing, “Behold, your disciples do what iz un۔lawful dur the Sabbath.  Jesus reply۔d, “Have yous not read۔d what David do۔d, when he hisself wuz hunger۔y, and some wuz with he?  He enter۔d the house of God, and eat۔d the sacred loafs, which wuz reserve۔t for the priests, and he give۔d the loafs to those with he.”  Add۔d Jesus, “I tell yous, somethin great۔er than the temple iz here.  If yous know۔d the mean۔in of the say۔in, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice’, yous would not have condemn۔d the guilt۔less.  The son of man iz lord also of the Sabbath.”
            He then depart۔d, and enter۔d they’s synagogue.  Inside wuz a man with a wither۔y hand.  The Pharisees ask۔d Jesus (so that they could accuse he), “Iz it lawful to heal dur the Sabbath?”  Jesus ask۔d they, “Who among yous, if your sheep fall into a pit dur the Sabbath, will not lift it out?  How much better, then, iz a man than a sheep?”  And he ask۔d, “Iz it lawful dur the Sabbath to do good, or to do evil?  To save life, or destroy it?”  Then to the man with the wither۔y hand, he say۔d, “Stretch out your hand.”  Thus the man stretch۔d it out, and it wuz restore۔d entire۔ly, alike his other hand.  The Pharisees, enrage۔t, walk۔d out, and hold۔d council with the Herodians against Jesus, decide۔ing how to destroy he.
            Therefore Jesus with his disciples withdraw۔d east۔ward to Dead Lake.  A great multitude follow۔d he, from Galilee, from Judea, from Idumaea (the region south۔ward of Judea), from beyond river Jordan, and some from Tyre and Sidon on the coast of Great Oceansea.  They press۔d upon he to touch he.  And many he heal۔d.  But he tell۔d they not to make hisself further know۔t.
            Jesus then walk۔d up onto a mountain, and all night continue۔d in prayer to God.  In the mornin he summon۔d his disciples, and of they he choose۔d twelve, who he name۔d apostles, to be with he, and so he could send they out to preach, and so they would have the power to heal diseases and extract demons.  The twelve wuz brothers Andrew and Peter, brothers James and John Zebedee, brothers Thaddaeus and Lebbaeus (sons of Alpheus), Philip, Nathanael, Matthew, Thomas, Simon, and Judas Iscariot.
            To those gather۔d around he on the mountain Jesus preach۔d a sermon, say۔ing, “Bless۔t iz the poor, for they’s iz the king۔dom of heaven.  Bless۔t iz they who mourn, for they shall be comfort۔t.  Bless۔t iz the meek, for they shall inherit the world.  Bless۔t iz they who hunger and thirst after righteous۔ness, for they shall be fill۔t.  Bless۔t iz the mercyful, for they shall obtain mercy.  Bless۔t iz the pure in heart, for they shall see God.  Bless۔t iz the peace·make۔ors, for they shall be name۔t the childs of God.  Bless۔t iz they who iz persecute۔t for righteous۔ness' sake, for my sake, because they’s iz the king۔dom of heaven.  Bless۔t iz yous when mans shall revile yous, and persecute yous, and false۔ly speak evil against yous; rejoice, and be glad, because great shall be your reward in heaven, as it wuz with the prophets persecute۔t before yous. 
            “But woe unto yous who iz rich, because yous have receive۔t your consolation.  Woe unto yous who iz full, because yous shall hunger.  Woe unto yous that now laugh, because yous shall mourn and weep.  Woe unto yous who iz praise۔t, because so also wuz the false prophets.
            “Yous iz the salt of the earth, but if salt lose it’s savor, it iz good for nothin, and should be throw۔t down, and trample۔t under foots.  Yous iz the light of the world.  A city perch۔d on a hill can·not be conceal۔t.  Neither do anybody light a candle and put it beneath a bed; they put it in a candle·holdor, so that it give light to all in the house.  Let your light so shine, so peoples may see your good work and glorify your Father in heaven.  The eye iz the lamp of the body, so if your eye iz health۔y, your entire body will be full of light, but if your eye iz un۔health۔y, your entire body will be full of dark۔ness – then, how great the dark۔ness!
            “Think not that I have come to destroy the law, or the prophets:  I have not come to destroy, but to fulfill.  True۔ly, I tell yous, the law will change not one iota until all iz fulfill۔t.  Whosoever break one of the least of the commandments, and teach others to do alikewise, shall be name۔t the least in the king۔dom of heaven; but whosoever obey and teach they shall be name۔t great in the king۔dom of heaven.  I tell yous:  unless your righteous۔ness exceed the righteous۔ness of the scribes and Pharisees, yous shall not enter the king۔dom of heaven.”
            “Yous have earhear۔d it say۔d, You shall not murder, and whosoever murder shall be in danger of the judgement; but I tell yous, whoever iz anger۔y without cause at his brother shall be in danger of the judgement.  If you insult a brother, you shall be liable to council; if you say, ‘you fool’, you shall be in danger of hell fire.  Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother iz against you, first reconcile with he, then return and offer your gift.  While enroute to lawcourt, agree quick۔ly with your adversary, lest the judge condemn you to prison, from which you may not be free۔t until you have pay۔d your last tinybit.
            “Yous have earhear۔d it say۔d, Do not commit adultery; but I tell yous, whoever look at a woman lustful۔ly have already commit۔d adultery in his heart.  If your right eye cause you to sin, pluck it out, because better that you lose one of your body parts than your entire body be condemn۔t to hell.  If your right hand cause you to sin, alikewise cut if off and throw it away.  It have been say۔d, Whoever divorce his wife must give she a certificate of divorce; but I tell yous, whoever divorce his wife – except the case of she fornicate۔ing – cause she to commit adultery, and whoever marry a divorce۔d woman commit adultery.  Again, yous have earhear۔d it say۔d, Yous must not vow false۔ly, and must perform the oaths yous promise۔d the Lord; but I tell yous, vow not at all, neither by heaven (because it iz God’s throne), nor by the world (because it iz God’s footstool); instead, let your speech be, “Yes, yes” or “No, no”, because anythin more derive from evil.  Yous have earhear۔d it say۔d, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth’, but I say to you, do not resist an evil-do۔or.  To he who strike you on your rightside cheek, present he with your leftside.  If any man sue you for your warm·coat, give he also your cloak.  If anybody compel you to accompany he for a distance, accompany he twice that distance.  Give to those who ask, and refuse not those who seek to borrow.  Yous have earhear۔d it say۔d, love your neighbor, and hate your enemy; but I tell yous, love your enemys, bless those who curse yous, do good to those who hate yous, pray for those who abuse or prosecute yous – so that yous may be childs of your Father in heaven, because He cause the sun to shine on both the good and the evil, and send rain on both the just and the un۔just.  Because if you love those who love you, what reward do you have?  Do not even tax·collect۔ors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what about others?  Be therefore perfect, as your Father in heaven iz perfect.”
            Continue۔d Jesus to the big crowd gather۔d around he, “Practice not your piety open۔ly to be see۔t by others, or yous shall have no reward from your Father in heaven; therefore when yous give alms, do not announce it with a trumpet, as do hypocrites in the synagogues and on the streets.  When you foodfast, wear not, alike the hypocrites, a sad face, so that everybody know yous iz foodfast۔ing.  Alikewise when yous pray, pray secret۔ly, and your Father will reward you open۔ly.  And when pray۔ing, refrain from vain repetitions, as the heathens do, as though they wuz not earhear۔t the first time.  Your Father know what yous need before yous ask.  Pray thus:  ‘Our Father in heaven, hallow۔d be your name.  When your king۔dom come, your will shall be do۔t, in the world as it iz in heaven.  Give we this day our day۔y bread.  And forgive we our shortcomins, as we forgive the shortcomins of others.  Lead we not to temptation, but deliver we from evil.  Because yours iz the king۔dom, and the power, and the glory, forever.  Amen.’”
            Clarify۔d Jesus, “If yous forgive others, your father shall forgive yous.  But if yous forgive not the trespasse۔s of others, neither shall your Father forgive your trespasses.  Be mercyful, as your Father iz mercyful.
            “Fear not, because it iz your Father's good pleasure to give yous the king۔dom.  Accumulate not your world۔y treasures, where moths and rust can consume they and where thiefs can steal they; instead, accumulate heaven۔y treasures, which moths and rust and thiefs can·not touch, because where your treasure iz, there also will be your heart.  Sell what yous have, and give the money to alms.  No man can serve two mastors, because either he will hate one and love the other, or be devote۔d to one and despise the other.  Yous can·not serve both God and wealth.  Therefore be not anxious about your life, or what yous shall eat or drink or wear.  Iz not life more than food, and the body more than clothe۔in?  Consider the ravens, how they neither plant nor reap, nor store food in barns, yet your heaven۔y Father feed they.  Iz yous not better than they?  Which of yous by worry۔ing can add a single moment to your life۔span?  And why worry about what to wear?  Consider the lilys of the field, how they grow, and neither toil nor weave, yet even Solomon in all his glory wuz not clothe۔t so beautyful۔ly.  If God clothe grass, which today iz green and tomorrow iz throw۔d into ovens, must he sure۔ly not clothe yous, yous of little faith?  Therefore think not, What shall we eat?  What shall we drink?  What shall we wear?  Neither be of doubtful mind.  Seek first the king۔dom of God, and his righteous۔ness, and these things will be supply۔t to yous.  Worry not about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring it’s own worrys
            “Judge not, lest you not be judge۔t.  Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye, and not notice the blotch in your own eye?
            “Give not what iz holy to dogs, neither toss your pearls to swines, lest they trample they and maulmangle you.  Ask, and you shall receive.  Search, and you shall find.  Knock, and the door shall open.  What man among yous, if his son ask for bread, would give he a stone?  Or if he ask for a fish, would give he a serpent?  If yous, then, being evil, give good gifts to your childs, how much more shall your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask He? 
            “Act toward others as you would like they to act toward you, because this iz the law and the words of the prophets.
            “Enter through the narrow gate.  The gate iz wide that lead to destruction, thus many enter through it, while the gate iz narrow that lead to life, and few find it.
            “Beware of false prophets:  ravenous wolfs in sheeps’ clothe۔in.  Yous will know they by they’s fruits.  Do mans gather grapes or thorns, figs or thistles?  Good trees bring good fruits, but corrupt trees bring evil fruits; a good tree can·not bring forth evil fruits, nor can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruits.
            “Can the blind lead the blind?  Shall they not both fall into a ditch?
            “Not everybody who have say۔d to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the king۔dom of heaven, but only those who do the will of the Father in heaven.  Many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, do۔d we not prophesize in your name, and in your name extract demons, and in your name do many wonderful deeds?’  Then I shall tell they, ‘I never know۔d yous; depart me, you evil do۔ors.’  Therefore whoever earhear my say۔ins, and practice they’s teach۔in iz alike a man who build۔d a house, and dig۔d deep, and lay۔d the foundation on a rock.  When rain descend۔d, and the land flood۔d, and the stream beat۔d upon the house, it fall۔d not down.  Everybody who earhear my say۔ins, and practice not they’s teach۔in, iz alike a fool۔ish man who construct۔d his house upon sand.  When rain descend۔d, and the land flood۔d, and the stream beat۔d upon the house, it fall۔d down, and tragic wuz it’s fall.”
            Then do۔d Jesus come down from the mountain, and multitude follow۔d.
            Jesus return۔d to Capernaum.  There reside۔d a centurion (a Roman army officor), who upon earhear۔ing that the heal۔or had arrive۔d, send۔d oldstors to ask he to cure his servant, who lay۔d at his home paralyze۔y, grieve۔ly torment۔t.  So they approach۔d and beseech۔d Jesus, mention۔ing that the centurion wuz worth۔y, say۔ing, “He love our nation, and build۔d a synagogue.”  Jesus say۔d, “I shall come and heal he,” and start۔d toward the house.  Enroute he encounter۔d the centurion hisself, who say۔d, “I iz also a man of authority, with soldiors under me, and when I say to one, ‘Go’, he go, and to another ‘Come’, he come, and to my servant ‘Do this’, he do it.  Lord, do not trouble yourself to come under my roof.  Mere۔ly speak the word, and my servant will be heal۔t.”  At the man’s words, Jesus say۔d to those around he, “True۔ly, in nobody in Israel have I find۔d such faith,” and to the centurion, “Go thy way, and as you have believe۔d, so will be do۔t.”  And his servant wuz cure۔d that same clockhour.
            The next day Jesus depart۔d for the town of Nain, also in Galilee, accompany۔d by his apostles and a large crowd.  As he near۔d the town, being carry۔t out of the main gate wuz a dead man.  His mother wuz a widorm, and many console۔d she.  When Jesus see۔d she, he feel۔d compassion, and tell۔d she, “Weep not.”  He touch۔d the gravebier on which the casket wuz carry۔t, and when the carry۔ors halt۔d, Jesus say۔d, “Young man, I say to you, rise.”  The dead man sit۔d up, and begin۔d to speak, and return۔d to his mother.  Peoples cry۔d out, exclaim۔ing, “A great prophet have rise۔d among we!” and “God have look۔d favorable۔ly upon his peoples.”
            Throughout the land, reports of Jesus’ deeds and teach۔ins continue۔d to spread.  When John the baptize۔or, still in prison, earhear۔d of they, he send۔d two of his disciples, who ask۔d Jesus, “Iz you he who iz to come, or should we look for another?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Go and tell John what yous have see۔d and earhear۔d:  the blind see, and the lame walk, lepors iz cleanse۔d, and the deaf earhear, the dead iz revive۔d, and to the poor iz the gospel preach۔t.”
            When they had depart۔d, Jesus speak۔d to the crowd about John.  “What do۔d yous go into the wilder۔ness to see?  A reed sway۔ing in a breeze?  Then what?  A man dress۔d in silks and satins?  No, peoples dress۔d that way iz encounter۔t only in palaces of kings. Then, a prophet?  Yes, I tell yous, and more than a prophet.  John iz he of who it wuz write۔d, ‘Behold, I send my messagor ahead of you, to prepare your way.’  True۔ly I tell yous, of those birth۔d from womans, nobody iz great۔er than John the baptize۔or, although the least in the king۔dom of heaven iz great۔er than he.”  Jesus continue۔d, “Let anybody with ears, earhear.  To what shall I compare the peoples of this birthcycle?  Yous iz alike childs sit۔ing in the market·place, call۔ing to one another.  We play۔d the flute, but yous dance۔d not.  We mourn۔d, but yous weep۔d not.  John come۔d neither eat۔ing nor drink۔ing, and yous say he iz possess۔d by a demon.  I come۔d eat۔ing and drink۔ing, and yous say, ‘Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax·collect۔ors and sin۔ors.  Yet wisdom iz vindicate۔t by it’s deeds.”
            Then Jesus upbraid۔d the towns in which he had perform۔d most of his might۔y deeds, because they’s residents do۔d not repent.  “Woe unto you, Chorazin!  Woe unto you, Bethsaida!  If the might۔y deeds I do۔d for yous had been do۔d in Tyre and Sodom, the peoples there would have repent۔d.  I tell yous, on judgement day it will be more tolerable for those from Tyre and Sodom, than for yous.  And you, Capernaum, exalt۔t in heaven, shall be send۔t down to hell, because if the might۔y deeds I do۔d for you had been do۔d in Sodom, that town would not have been destroy۔t.”  He conclude۔d, “Yous who iz weary of carry۔ing heavy burdens, come to me, and I will give yous rest.  Harness my yoke upon yous, as my load iz lightmassweight.  Learn from me, because I iz gentle and humble in heart, and through me yous shall find rest for your souls.”
            A Pharisee name۔d Simon invite۔d Jesus to dine with he, and Jesus go۔d to his house and sit۔d at his table.  Earhear۔ing of it, a woman (who wuz a sin۔or) bring۔d to the Pharisee’s house a jar of ointment, and, weep۔ing, with her tears wash۔d Jesus’ foots, and dry۔d they with her hairs.  She kiss۔d his foots, and anoint۔d they with the ointment.  Think۔d the Pharisee, ‘If this man wuz a prophet, he would know that she who touch he iz a sin۔or.’  Jesus say۔d to he, “Simon, I have somethin to say to you.”  “Mastor, speak.”  “A creditor had two debtors, one who owe۔d he 500 pence, the other 50.  When neither could pay, he forgive۔d both.  Tell me, which of they do۔d he love most?”  Simon answer۔d, “I suppose he to who he forgive۔d the most money.”  Say۔d Jesus, “You have judge۔d correct۔ly.  I enter۔d your house, and you give۔d me no water to wash my foots, but this woman have wash۔d my foots with her tears, and wipe۔d they with her hairs.  You give۔d me no kiss, but this woman have not cease۔d kiss۔ing my foots.  You do۔d not anoint my head, but this woman have anoint۔d my foots.  Thus I say to you:  her sins, which iz many, iz forgive۔t, because she have demonstrate۔d great love; but he to who little iz forgive۔t, love little.”  And to the woman Jesus say۔d, “Your sins iz forgive۔t.  Your faith have save۔d you.  Go in peace.”  Others at the table shake۔d they’s heads and comment۔d among theyselfs, “Who iz this who also forgive sins?”
            Jesus continue۔d to wander throughout Galilee, visit۔ing every town and village, preach۔ing and proclaim۔ing glad news of the king۔dom of God.  With he wuz his twelve apostles, and also womans:  Mary Magdalene and Joanna (the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward), Susanna, and many others, all who provide۔d for the mans from they’s own resources.
            Present۔t to Jesus wuz a man blind and dumb, possess۔d by demons, and Jesus heal۔d he, so that he see۔d and speak۔d.  When the Pharisees earhear۔d of it, they say۔d, “It iz by Beelzebub, the prince of devils, that he extract demons.”  Jesus know۔ing they’s thoughts, ask۔d they, “How can Satan extract Satan?  A king۔dom divide۔d against itself can·not stand.  If Satan rise up against hisself, his end will come.  But if I with the finger of God extract demons, nodoubt the king۔dom of God have come to yous.  When a strong man, with weapons, guard his palace, his possessions iz secure.  But when a strong۔er man attack and overcome he, the strong۔er man confiscate the weapons upon which the first man rely۔d, and divide his plunder.  He who iz not with me iz against me.  Those who iz not gather۔d with me iz scatter۔d.  When an un۔clean spirit depart a people, it wander through water۔less regions search۔ing for a rest·place, but it find none.  Then it declare, ‘I will return to my home.’  When it return, it find it empty, sweep۔d, and order۔y.  Then it go and bring along seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and reside there.  Thus the final state of peoples iz worse than the early۔er.  So it will be also with this wicked birthcycle.”  Say۔d Jesus also, “True۔ly I tell yous, all shall be forgive۔t for they’s sins and they’s blasphemys except blasphemys against the holyspirit, which iz non۔forgive۔able.  A good tree produce good fruits, a sick۔y tree sick۔y fruits.  Birthcycle of vipers, how can yous, being evil, speak good things?  On judgement day, yous will be account۔able for every idle word yous utter۔d.  By your words shall yous be justify۔t, and by your words shall yous be condemn۔t.”
            Some of the Pharisees and the scribes respond۔d by ask۔ing, “Mastor, we would like to see a sign from you.”  Jesus answer۔d, “A wicked and adulterous birthcycle seek a sign, but the only sign give۔t will be that of the prophet Jonas.  As Jonas wuz three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the world.”  Behold, great۔er than Jonah iz here.”
            While Jesus wuz speak۔ing, his mother and brethren arrive۔d; stand۔ing on the outside of the crowd, they call۔d to he.  Peoples alikewise call۔d to he, “Behold, your mother and your brethren call to you.”  Jesus answer۔d, “Who iz my mother, or my brethren?”  He look۔d at those around he, and say۔d, “Behold, my mother and my brethren!  Because whosoever shall do the will of God, the same iz my brother, my sister, and my mother.”  A woman raise۔d her voice, and call۔d out, “Bless۔t iz the womb that nurture۔d you, and the breasts that nurse۔d you.  Jesus reply۔d, “Bless۔t, rather, iz those who earhear the words of God, and obey they.”
            Jesus walk۔d to the shore of lake Galilee, where so many peoples gather۔d around he that he wade۔d out to a boat, and there sit۔d, face۔ing they.  Say۔d he, “A plant۔or go۔d forth to plant.  As he plant۔d, some seeds fall۔d by the wayside, and the birds come۔d and eat۔d they.  Some fall۔d upon stone۔y ground without much soil; they grow۔d, but sun·light soon scorch۔d they, and, with little root, they wither۔d away.  Others fall۔d among thorns, which choke۔d they.  Yet many touchland۔d on good soil, and grow۔d into an abundant crop.  Who have ears, let he earhear.”  Respond۔d his apostles, “Why do you speak in parables?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Because it iz for yous to know the mysterys of the king۔dom of heaven, but it iz not for they to know.  Whoever have, to he shall be give۔t in more abundance, but whoever have not, to he shall not be give۔t.  Therefore I speak to yous in parables, because they look but dont see, and listen but dont earhear, neither do they comprehend.  The explanation for the parable iz this:  the seeds iz the words of God.  Those by the wayside when they earhear, receive the words with joy, and for awhile believe, but the words do not root in they, so in time temptation take the words away. Those that fall among the thorns iz they who, when they have earhear۔d, go forth, but the cares of the world, and the deceitful۔ness of riches, and the lust of other things, all choke the words, so they become non۔fruitful.  And those plant۔d in good ground, when they earhear the words, receive they, and bountyful iz they’s yield.”  Continue۔d Jesus, “The king۔dom of God iz alike a man who scatter seeds on the ground, then sleep and rise, day after day, while the seeds sprout and grow – he know not how.  First the grain, then the plantear, then the corn shall appear.  But at harvest time, it iz cut۔t with a sickle.”  And, “The king۔dom of God iz alike a mustard see۔d, the least among seeds, but when it iz plant۔d, and grow, it become the great۔est among herbs, a tree with long thick branches that provide shelter for birds.”  And, “The king۔dom of heaven iz alike a man who plant۔d in his field good wheat seeds, but while he sleep۔d his enemy come۔d and plant۔d weed seeds among the good seeds.  When the plants grow۔d, among the wheat appear۔d weeds.  Thus the servants ask۔d he, “Shall we pluck out the weeds?”  The man answer۔d, “No, lest yous uproot the wheat also.  Let they grow together, and at harvest۔time I will tell the reap۔ors, ‘Gather first the weeds, bundle they, and burn they, then gather the wheat, and put it in my barn.’”  Another:  “The king۔dom of heaven iz alike yeast that a woman mix with grainflour, so that the mixture leaven.” 
            Then Jesus send۔d the multitude away, and go۔d into a house, and his apostles gather۔d around he, ask۔ing, “Explain the parable of weeds in the field.”  Jesus answer۔d, “The field iz this world.  He who plant۔d the good seeds iz the son of man, and the good seeds iz the childs of the king۔dom.  He who plant۔d the bad seeds iz the devil, and the weeds iz the childs of the wicked one.  The harvest iz the end of the world, and the reap۔ors iz the angels.  As the weeds iz gather۔t and burn۔t, so shall it be at the end of the world:  the son of man shall gather all those who offend, and throw they into a fire, amid much wail۔in and gnash۔in of tooths.  Then shall the righteous shine alike the sun in the king۔dom of they’s Father.  He who have ears, let he earhear.”  Add۔d Jesus, “The king۔dom of heaven iz alike treasure bury۔d in a field, which a man find۔d, and re۔bury۔d, then joyful۔ly sell۔d all he possess, and purchase۔d that field.”  And:  “The king۔dom of heaven iz alike a merchant seek۔ing pearls, who upon find۔ing one pearl at a great price, sell۔d all he possess۔d, and purchase۔d it.”  And, “The king۔dom of heaven iz alike a net cast۔d onto the lake, and when it wuz full they bring۔d it to shore, and gather۔d the good fishes into vessels, but toss۔d the bad fishes away.  So shall it be at the end of the world:  the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from the just.”  Jesus then ask۔d they, “Have yous comprehend۔d all these things?”  They answer۔d, “Yes, Lord.”
            With his apostles, Jesus board۔d a boat, say۔ing, “Lets go over to the other side.”  So they launch۔d forth, row۔ing east·south۔ward.  After a period, as Jesus sleep۔d in the rear, the weather become۔d storm۔ywind and waves beat۔d the boat, flood۔ing it.  Thus they awake۔d he, say۔ing, “Mastor, mastor!  Care not that we die?”  Therefore Jesus arise۔d, and rebuke۔d the wind, say۔ing to the waves, “Peace.  Be still.”  The wind cease۔d, and the lake calm۔d.  Then Jesus say۔d to they, “Why wuz yous so fearful?  How iz it yous have so little faith?”  Among theyselfs the apostles marvel۔d, ask۔ing, “What manner of man iz he, that even the wind and the lake obey he?”
            They anchor۔d on the far side of lake Galilee, in the country of the Gergesenes.  Nosooner had they come۔d ashore than out of the tombs come۔d a naked man, fierce, know۔d to be possess۔t by demons – nobody had been able to tame he.  Dur occasions he wuz keep۔t under guard۔ors, bind۔d with chains and shackles, but he would escape and return to the wilds.  When he see۔d Jesus he cry۔d out, “What have we to do with you, Jesus, you son of God?  I beseech you, torment me not.”  Jesus ask۔d he, “What iz your name?”  The man answer۔d, “Legion, because we iz many”, refer۔ing to the demons that possess۔d he.  Not far away a chun of swines, as many as one thousand, wuz feed۔ing on the hill۔side.  The demons in the man beg۔d Jesus to allow they to enter the swines, thus he grant۔d they permission.  Then the demons depart۔d the man and enter۔d the swines, and the entire chun run۔d violent۔ly down a steep shore into the lake, and drown۔d.  The swines’ chun mans run۔d to the town, and tell۔d what they witness۔d.  When the peoples come۔d to see, at the foots of Jesus sit۔d Legion, clothe۔d and with normal mind.  They wuz afraid, and beseech۔d Jesus to depart, thus he return۔d to the boat.  Legion ask۔d to depart with he, but Jesus say۔d, “Return to your home, and show what God have do۔d for you.”  Thus Legion go۔d his way.
            Jesus and his apostles re۔cross۔d lake Galilee to Capernaum, on the north·western shore, where many had gather۔d, and he wuz glad۔ly receive۔t.
            A man name۔t Jairus, a leadrule۔or of the synagogue, upon see۔ing Jesus, fall۔d at his foots, and beseech۔d he, say۔ing, “My daughter lay at death’s door.  Come, put your hand upon she, and she shall live.”  Jesus follow۔d he, along with his apostles and a throng.  As Jesus walk۔d, from behind he approach۔d a woman, afflict۔t dur twelve years with a blood disease; she had spend۔d all she had on heal۔ors, invain.  She push۔d forward in the crowd, and touch۔d Jesus’ garment, think۔ing that would cure she.  And straightaway the fountain of her blood dry۔d, and she feel۔d that her body wuz heal۔d.  Jesus, feel۔ing that virtue had go۔t out of he, turn۔d around and ask۔d of the crowd, “Who touch۔d my garment?”  The woman, fearful and tremble۔ing, fall۔d down before he, and admit۔d her deed.  Reply۔d Jesus, “Daughter, your faith have cure۔d you.  Go in peace, free of your infirmity.”  As Jesus wuz speak۔ing, there arrive۔d a messagor who say۔d to the leadrule۔or of the synagogue, “Your daughter iz dead.  Why further trouble the mastor?”  Jesus, overearhear۔ing, tell۔d the synagogue leadrule۔or. ”Fear not.  Only believe.”  As they approach۔d the house Jesus allow۔d only apostles Peter, James, and John to follow they.  They enter۔d amid much tumult, with loud weep۔in and wail۔ing, at the death of the twelve-years-old girl.  Say۔d Jesus, “Why so much ado?  The damsel iz not dead, but asleep.”  They laugh۔d scornful۔ly, but when he had send۔d they all outside, he and the parents enter۔d the room where the damsel wuz lay۔ing.  Jesus take۔d her hand, and say۔d to she, “Damsel, I say to you, rise.”  Straightaway she sit۔d up, and ask۔d for food.  All feel۔d astound۔t beyond measure, and Jesus tell۔d they to tell nobody what he had do۔d.  When he depart۔d, two blind mans follow۔d he, call۔ing out, “Son of David, have mercy on we.”  Jesus walk۔d into the house, and ask۔d they, “Do yous believe that I iz able to do this?”  They answer۔d, “Yes, Lord.”  Then he touch۔d they’s eyes, say۔ing, “In accordance with your faith, be it unto yous.”  And they’s eyes open۔d.  Jesus tell۔d they, “See that no man know it.”  But his fame continue۔d to spread across the land.
            Jesus return۔d to his birth·town Nazareth, and dur the Sabbath preach۔d in the synagogue.  Earhear۔ing he, peoples, as before, ask۔d each other, “From where come this teach۔in?  From where come his power to do miracles?  Iz he not a carpentor, the son of Joseph?  Iz not his mother Mary, and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?  Iz not his sisters among we?”  They feel۔d offend۔d by he.  Jesus comment۔d, “A prophet iz not without honor except in his own country, among his kins, and in his own house.”  In Nazareth he could not do many might۔y deeds, because of they’s non۔belief.
            Jesus visit۔d all towns and villages in Galilee, teach۔ing in they’s synagogues, preach۔ing the gospel of the king۔dom, and heal۔ing every sick۔ness and disease.  Toward the multitude he wuz fill۔d with compassion, as they wuz many, and scatter۔y, alike sheeps with no shepherd.  To his apostles he say۔d, “The harvest iz true۔by plentyful, but the labor۔ors iz few.  Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth reap۔ors for His fields.”  Then to his apostles Jesus give۔d the power to extract un۔clean spirits, and to heal all types of sick۔ness.  And he send۔d they forth, say۔ing, “Go nowhere among the gentiles, enter no Samarian town; go rather to the lost sheeps of Israel.  As yous go, preach, ‘The king۔dom of heaven iz at hand.’  Heal the sick, cleanse the lepors, extract demons, raise the dead.  Gratis yous have receive۔d, therefore gratis give.  Take neither gold nor silver nor brass in your purses, neither take a staffstick, nor bag, nor sandals, nor bread, nor an extra tunic – because the work۔man iz worth۔y of his food.  Upon enter۔ing a town, inquire who iz worth۔y, and until yous depart, abide there.  When yous enter a house, salute it.  If the house iz worth۔y, let your peace come upon it; if not worth۔y, let your peace return to yourself.  If they do not receive yous, depart that place, and shake it’s dust from your foots.  True۔ly I tell yous, it shall be more tolerable in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah dur the day of judgement, than in that town.  Behold, I send yous forth as sheeps into the midst of wolfs, therefore be as wise as serpents, yet as harm۔less as dovebirds.  Beware of mans, for they will deliver yous to councils, and flog yous in they’s synagogues.  Yous will be drag۔t in front of govern۔ors and kings because of me, but worry not how to answer they, because the spirit of your Father will speak through yous.  Brother will betray brother, fathers will betray they’s childs, as childs will rise up against they’s parents – kins will cause kins to be kill۔t.  Yous will be hate۔t because of me, but he who endure to the end will be save۔t.  When they persecute yous in one town, flee to the next.  The disciple iz not above his teach۔or, nor the servant above his mastor.  Because they have name۔d the mastor of the house ‘Beelzebub’, how much more will they malign those of his household!  Fear they not, because nothin iz hide۔t that shall not be reveal۔t.  What I tell yous in the dark, repeat in the light.  What yous earhear whisper۔t, shout from house۔tops.  Fear not those who kill the body but iz non۔able to kill the soul.”  Jesus ask۔d his apostles, “Iz not two sparrows sell۔t for a mere farthin?  Yet not one of they will fall to the ground without your Father’s notice.  Even the hairs on your head iz number۔d.  Therefore be not afraid; yous iz more value۔able than many sparrows.  Everybody, therefore, who acknowledge me in front of others, I will acknowledge in front of my Father in heaven; but whoever deny me in front of others, I will deny in front of God.  He who welcome yous, welcome me, and he who welcome me, welcome He who send۔d me.  He who welcome a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward, and he who welcome a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.  He who give even a cup of water to my disciple shall not be without reward.”  Then the twelve depart۔d, and preach۔d that peoples should repent.  They extract۔d demons, and many who wuz sick they anoint۔d with oil, and heal۔d.
            Herod Antipas, tetrarch of Galilee, keep۔d John the baptize۔or in prison, but he wuz reluctant to kill he because he fear۔d the reaction of the multitude, who regard۔d John as a prophet.  Dur a dinner celebration of Herod’s birthday, with many present, the daughter of his wife Herodias dance۔d for he, please۔ing he, whenupon Herod in front of his guests swear۔d an oath that he would give she whatever she ask۔d for, up to half of his king۔dom.  After consult۔ing her mother Herodias (who John had accuse۔d of being un۔lawful۔ly marry۔d to Herod), the damsel reply۔d to Herod, “Give me on a platter the head of John the baptize۔or.”  The tetrarch wuz sorry, but because of his oath he command۔d that John’s head be bring۔t to she.  Therefore in the prison the execution۔or behead۔d John, and bring۔d his head on a platter to the damsel, who give۔d it to her mother.  Afterward John’s disciples take۔d his body and bury۔d it, and go۔d to tell Jesus.
            When Jesus earhear۔d of John’s death, he depart۔d by boat to an arid place.  Soon afterward the apostles return۔d from they’s wander۔ins, and report۔d to Jesus what they had do۔d and teach۔d.  Then Jesus go۔d forth, and encounter۔d, wait۔ing for he on a grass۔y meadow, a great multitude, number۔ing ap 5,000 mans, besides womans and childs.  Feel۔ing compassion, because they wuz sheeps without a shepherd, he speak۔d to they about the king۔dom of God, and heal۔d those in need of heal۔in.  As evenin approach۔d his apostles come۔d to he, say۔ing, “The time iz late.  Send the multitude back to they’s villages to eat supper.”  Jesus reply۔d, “They need not depart.  Feed they.”  They answer۔d, “But we have only five barley breadloafs and two fishes.”  Jesus say۔d, “Bring they to me.”  He tell۔d the multitude to sit on the grass, then hold۔ing up the five breadloafs and two fishes and, look۔ing up۔ward to heaven, bless۔d they, and break۔d the breadloafs, and hand۔d they to his apostles, who distribute۔d they to all those gather۔d.  All eat۔d until full, and the leftovers fill۔d twelve baskets.  The witnesses to the miracle exclaim۔d, “He iz indeed the prophet foretell۔t to come into the world!”
            When Jesus had send۔d the multitude away, he tell۔d his apostles to go by boat ahead of he toward the west۔ward shore, and he walk۔d up a hill to pray alone.  On lake Galilee a strong wind blow۔d against the boat, cause۔ing big waves, thus the apostles row۔d strenuous۔ly.  That night on the dee۔four watch, Jesus go۔d out to they, walk۔ing on the water.  When his apostles see۔d he come۔ing, they believe۔d he wuz a spirit, and cry۔d out in fear.  Jesus say۔d, “Be of good cheer.  Be not afraid.  It iz I.”  Peter call۔d out, “Lord, if it iz you, ask me to come to you on the water.”  Jesus reply۔d, “Come.”  Thus Peter climb۔d off the boat, and he walk۔d on the water toward Jesus.  But at a gust of boisterous wind, he become۔d afraid, and begin۔d to sink, cry۔ing out, “Lord, save me!”  Jesus stretch۔d forth his hand, and grasp۔d it, say۔ing, “You of little faith, why do۔d you doubt?”  When Jesus step۔d into the boat, the wind calm۔d, and the apostles worship۔d he, say۔ing, “True۔ly you iz the son of God.”
            After cross۔ing the lake, they anchor۔d at Gennesaret, where peoples recognize۔d they.  Dur those days, whenever Jewans earhear۔d of Jesus’ location, they hurry۔d there, lay۔ing they’s sick in the roads, beseech۔ing he to cure they.  Jesus and his twelve apostles walk۔d north·east۔ward to Capernaum, where they encounter۔d many of those who had eat۔d from the five breadloafs, who had board۔d boats seek۔ing he.  Jesus say۔d to they, “Yous seek me not because yous witness۔d a miracle, but because yous eat۔d your fill of bread and fishes.  Do not work for food that decay; work for food that endure for eternal life, which the son of man shall give yous, because God the Father have grant۔d he authority to do so.  They ask۔d he, “What must we do, to perform the deeds of God?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Believe in he who He have send۔d.”  They ask۔d he, “What sign will you give we, so that we may see it and believe you?  Our forefathers eat۔d manna in the wilder۔ness; it wuz write۔t in the scriptures, ‘He give۔d they bread from heaven to eat.’”  Jesus say۔d, “True۔ly I tell yous, it wuz not Moses who give۔d the bread from heaven, but my Father who give yous the true bread from heaven.  The bread of God iz that which come down from heaven and give life to the world.”  They beseech۔d he, “Lord, give we this bread always.”  Jesus answer۔d, “I iz the bread of life.  I iz the bread come۔d down from heaven.  He who come to me shall never hunger, and he who believe in me shall never thirst.  Yet yous have see۔d me, and do not believe.  The will of my Father iz that everybody who see the son, and believe in he, may have everlast۔y life; and I will raise they up on the last day.”  Jewans mutter۔d among theyselfs, say۔ing, “Iz Jesus not the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know?  How can he say, ‘I have come down from heaven?’”  Jesus say۔d to they, “Murmur not among yourselfs.  Nobody can come to me unless the Father who send۔d me bring۔d he toward me.  Your forefathers do۔d eat manna in the wilder۔ness, but they iz dead.  Of the bread that come down from heaven, yous may eat it and not die.  I iz the live۔in bread that come down from heaven; if anybody eat of this bread, he shall live forever.  The bread that I give iz my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”  Jewans discuss۔d among theyselfs, ask۔ing, “How can this man give we his flesh to eat?”  Jesus respond۔d, “True۔ly I tell yous, unless yous eat the flesh and drink the blood of the son of man, yous have no life in yous.  He who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, because my flesh iz indeed food, and my blood indeed drink.  He that eat my flesh and drink my blood reside in me, and I in he.”  When Jesus finish۔d speak۔ing, many of his follow۔ors go۔d back the way they had come, vow۔ing to walk with he no more.  The apostles say۔d to theyselfs, “This teach۔in iz difficult.”  Jesus ask۔d the twelve, “Will yous go away also?”  Peter answer۔d he, “Lord, to who shall we go?  You speak of eternal life.  We iz certain that you iz the Christ, the son of the live۔in God.”  Jesus answer۔d they, “Have I not choose۔d yous twelve?  But one of yous iz a devil.”
            They depart۔d Galilee, and journey۔d north·west۔ward toward Tyre, on the eastern coast of Great Oceansea, where Jesus hope۔d he would not be recognize۔t.  But a woman – a Hellasan gentile from Suriyah۔y Phoenicia – enter۔d the house where Jesus wuz stay۔ing, say۔ing, “Have mercy on me, Lord, son of David.  My daughter iz torment۔d by a demon.”  The apostles urge۔d Jesus, “Send she away, because she shout۔d at we.”  Jesus say۔d to she, “I wuz send۔d here only to help the lost sheeps of Israel.”  The woman kneel۔d before he, say۔ing, “Lord, help me.”  Jesus say۔d, “Let the childs of Israel first be fill۔t, because it iz not fair to take childs’ bread and give it to dogs.”  The woman reply۔d, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs under the mastor’s table eat the crumbs drop۔d by the childs.”  Jesus say۔d, “For say۔ing that, go your way.  The demon have depart۔d your daughter.”  When the woman return۔d home, her child wuz lay۔ing on her bed, with the demon gone.
            Jesus return۔d from Tyre to lake Galilee.  A multitude gather۔d, and they bring۔d to he a man with a speech impediment who wuz deaf, beseech۔ing the heal۔or to put his hands on he.  Jesus put۔d his finger into deaf man’s ears, spit۔d, and touch۔d the man’s tongue, then, look۔ing up۔ward to heaven, he sigh۔d, and say۔d, Be open۔d.”  Straightaway the man’s ears wuz open۔d, and the string of his tongue wuz loose۔d, so he speak۔d plain۔ly.  Witnesses wuz astonish۔t, say۔ing, “He have do۔d all things well; he make the deaf earhear, and the dumb speak.”  Jesus implore۔d they to tell nobody, but they broadcast۔d his feats.
            From lake Galilee Jesus walk۔d up a mountain, and sit۔d there.  A great multitude follow۔d, bring۔ing with they many who wuz lame, blind, dumb, maim۔t, and many others.  They put۔d they at Jesus’ foots, and he heal۔d they.  The crowd wuz amaze۔t to witness the dumb speak, the lame walk, the blind see, the maim۔t heal۔d.  They glorify۔d the God of Israel.  
            After three days Jesus say۔d to his apostles, “I have compassion for this crowd, but they have nothin to eat.  I shall not send they away hunger۔y, lest they faint enroute home.”  His apostles ask۔d, “Here in the wilder۔ness, where can we find food for so many?”  Jesus ask۔d, “How many breadloafs have yous?” and they answer۔d, “Seven, and a few little fishes.”  Jesus tell۔d the crowd to sit, and he take۔d the seven breadloafs and fishes, and give۔d thanks, and break۔d they, and give۔d they to his apostles, who distribute۔d they to the multitude.  Therefore as before, all eat۔d and wuz fill۔d, and seven basketfuls remain۔d.  After he had send۔d they away, he board۔d a boat toward Magdala, on the western shore of the lake.
            Pharisees and the Sadducees arrive۔d, and to test Jesus they ask۔d he to show they a sign from heaven.  He answer۔d, “When yous see a cloud rise in the west, yous say, ‘Here come rain,’ and so it iz.  When yous feel the north۔ward wind blow, yous say, ‘There shall be heat,” and heat come.  Yous hypocrites, yous can discern the appearance of the sky, but yous can·not discern the sign of the times.  A wicked and adulterous birthcycle seek a sign, but there will be no sign show۔t they except the sign of the prophet Jonas.  Why do yous not judge for ourselfs what iz correct?”  And from they he depart۔d.
            With the apostles, Jesus board۔d a boat to re۔cross the lake.  The apostles had forget۔d to bring bread, and onboard they had only one breadloaf.  Jesus caution۔d they, say۔ing, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which iz hypocrisy.  Discuss۔ing his warn۔in, they decide۔d, “It iz because we have no bread.”  Jesus say۔d to they, “Yous of little faith, why iz yous talk۔ing about have۔ing no bread?  Do yous not perceive or comprehend?  Iz your hearts harden۔d?  Do yous have eyes and fail to see?  Do yous have ears and fail to earhear?  And do yous not remember?  When I break۔d the five breadloafs among five thousand, how many basket۔fuls remain۔d?”  They answer۔d, “Twelve.”  “And from the seven loafs among the four thousand, how many basket۔fuls remain۔d?  They say۔d, “Seven.”  Jesus ask۔d they, “How iz it that yous do not comprehend?”
            In Bethsaida, on the north·eastern shore, they bring۔d he a blind man, and beseech۔d Jesus to touch he.  Thus he take۔d the blind man by the hand, and lead۔d he out of the town, and when he had spit۔d in his eyes, and put۔d his hands on he, he ask۔d he if he could see.  The man look۔d up۔ward, and say۔d, “I see mans as trees, walk۔ing.”  Jesus again put۔d his hands on the man’s eyes, and ask۔d he to look up۔ward; the man’s sight wuz restore۔d, and he see۔d every man clear۔ly.  Depart۔ing he, Jesus say۔d, “Neither go into the town, nor tell any town·folks.”
           Far۔er north۔ward, at city Caesarea Philippi, Jesus ask۔d his apostles, “Who do peoples say I iz?”  They reply۔d, “Some say you iz John the baptize۔or, some say Elijah, others Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.”  Jesus ask۔d, “But who do yous say I iz?”  Peter answer۔d, “You iz the Christ.”  Jesus respond۔d, “Bless۔d iz you, son of Jonah.  Because not flesh and blood but my Father in heaven have reveal۔d this to you.  True۔ly I tell you, Peter, on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I will give yous the keys to the king۔dom of heaven, and whatever yous forbid in the world will be forbid۔t in heaven, and whatever yous permit in the world will be permit۔t in heaven.”  Jesus instruct۔d his apostles to tell nobody that he wuz the messiah, the Christ.  “The son of man must suffer many things, and be reject۔t by the oldstors and chief priests and scribes, and be kill۔t, and rise after three days.”  Peter take۔d he aside and chide۔d he, say۔ing, “God forbid it, Lord.  That shall not happen to you.”  Jesus reply۔d to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan.  You offend me.  You iz not savor۔ing the things of God, but the things of mans.”  Then he say۔d to his apostles, “If any man come after me, let he deny hisself, and take up his crucifix, and follow me.  Whoever will save his life shall lose it, and whoever will lose his life for my sake shall save it.  How do a man benefit if he gain the entire world, but lose hisself?  Whosoever shall feel ashamed of me and my words, of he shall the son of man feel ashamed when he arrive in his own glory, and in his Father’s.  I tell yous true۔ly, some among yous stand۔ing here will not taste death before yous see the king۔dom of God.
            After six days Jesus lead۔d disciples Peter, James, and John up a mountain.  As they pray۔d, Jesus’ image wuz transform۔t:  his face shine۔d alike the sun, and his clothes glow۔d white as snow.  Moses and Elijah appear۔d in glory, and the three mans discuss۔d Jesus’ come۔ing final days in Jerusalem.  As Moses and Elijah wuz depart۔ing, Peter say۔d to Jesus, “Mastor, it iz good for we to be here.  Lets erect three tabernacles (tents), one for each of yous.”  Justthen a cloud overshadow۔d they, frighten۔ing the disciples, and from it a voice say۔d, “This iz my beloved son.  Earhear he.”  When the cloud disappear۔d, Moses and Elijah had vanish۔d.  On the way down the mountain Jesus instruct۔d they to tell nobody what they had witness۔d until the son of man had revive۔d from death.  The apostles ask۔d theyselfs what that could mean, and they ask۔d Jesus why the scripture say that Elijah must come first.  Jesus reply۔d, “Elijah have already come, but they dint know he.”  The apostles comprehend۔d that he speak۔d of John the baptize۔or.  Add۔d Jesus, “It wuz write۔d that the son of man will suffer many things, and be reject۔t.”
            The next day, down from the mountain, peoples flock۔d around Jesus.  Among they, a man cry۔d out, “Mastor, I beseech you, look at my son (my only child), a lunatic.  A spirit have possess۔d he, and he shriek, and convulse until he foam at the mouth and iz bruise۔t terrible۔ly.  Often he fall into fire, and into the water.  I beg۔d your apostles to extract the demon, but they could not.”  Jesus reply۔d, “You faith۔less and perverse birthcycle, how much long۔er must I endure yous?”  To the man he say۔d, “Bring he to me.”  Thus they bring۔d he, and when the demon see۔d Jesus he throw۔d the boy to convulsions, cause۔ing he to roll around on the ground and foam at the mouth.  Jesus ask۔d the father, “How long have he been alike this?”  “From child۔hood,” the man answer۔d; “If you can do anythin, take pity on we and help we.”  “If?” repeat۔d Jesus; “All things iz possible for he who believe.”  Exclaim۔d the father, “I believe!  Help me in my non۔belief!”  As more peoples come۔d run۔ing, Jesus rebuke۔d the evil spirit, say۔ing, “You deaf and mute spirit, I command you, come out of he, and enter he no more!”  The spirit shriek۔d, convulse۔d the boy violent۔ly, and come۔d out.  The boy so much resemble۔d a corpse, that many declare۔d, “He iz dead!”  But Jesus take۔d the boy’s hand, and lift۔d he to his foots.  Later when Jesus go۔d into a house, his apostles ask۔d he private۔ly, “Why could not we extract the demon?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Because of your non۔belief.  If yous have faith even the size of a mustard see۔d, yous can say to this mountain, ‘Move to that place,’ and it will move, and nothin will be impossible for yous.”
            They depart۔d, and while they wuz still in Galilee, Jesus say۔d again to his apostles, “The son of man will be deliver۔t into the hands of mans, and they shall kill he, and on the third day he shall be raise۔t again.”  And they wuz exceed۔by sorry.
            When they wuz back in Capernaum a collect۔ort of the temple tax ask۔d Peter, “Do your teach۔or not pay?”  Peter answer۔d, “Yes, he do.”  When he return۔d to the house, before he mention۔d it, Jesus say۔d, “What do you think, Peter?  From who do kings of the world take tribute, from they’s own citizens, or from others?”  Peter reply۔d, “From others.”  Say۔d Jesus, “Thus they’s own citizens iz exempt.  However, so that we shall not offend, go to the lake, cast a hook, and in the mouth of the first fish you catch you will find a coin.  Give it to the tax·collect۔or, from you and me.”
            Back in the house the apostles argue۔d among theyselfs about which of they wuz great۔est.  Jesus call۔d a little child to he, and set۔d he in the midst of they, and say۔d to the twelve, “True۔ly I tell yous, unless yous become alike childs yous shall not enter the king۔dom of heaven.  Whoever humble hisself to the level of this child, shall be great۔est in the king۔dom of heaven.  Whoever welcome one such little child in my name, welcome me, and whoever welcome me, welcome He who send۔d me.  He that iz least among yous shall be great۔est.”  Apostle John say۔d, “Mastor, we see۔d a man extract۔ing demons in your name, but he wuz not one of your follow۔ors, therefore we forbid۔d he.”  Jesus reply۔d, “Forbid he not, because nobody who do miracles in my name would soon speak evil of me.  Whoever iz not against we iz for we.  Whoever give you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, he shall sure۔ly not lose his reward.  But for whoever lead one of these little ones astray, it would be better that a millstone be put۔t around his neck, and he drown in the lake.  If your hand commit evil, cut it off, because it iz better to go through life maim۔t than have two hands and go to hell, where the fire can·not be quench۔t.  If your foot iz at fault, sever it and throw it away; better lame than with both foots to enter hell.  If your eye iz the culprit, pluck it out, because it iz better that with one eye you enter the king۔dom of God than with two eyes be condemn۔t to hell.  Woe to the world because of peoples’ offenses; offenses will occur, but woe to they from who they occur.  Take care that yous do not despise one of these little ones, because, I tell you, in heaven they’s angels always behold the face of my Father.  The son of man have come to save those who iz lost.  Salt iz good, but if salt have loose۔d it’s salt۔yness, how can yous flavor with it?  Have salt in yourselfs, and be at peace with yourselfs.”  Then he ask۔d, “What do yous think?  If a shepherd have one hundred sheeps, and one go astray, do he not depart from the 99 and search for the one lost?  If he find it, he rejoice more than for the 99 who never go۔d astray.  In the same manner, if a fellow worship۔or trespass against you, go to he in private and explain his fault.  If he listen not, go to he again with two or three witnesses.  If he still wont listen, report he to the church.  If he wont listen the church, then treat he alike a heathen or a tax·collect۔or.  Again I tell yous:  if two of yous agree upon anythin yous ask, my Father in heaven shall grant it.  Because when two or three iz gather۔d in my name, I iz in they’s midst.”  Peter ask۔d, “If a fellow church membor repeat۔ly sin against me, how many occasions must I forgive he?  Seven?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Not seven, but, I tell you, seventy multiply۔d by seven.  The king۔dom of heaven iz alike a certain king who decide۔d to collect debts from his servants.  When he begin۔d to reckon, one who owe۔d he 10,000 talents wuz bring۔d before he, but because he could not pay the king command۔d that he and his wife and childs and all they own۔d be sell۔t.  The servant lower۔d to his knees and beg۔d he, “Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay back everythin.  The king wuz move۔d with compassion, and release۔d he, and forgive۔d his entire debt.  That same servant go۔d out and approach۔d a fellow servant who owe۔d he a mere one hundred pence, and he grab۔d he by the throat, demand۔ing, “Pay me what you owe.”  His fellow servant lower۔d to his knees and beg۔d he, “Have patience, and I will pay it back.”  But he who wuz owe۔t one hundred pence refuse۔d, and had his debtor thrust۔t into prison until he could pay.  When fellow servants earhear۔d that, they wuz sorry, and tell۔d they’s king, who summon۔d the man, and say۔d, “You wicked servant.  Because you plead۔d with me, I forgive۔d all that you owe۔d me.  Should Not you alikewise have had mercy on your fellow servant?”  The king, furyous, hand۔d he to the official torture۔or, until he pay۔d back his entire debt.  Alikewise shall my heaven۔y father do unto yous if yous do not forgive each and every trespass۔or.”
            The feast of tabernacles wuz again approach۔ing.  Jesus’ brethren say۔d to he, “Go to Judea, to demonstrate the deeds you do, because nobody who want to be wide۔ly know۔d act in secret.  If you can do these things, show they to the world.”  They speak۔d thus because they do۔d not believe in he, Jesus know۔d, thus he reply۔d, “My time have not yet come, but your time iz always here.  The world can·not hate yous, but it hate me because I testify against it’s evil do۔ins.  Go yourselfs to the feast.”  After his brethren depart۔d from Galilee, Jesus alikewise head۔d south۔ward toward Jerusalem, not open۔ly, but in secret.
            Enter۔ing Samaria, a region of gentiles, he send۔d messagors ahead to a village to make preparations for he.  But the Samarians would not receive he, because he wuz head۔d to the Jew۔y festival.  When apostles James and John learn۔d of it, they say۔d, “Lord, will you command fire to come down from heaven, and consume they?”  Jesus rebuke۔d they, say۔ing, “You know not what type of spirit you iz.  The son of man do۔d not come to destroy mans’ lifes, but to save they.”  And they continue۔d onward to another village.
            As they proceed۔d into the region of Judea, a scribe say۔d to Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go.”  Jesus reply۔d, “Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the son of man have nowhere to lay his head.”  To another, Jesus say۔d, “Follow me.”  The man answer۔d, “Lord, allow me to first go and bury my father.”  Jesus say۔d to he, “Let the dead bury they’s dead.  Go and preach the king۔dom of God.”  And another say۔d, “Lord, I will follow you, but first let me go home and bid my family farewell.”  Jesus reply۔d, “No man who begin to plow, and then look back, iz suit۔able for the king۔dom of God.”
            In Jerusalem, at the feast of the tabernacles, Jewans seek۔d Jesus, ask۔ing, “Where iz he?”  They debate۔d among theyselfs, some say۔ing, “He iz a good man”, others, “He iz deceive۔ing the peoples.”  However, nobody speak۔d public۔ly in Jesus’ favor for fear of anger۔ing the Pharisees.
            Mid۔feast, Jesus go۔d to the temple, and teach۔d.  Jewans marvel۔d, ask۔ing, “How can this man have such learn۔in, never have۔ing been school۔t?  Jesus answer۔d, “The doctrine I teach iz not mine, but His who send۔d me.  If any man iz re۔solve۔d to do God’s will, he shall certain۔ly know whether the doctrine iz mine or God’s.  He who speak for hisself seek his own glory, but he who seek glory for the one that send۔d he show no un۔righteous۔ness.  Do۔d not Moses give yous the law?  Yet none of yous obey the law.  Why try to kill me?”  Peoples ask۔d, “Iz you possess۔d by a demon?  Who iz try۔ing to kill you?”  Jesus answer۔d, “I heal۔d a cripple, and yous iz all astonish۔t.  Moses – actual۔ly his forefathers – mandate۔d circumcision.  Therefore if a boy can be circumcise۔t dur the Sabbath without break۔ing Moses’ law, why be anger۔y at me for heal۔ing a man dur the Sabbath?  Judge not in accordance with appearance, but in accordance with righteous۔ness.”  Some in Jerusalem say۔d among theyselfs, “He claim they want to kill he, yet, lo, he speak bold۔ly, and they say nothin to he.  Do Judaism’s leadrule۔ors know that he iz indeed the messiah, the Christ?  Nobody know from where the Christ will come, yet we know where this man iz from.”  Jesus, teach۔ing in the temple, call۔d out, “Yous know me, and also know where I iz from.  I come not on my own, but on behalf of the One who send۔d me, who I know but yous do not know.”  Many peoples believe۔d in he, say۔ing, “When the Christ come, will he perform more miracles than this man have do۔d?”
            The Pharisees earhear۔d what other Jewans wuz say۔ing, and they’s chief priest send۔d officorts to arrest Jesus.  But no man lay۔d hands on he, because his clockhour had not yet come.  Jesus say۔d to those gather۔d around he, “Only a little long۔er will I be with yous; then I will go to He who send۔d me.  Yous shall seek me, but shall not find me; where I shall be, yous can·not come.”  Jewans ask۔d theyselfs, “Where will we go, that we wont find he?  Will he go among the gentiles, and teach they?”
            The Pharisees and chief priests, when the officorts return۔d, question۔d they, “Why have yous not bring۔d he?”  They reply۔d, “Never have anybody speak۔d alike this man.”  The Pharisees ask۔d they, “Iz yous also deceive۔t?  Have any leadrule۔ors or Pharisees believe۔d in he?  Those who know not the law iz curse۔t.”  Nicodemus, a lead۔ing Pharisee, who an evenin dur a previous feast of the tabernacle had converse۔d with Jesus, ask۔d, “Do our law judge a man before earhear۔ing he and know۔ing what he do?”  They answer۔d, “Iz you also from Galilee?  Search the scriptures, and you will find that from Galilee arise۔d no prophet.”  Thenupon they return۔d to they’s homes, and Jesus go۔d up the mountain of Olives.
            In the mornin Jesus return۔d to the temple, and peoples sit۔d around he, and he teach۔d they.  The scribes and Pharisees bring۔d forth a woman, and when they had stand۔d she in they’s midst, they say۔d to Jesus, tempt۔ing he, so that they could accuse he, “Mastor, this woman wuz catch۔d in the act of adultery.  Moses, in accordance with his law, command۔d we to stone such a woman to death.  What do you say?”  Jesus stoop۔d, and scribble۔d on the ground, as though he had not earhear۔d they.  When they repeat۔d they’s question, Jesus stand۔d, and say۔d to they, “He who iz without sin, let he throw the first stone.”  Then he stoop۔d again, and scribble۔d on the ground.  Earhear۔ing that, the old۔est among the Pharisees, after a pause, walk۔d away, and the others follow۔d, one by one – each convict۔d by his conscience – until all had go۔t, leave۔ing the woman stand۔ing in the midst.  Jesus then ask۔d she, “Woman, where iz your accuse۔ors?  Have no man condemn۔d you?”  “No man, Lord,” she answer۔d.  Jesus say۔d, “Neither do I condemn you.  Go, and sin no more.”
            Call۔d out Jesus to those around he, “If any man thirst, let he come to me to drink.  He who believe in me – as the scripture have say۔d – out of his belly shall flow rivers of live۔in water.”  By “live۔in water” he mean۔d the spirit of truth, which those who believe۔d in he would later receive; the spirit of truth wuz not yet give۔t, because Jesus wuz not yet glorify۔t.
            Many Jewans, upon earhear۔ing he, say۔d, “True۔ly, he iz a prophet.  Others declare۔d, “He iz the Christ.”  But some ask۔d, “Shall Christ come out of Galilee?  Do not the scripture say, ‘Christ will come of the see۔d of David, out of the town of David, Bethlehem?’”  Thus peoples wuz divide۔d.  Some want۔d to seize he, but nobody lay۔d hands on he.
            Later, again in the temple, Jesus preach۔d, “I iz the light of the world:  he who follow me shall not walk in dark۔ness, but shall have the light of life.”  The Pharisees say۔d to he, “You iz testify۔ing on your own behalf, therefore your testimony iz not valid.”  Jesus answer۔d, “Even though I iz testify۔ing on my own behalf, my testimony iz valid, because I know from where I come۔d, and where I will go.  But yous do not know from where I come, nor where I shall go.  Yous judge by human standards; I judge nobody.  Yet if I judge, my judgement iz valid, because it iz not me alone who judge but me and the Father who send۔d me.  In your law it wuz write۔t that the testimony of two witnesses iz valid.  I testify on my own behalf, and the Father who send۔d me testify on my behalf.”  They ask۔d he, “Where iz your father?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Yous know neither me nor my Father.  If you know۔d me, yous would know my Father also.”  Then he say۔d to they, “I shall go my way, and yous shall seek me, and yous shall die because of your sins.  Where I shall go yous can·not come.”  Jewans wonder۔d outloud, “Will he kill hisself?”  Jesus say۔d, “Yous iz from below; I iz from above.  Yous iz of this world; I iz not of this world.  Because yous believe not that I iz he, yous shall die from your sins.”  They ask۔d he, “Who iz you?”  Jesus answer۔d, “I have been tell۔ing yous from the begin۔in.  I have much to say about yous, and much to condemn, but the One who send۔d me iz truthful, and I declare to the world only what I learn۔d from He.”  They do۔d not comprehend that he speak۔d to they of God, the Father.  Then say۔d Jesus, “When yous have lift۔d up the son of man, then shall yous know that I iz he, and that I do nothin for myself, but teach as the Father have teach۔d me.  He who have send۔d me iz with me:  the Father have not leave۔d me alone, for I always do things that please He.”  As he speak۔d, many believe۔d in he – and to they Jesus say۔d, “If yous live in accordance with what I teach, yous iz indeed my disciples.  Yous shall know the truth, and the truth shall make yous free.”  They respond۔d, “We iz descendants of Abraham, and have never been slaves to anybody.  What do you mean, the truth shall make we free?”  Jesus answer۔d, “True۔ly I say to yous, whoever commit sin iz a slave of sin.  The slave reside not in a house forever, but the son live forever.  Therefore if the son free yous, yous will indeed be free.  I know yous iz from Abraham’s see۔d, but yous seek to kill me, because there iz no room in your hearts for my teach۔in.  I speak that which I have see۔d with my Father, yet yous follow the advice of your father.”  They protest۔d, “Abraham iz our father.”  Jesus say۔d, “If yous wuz Abraham’s childs, yous would do the deeds of Abraham.  Instead, yous iz determine۔d to kill me, a man who have tell۔d yous truth that I earhear۔d from God.  Yous do the deeds of your father.”  They protest۔d, “We have one Father:  God.”  Jesus reply۔d, “If God wuz your Father, yous would love me.  Yous iz from your father, the devil, whose lust yous choose to imitate.  He wuz a murder۔or from the begin۔in, and abide۔d not in truth, because there iz no truth in he.  When he lie, he speak in accordance with his own nature, because he iz a lie۔or – the father of lies.  I tell yous the truth, but yous believe me not.  Which of yous convict me of sin?  He who iz of God, earhear God’s words; yous earhear they not, because yous iz not of God.”  Ask۔d Jewans, “Iz we not correct in say۔ing you iz a Samarian possess۔t by a demon?”  Jesus answer۔d, “I iz not possess۔t by a demon.  But I honor my Father, and yous un۔honor me.  I seek not my own glory.  True۔ly I tell yous, he who follow my teach۔in will never experience death.”  Jewans respond۔d, “Now we know that you iz possess۔t with a demon.  Abraham and the prophets iz dead, yet you say, ‘He who follow my teach۔in will never experience death.’  Iz you great۔er than our father Abraham, and the prophets, who iz dead?  Who do you claim to be?”  Jesus answer۔d, “If I honor myself, my honor iz nothin.  It iz my Father who honor me – he who yous claim to be your God.  Abraham foresee۔d my come۔in, and rejoice۔d.  Respond۔d Jewans, “You iz not yet fifty years old, and you have see۔d Abraham?”  Answer۔d Jesus, “True۔ly I tell yous, before Abraham wuz, I iz.”  Then they reach۔d down and pick۔d up stones, and hurl۔d they at he.  But Jesus hide۔d hisself in the crowd, and walk۔d out of the temple.
            Dur the Sabbath, as Jesus and his disciples (include۔ing the twelve apostles) wuz stroll۔ing along, they come۔d upon a man blind from birth.  The apostles ask۔d, “Mastor, who sin۔d?  This man or his parents, that he wuz birth۔d blind?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Neither have this man sin۔d, nor his parents.  He wuz birth۔d blind so that God’s deeds should be reveal۔t in he.  While it iz still day, I must do the work of He who send۔d me.  Soon will come the night.  Aslongas I iz in the world, I iz the light of the world.”  Then Jesus spit۔d on the ground, and make۔d clay of the spittle, and with the clay anoint۔d the eyes of the blind man, say۔ing, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam.”  The man go۔d away to wash, and when he return۔d he could see.  Then his neighbors ask۔d theyselfs, “Iz he not the blind man who sit۔d and beg۔d?”  Some say۔d, “It iz he”, but others, “It resemble he.”  He say۔d, “I iz he.”  Therefore they ask۔d, “How wuz your eyes open۔d?”  When he tell۔d they about Jesus, they ask۔d, “Where iz he?”  He answer۔d, “I know not.”  Then the neighbors lead۔d the man who wuz blind to a temple, where Pharisees ask۔d he how he had receive۔d his sight, and he tell۔d they.  Say۔d one of the Pharisees, “Your heal۔or iz not a man of God, because he observe۔d not the Sabbath.”  But ask۔d other Pharisees, “How could a sin۔or do such a miracle?”  Thus they wuz divide۔d.  They ask۔d the opinion of he who wuz blind, who answer۔d, “He iz a prophet.”  The Pharisees, still not believe۔ing, summon۔d the man’s parents, ask۔ing they, “Iz this your son?  Wuz he birth۔d blind?  How do he now see?”  The parents, fear۔ing they, answer۔d, “He iz indeed our son, birth۔d blind.  How he now see, we know not.  He iz an adult, therefore ask he; he will speak for hisself.”  The Pharisees tell۔d the blind man, “Give God the praise, because we know that your heal۔or iz a sin۔or.”  He answer۔d, “Whether he iz a sin۔or I know not.  I know only that, whereas I wuz blind, now I see.”  They ask۔d he again, “How do۔d he open your eyes?”  He reply۔d, “I tell۔d yous already, thus why do yous want to earhear it again?  Shall yous also be his disciples?”  They revile۔d he, say۔ing, “You iz his disciple, but we iz Moses’ disciples.  We know God speak۔d through Moses.  As for this fellow, we know not from where he come.”  He who had been blind say۔d, “He iz marvelous.  Never since the world begin۔d have we earhear۔d that anybody open۔d the eyes of somebody birth۔d blind.  If Jesus wuz not of God, he could not perform such a feat.”  The Pharisees retort۔d, “You, who wuz birth۔d in sin, dare teach we?”  And they push۔d he out.
            When Jesus earhear۔d of it, he find۔d he, and ask۔d he, “Do you believe in the son of God?”  He who had been blind answer۔d, “Who iz he, Lord, that I may believe in he?”  Jesus say۔d, “You have see۔d he, and it iz he who talk with you.”  And he say۔d, “Lord, I believe,” and worship۔d he.  Jesus say۔d, “For judgement I come into this world, that they who see not may see, and they who see may be render۔t blind.”  Some Pharisees, overearhear۔ing his words, ask۔d, “Iz we blind also?”  Jesus reply۔d, “If yous wuz blind, yous would have no sin.  But yous say, ‘We see’, therefore your sin remain.  True۔ly I tell yous, he who enter not by the gate of the sheeps’ pen, but climb in some other way, iz a thief and a rob۔or.  But he who enter by the gate iz the sheeps’ shepherd.  For he the gate·tend۔or open the gate, and the sheeps earhear his voice, and he call the sheeps by name and lead they out.  Then he walk ahead of they, and the sheeps follow he, know۔ing his voice.  A strangor they will not follow but will flee from, not know۔ing his voice.”  That parable Jesus tell۔d they, but they comprehend۔d it not, thus he explain۔d, “I iz the gate of the sheeps’ pen.  All who come۔d before me iz thiefs and rob۔ors, but the sheeps do۔d not earhear they.  I iz the gate: by me if any man enter, he shall be save۔t, and can go in and out and find pasture.  The thief come only to steal, to kill, to destroy.  I come so that the sheeps may live, and live abundant۔ly.  I iz the good shepherd.  The work۔ort who iz not the shepherd and own not the sheeps, see the wolf come۔ing and flee, so the wolf catch – and scatter – the sheeps.  As my Father know me, I know my Father, and I lay down my life for my sheeps.  Other sheeps, which belong not to this chun, I must bring in; they will earhear my voice, thus there shall be one chun, and one shepherd.  My Father love me, because I lay down my life.  No man take it from me; I lay it down myself.  I have the power to lay my life down, and to take it back.”
            Regard۔in Jesus, some Jewans say۔d, “He iz possess۔d by the devil.  He iz a lunatic.  Why listen he?”  Others say۔d, “His words iz not those as would come from the devil.  Can a devil open the eyes of the blind?”
            After those events Jesus appoint۔d 70 other disciples, and, after give۔ing they instructions similar to those he give۔d to his apostles before send۔ing they out to preach and heal, send۔d they in pairs ahead of he to places he intend۔d to visit.  Thus the 70 venture۔d forth, and later return۔d joyful۔ly, say۔ing, “Lord, in your name, even demons submit to we.”  Jesus reply۔d, “I watch۔d Satan fall from heaven alike a lightninbolt.  I have give۔d yous the power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and to trample on the power of the enemy, so nothin will harm you.  Rejoice not in your newfound power; rather, rejoice that your names iz write۔t in heaven.”  Jesus pray۔d, “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and of this world, that You have hide۔d these things from the wise and prudent, and have reveal۔d they to babes – for such wuz Your gracious will.”  To his disciples he say۔d private۔ly, “Bless۔t iz the eyes that see things yous see.  Many prophets and kings have desire۔d to see these things that yous see, but have not see۔d they, and to earhear these things that yous earhear but have not earhear۔d they.”
            A lawyor approach۔d Jesus, wonder۔ing, “Mastor, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”  Jesus ask۔d he, “What iz write۔t in the scriptures?”  He answer۔d, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind.  You shall love your neighbor as you love yourself.”  Jesus say۔d, “You have answer۔d correct۔ly.  Do that, and you shall live forever.”  The lawyor, want۔ing to justify his question, ask۔d, “Who iz my neighbor?”  Jesus answer۔d, “A certain man go۔d down۔ward to Jericho, and fall۔d among thiefs, who stripremove۔d his clothes, and beat۔d he, leave۔ing he almost dead.  After a period, a priest come۔d along, and, see۔ing the wound۔d man, pass۔d by on the other side of the road.  Alikewise arrive۔d a Levite, who also pass۔d by without stop۔ing.  A certain Samarian, as he journey۔d along, when he see۔d the victim, feel۔d compassion, and tend۔d his wounds, flowpour۔ing on they oil and wine, then sit۔d he on his donkey, take۔d he to an guestlodge, and care۔d for he.  The next mornin as he depart۔d, to the host۔or he give۔d two denariuses, say۔ing, ‘Care for he, and if you spend more, next time I come I will pay you.’  Which of the three do you think wuz neighbor to the victim of thiefs?”  Reply۔d the lawyor, “He who show۔d mercy.”  Jesus say۔d, “Go, and do alikewise.”
            Journey۔ing onward, Jesus arrive۔d at a certain village, where a woman name۔d Martha receive۔d they into her house.  While Martha busy۔d herself with serve۔ing tasks, her sister Mary sit۔d at Jesus’ foots, listen۔ing his words.  Final۔ly Martha approach۔d Jesus and say۔d, “Do you not care that my sister have leave۔d me to serve alone?  Tell she to help me.”  Jesus respond۔d, “Martha, Martha, you iz bother۔t by many things.  But one thing iz needful:  that which Mary have choose۔d to do must be allow۔t she.”
            At another place, one of the apostles say۔d to Jesus, “Lord, teach we to pray, as John teach۔d his disciples.”  Jesus answer۔d, “When yous pray, say, ‘Our Father who iz in heaven, revere۔t be your name.  Your king۔dom have come.  Your will shall be do۔t, in this world as it iz in heaven.  Give we our day۔y bread.  And forgive we our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against we.  Lead we not into temptation, but deliver we from evil.’”  Jesus then say۔d, “Suppose you go to your friend’s house at mid۔night and ask, ‘Lend me three breadloafs, because a visit۔or have arrive۔d from his journey and I have nothin to serve he.’  And your friend answer, ‘Bother me not.  My door iz shut, and my childs iz in bed.’  Your friendship wuz not enough to motivate he to help you, but because of your persistence he will rise and give you what you ask.  I tell yous this.  Ask, and yous shall receive. Seek, and yous shall find.  Knock, and the door shall be open۔t.  Because everybody who ask will receive, those who seek will find, and for those who knock the door will open.” 
            From Jerusalem arrive۔d Pharisees and lawyors and scribes, and when the Pharisees notice۔d apostles eat۔ing bread with non۔wash۔t hands, they say۔d to Jesus, “Why not hold to the tradition of the oldstors?  Why eat bread with defile۔t hands?”  Jesus answer۔d they, “Yous Pharisees clean the outside of your cups and dishes, but inside yous iz full of greed and wicked۔ness.  Fools, do۔d not the One who make۔d the outside make the inside also?  Woe unto yous, Pharisees!  Yous tithe, but yous neglect justice and the love of God.  Yous love the up۔er seats in the synagogue, and greet۔ins in the markets.  Woe unto yous, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  Yous iz alike non۔mark۔t graves, over which peoples walk non۔notice۔t.  Isaiah prophesize۔d correct۔ly about yous hypocrites:  it wuz write۔t, ‘They honor me with they’s lips, but they’s hearts iz far from me; invain do they worship me; instead, they teach mans-make۔t rules as though they wuz doctrines.’  Yous hold to human tradition, but abandon the commandments of God.  Moses say۔d, ‘Honor your father and mother.  Whoever speak evil of they’s father and mother must sure۔ly die.’  But yous say that if a man tell his father and mother, ‘Whatever support I could have give۔d yous I iz offer۔ing instead to God’, then he iz nolonger obligate۔d to help they.  Thus do your tradition violate God’s commandment.  And many similar things yous do.”  Then Jesus call۔d the peoples to he, and say۔d, “Listen, all of yous, and comprehend.  Nothin from outside a man can defile he; it iz what come out of he, that defile a man.  If anybody have ears, let he earhear.”  Later when Jesus enter۔d a house, final۔ly away from the throng, Peter ask۔d, “Explain the parable to we.”  Respond۔d Jesus, “Iz yous without comprehension?  Do yous not yet comprehend that whatever enter the mouth go to the belly, and afterward go out as waste?  But that which come out of the mouth from the heart defile the man.  From the heart come evil intentions, murders, adulterys, fornications, thefts, blasphemys, lies.  These – not non۔wash۔t hands – defile a man.”  His apostles ask۔d, “Do you know that your words offend۔d the Pharisees?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Every plant that my heaven۔y Father do۔d not plant shall be uproot۔t.  Ignore they.  They iz the blind lead۔ing the blind.  And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into a ditch.”
            Outside, a multitude had gather۔d, so many peoples that they tread۔d on one another.  A man say۔d, “Mastor, you insult۔d we lawyors.”  Respond۔d Jesus, “Woe unto yous also, experts in religious law, because yous load peoples with grievous burdens, yet touch not the loads with even one of your fingers.  Woe unto yous!  Yous take۔d the key to the door of knowledge, and not only not enter yourselfs, yous hinder۔d others from enter۔ing.”
            Pharisees and scribes ask۔d question after question, hope۔ing to provoke Jesus, to trap he to say۔ing somethin they could utilize in accusations against he.
            Another of the throng ask۔d, “Mastor, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me.”  Jesus reply۔d, “Man, who make۔d me a judge or arbitrate۔or over you?  Take heed!  Beware of covet۔ness, because a man’s life consist not in the abundance of possessions.”
            To the crowd he say۔d, “I will tell yous a parable. The land of a certain rich man produce۔d a crop so abundant that he know۔d not where to storekeep it.  Think۔d he, ‘I will pull down my barn, and build one big۔er, there storekeep my harvest. then say to my soul, ‘Soul, you have enough for many years, therefore eat, drink, and be jolly.’  But God say۔d to he, ‘Fool, tonight your soul shall depart your body, and then to who shall your possessions belong?’  So it iz with those who storekeep treasures for theyselfs, but not for God.”  Peter ask۔d, “Lord, iz you tell۔ing this parable for we apostles, or for everybody?”  Reply۔d Jesus, “A faithful and prudent servant iz one who his mastor assign to manage the other servants, feed۔ing they, and he will be reward۔t when the mastor return home and see he work۔ing.  But if that servant, believe۔ing his mastor’s homecome۔in iz delay۔d, beat the servants and maidens, and drink to drunken۔ness, his mastor will arrive on a day non۔expect۔t, and move he to the ranks of the non۔faithful. That servant, who know۔d well his mastor’s will, but fail۔d to act upon it, will be whip۔t with many lashes.  But he who know۔d not his mastor’s will, yet act۔d in a manner worth۔y of punishment, will be whip۔t with few lashes.  From those to who much iz give۔t, much will be require۔t.  From those to who much iz entrust۔t, even more shall be ask۔t.”  Say۔d Jesus, “Be dress۔d for action.  Maintain your lamps burn۔ing.  Be alike servants await۔ing they’s mastor’s return from his wed۔in banquet, ready to open the door for he as soon as he knock.  Bless۔t iz those servants whose mastor, when he come at whatever clockhour, shall find wait۔ing; true۔ly I tell yous, he shall invite they to sit and eat, and he shall serve they.  Be sure of this:  if the mastor of the house had know۔d what clockhour the thief wuz come۔ing, he would not have been rob۔t.  Be therefore ready, because the son of man shall come at a time yous expect not.”
            Say۔d Jesus, “I come to bring fire to the world, and how I wish it wuz already kindle۔d!  But I have a baptism to undergo, and what a heavy burden I bare until it iz accomplish۔d!  Think not that I have come to bring peace in the world; I bring not peace, but division.  Henceforth fathers shall act against sons, and sons against fathers, mothers against daughters, and daughters against mothers.  Foes shall reside within the same household.  He who love his father or mother more than me iz not worth۔y of me, nor iz he who love his son or daughter more than me worth۔y of me.  Nor iz he who do not take up his crucifix and follow me, worth۔y of me.  He who find his life shall lose it, and he who lose his life for my sake shall find it.”
            Some of those present tell۔d Jesus about some Galileans whose blood Pilate had mix۔d with animal sacrifices.  Jesus answer۔d, “Do yous suppose the Galileans who suffer۔d such things wuz worse sin۔ors than other Galileans?  No, I tell yous, and unless yous repent, yous will alikewise die.  Of the 18 on who the tower of Siloam fall۔d, kill۔ing they, do yous think they wuz the worst sin۔ors of all who reside۔d in Jerusalem?  I tell yous, no, and unless yous repent, yous will die as they do۔d.”
            And he tell۔d a parable:  “A man had a fig tree in his vineyard, but when he go۔d seek۔ing fruits on it, he find۔d none.  Say۔d he to the vineyard tend۔ort, ‘See here:  for three years I have come look۔ing for fruits on this fig tree, and still I find none.  Why allow it to occupy space?  Cut it down.’  Answer۔d the tend۔ort, ‘Let it alone one more year.  I will dig around it, and add manure.’  If it produce fruits, good; if not, we shall cut it down.’
            Another day, as Jesus wuz teach۔ing dur the Sabbath, there appear۔d a cripple۔t woman who dur 18 years wuz bend۔d over, not able to stand straight.  When Jesus see۔d she, he call۔d she to he, and say۔d to she, ‘Woman, you iz free۔d from your infirmity.’  He lay۔d his hands on she, and immediate۔ly she stand۔d up straight, and glorify۔d God.
            But the leadrule۔ort of the synagogue, indignant because Jesus had heal۔d dur the Sabbath, tell۔d the crowd, “There iz six days per week dur which we ought to work.  Therefore, come dur those days, not dur the Sabbath.”  Jesus turn۔d to he and say۔d, “You hypocrite.  Do not each of yous dur the Sabbath free your oxes and donkeys from they’s stalls and lead they to water?  Ought not this woman, a descendant of Abraham, who Satan have cripple۔d dur 18 years, be free۔t from her bondage dur the Sabbath day?’  Earhear۔ing that, his adversarys wuz ashamed, and peoples rejoice۔d at the gloryous things Jesus wuz do۔ing.
            That winter Jesus return۔d to Jerusalem for the feast of the dedication.  In the temple, he walk۔d into Solomon’s portico.  Jewans gather۔d around he, and ask۔d, “How long will you hold we in suspense?  If you iz the Christ, tell we plain۔ly.”  Jesus answer۔d, “I have tell۔d yous, and yous dont believe.  The deeds that I do in my Father’s name testify about me.  But yous do not believe, because yous iz not of my sheeps.  My sheeps earhear my voice.  They follow me.  I give they eternal life, so they shall never die.  My Father, who have give۔d they to me, iz great۔er than all, and nobody can pluck they out of my Father’s hand.  I and my Father iz one.”  Then do۔d Jewans pick up stones, again to stone he.  Jesus say۔d, “Many good deeds I have show۔d yous from my Father.  For which of those deeds do yous stone me?”  Jewans answer۔d, “For good deeds we stone you not, but for blasphemy:  because you, a man, make yourself God.”  Jesus ask۔d, “Iz it not write۔t in your scriptures that God say۔d, ‘Yous iz gods’?  If those peoples who receive۔d God’s words wuz name۔d “gods” – and the scriptures can·not be annul۔t – how can yous say that I who the Father sanctify۔d to send into the world iz blaspheme۔ing because I say۔d, ‘I iz the son of God’?  If I iz not do۔ing the deeds of my Father, then do not believe me.  But if I iz do۔ing they, even though yous do not believe me, believe the deeds, so that yous may know, and believe, that the Father iz in me, and that I iz in the Father.”  They try۔d to seize he, but he escape۔d from they’s hands.  From the city he walk۔d east۔ward, and cross۔d river Jordan at the place where John had been baptize۔ing, and tarry۔d there.  Many come۔d to he, say۔ing, “John perform۔d no miracles, but everythin he say۔d about this man iz true.”  And there many believe۔d in he.
            Jesus journey۔d through towns and villages, teach۔ing, re۔cross۔ing the river to Galilee.  Ask۔d, “Iz there only a few who can be save۔t?”, he reply۔d, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, because many, I say to you, will seek to enter, and will not be able.  Once the mastor of the house have shut۔d the gate, when yous stand outside and knock, call۔ing, ‘Lord, Lord, let we in, He shall answer, ‘I know not from where yous come.’  Yous shall say, ‘We have eat۔d and drink۔d with you, and you have teach۔d in our streets.’  But He shall tell yous, ‘Depart me, yous work۔ors of iniquity.’  There shall be weep۔in and gnash۔in of tooths when yous see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the king۔dom of God, with yous yourselfs keep۔d out.  Peoples shall come from east, west, north, and south, and shall take they’s places in the king۔dom of God.  The last shall be first, and the first shall be last.”
            Later that same day arrive۔d some friend۔y Pharisees, say۔ing, “Depart, because Herod want to kill you.”  Jesus reply۔d, “Go, and tell that fox, ‘Behold, I extract demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and on the third day my work will be complete.  Yet today, tomorrow, and the next day I will continue here in Galilee, because sure۔ly no prophet will be kill۔t outside of Jerusalem.”
            Dur the Sabbath Jesus go۔d into the house of one of the chief Pharisees for a meal, and the guests watch۔d he close۔ly.  Present wuz a man who had dropsy.  Jesus ask۔d the scribes and Pharisees, ‘Iz it lawful to heal dur the Sabbath?’  But they wuz silent.  Therefore Jesus heal۔d the man, and send۔d he away.  When they object۔d, he reply۔d, “Which of you, if your ox or donkey fall۔d into a groundwell dur the Sabbath, would not pull it out?”  When they do۔d not answer, Jesus, have۔ing notice۔d how they had choose۔d the best seats at the dine·table, tell۔d they a parable.
            “When you attend a marriage feast, do not sit in the best seat, lest somebody more important arrive, and the host۔or be compel۔t to shame you by ask۔ing you to relinquish your seat.  Instead, sit in the low۔est regard۔t seat, and the host۔or may honor you by invite۔ing you to move to a high۔er regard۔t seat.  Because they who exalt theyselfs shall be humble۔t, and they who humble theyselfs shall be exalt۔t.”  To his host۔or Jesus say۔d, “When you prepare a feast, invite not your kins, your friends, and your rich neighbors, because a return invitation will be your only reward.  Instead, invite the poor, the lame, the maim۔t, the blind.  They can·not pay back the favor, thus you will be bless۔t, and reward۔t at the resurrection of the just.”  One of the dinner guests comment۔d, “Bless۔t iz he who shall eat bread in the king۔dom of God.” Jesus say۔d to he, “A man prepare۔d a feast, and invite۔d many peoples.  When all wuz ready he send۔d his servant to bid they to come.  But, one after another reply۔d with excuses for why he could not attend.  One man had purchase۔d a piece of land that he need۔d to inspect.  Another had purchase۔d oxes he want۔d to test, so he also send۔d his regrets.  Another say۔d he had recent۔ly marry۔d, so could not come.  When the servant return۔d with the news, the mastor wuz anger۔y.  To his servant he say۔d, ‘Go out to the roads and hedges, and invite the poor, the maim۔t, the blind, the lame.’  The servant do۔d so, and report۔d, ‘Mastor, your commands have been fulfill۔t, yet at the table there iz still space.’  The mastor say۔d, ‘Go back to the roads and hedges, and compel they to come, so that my house will be fill۔t.  Because, I tell you, none of those who I first invite۔d will taste even a morsel from my table.’”
            Great crowds follow۔d Jesus.  He turn۔d to they and say۔d, ‘Whoever come to me and do not disregard his father and mother, his wife and childs, his brothers and sisters, even his own life, can·not be my disciple.  Whoever do not carry the crucifix, can·not be my disciple.  Because which of yous, intend۔ing to build a tower, do not first estimate the cost, lest, after lay۔ing the foundation you have not sufficient silver to continue, and thus be mock۔t.  Or what king, before start۔ing a war against another king, do not confer with counsel to determine whether his ten-thousands soldiors shall be able to defeat his enemy’s twenty thousands?  If they can·not, he will send forth an ambassador request۔ing peace.  Alikewise, those who do not forsake all they possess can·not be my disciples.  Salt iz good, but once it have lose۔d it’s flavor, it can·not be restore۔t, so it iz suit۔able neither for soil nor manure.  Yous who have ears, earhear.”
            Among those gather۔d around listen۔ing Jesus wuz tax·collect۔ors and sin۔ors.  Notice۔ing they, Pharisees and scribes grumble۔d, say۔ing, “This man welcome sin۔ors, and eat with they.”  Ask۔d Jesus, “Who among yous, possess۔ing one-hundred sheeps, if he lose one of they, do not depart the ninety-nine and seek the one that iz lost?  When he find it, he carry it back on his shoulder and, return۔ing home, say to his friends and neighbors, ‘Rejoice with me, because I have find۔d my lost sheep.’  Alikewise shall be the joy in heaven over one sin۔or who repent, moreso than over ninety-nine who need no repentance.  And what woman, have۔ing ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, do not light a candle, and sweep her house, and search diligent۔ly.  When she find it, she call her friends and neighbors, say۔ing, ‘Be glad for me, because I have find۔d the silver piece that wuz lost.’  Alikewise iz there joy among angels when one sin۔or iz turn۔t away from wrong do۔in.”  Continue۔d Jesus, “A man had two sons.  The young۔er say۔d, ‘Father, give me the share of property that will be mine.’  So the man divide۔d his property between they.  Soon afterward the young۔er son gather۔d all he had, and travel۔d to a distant country, where he squander۔d his property on dissolute live۔in.  Later arise۔d in that country a famine; starve۔ing, he find۔d work feed۔ing pigs, and wuz reduce۔d to crave۔ing pigs’ food.  Think۔d he, ‘My father’s servants have bread to spare, yet I iz starve۔ing.  I shall return to my father, and tell he that I have sin۔d against heaven, and wrong۔d he, so iz nolonger worth۔y to be his son, and I will ask to be one of his servants.’  So he venture۔d home۔ward, and when he wuz still far away his father see۔d he, and wuz fill۔d with compassion, and he hug۔d he and kiss۔d he.  Say۔d the son, ‘I have sin۔d against heaven, and wrong۔d you, thus I iz nolonger worth۔y to be your son.’  But the father say۔d to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe, and put it on he, and put a ring on his finger, and shoes on his foots.  Kill the fat calf, so that we may feast, and be jolly.’  The old۔er son, as he return۔d from work۔ing in the field, earhear۔d music and dance۔in.  Thus he call۔d one of the servants, and ask۔d the mean۔in.  The servant reply۔d, ‘Your brother have return۔d, and in celebration, we have kill۔d the fat calf.  But the old۔er son feel۔d anger۔y, and would not enter the house, thus his father come۔d out and entreat۔d he.  But he answer۔d his father, ‘Dur all these years I have work۔d for you, never un۔obey۔ing your commands, and you never give۔d me even a goat, that I may feast with my friends.  Yet when your young۔er son return, after squander۔ing your property on harlots, you kill for he the fat calf.’  Reply۔d the father, ‘Son, you iz always with me, and all I have iz yours.  But it iz correct that we should be jolly, because your brother, who wuz dead, iz alive again.  He wuz lost, and now iz find۔t.’”
            Later, to his apostles, Jesus say۔d, “There wuz a certain rich man, whose steward wuz accuse۔d of waste۔ing products.  Therefore he summon۔d the steward and say۔d, ‘What iz this I earhear about you?  Give me an account۔in of your stewardship, because you can nolonger be my steward.’  Think۔d the steward, ‘With no job, how will I survive?  I nolonger have the strength to dig, and I iz too ashamed to beg.  Ah, I know how to ensure I will have friends who will be obligate۔t to me!’  Thus one by one he summon۔d all his mastor’s debtors.  He ask۔d the first, ‘How much do you owe my mastor?’  The man answer۔d, ‘One-hundred measures of olive oil.’  The steward say۔d, ‘On the bill, change the amount to fifty.’  Then to another he ask۔d, ‘How much do you owe?’  The debtort answer۔d, ‘One-hundred contain۔ors of wheat.’  Say۔d the steward, ‘Bring forth the bill, and write eighty.’  And so with the others.  The rich man, earhear۔ing of it, commend۔d his un۔honest steward for act۔ing shrewd۔ly.  Because it iz true that childs of this world iz shrewd۔er deal۔ing with the world around they than iz childs of the light.  I tell you, alike the steward, utilize your un۔honest۔ly gain۔d wealth to make friends for yourself, so that when it iz go۔t, you will be welcome to they’s eternal habitations.  Whoever can be trust۔t with little, can be trust۔t with much; and whoever iz un۔honest with little, will be un۔honest with much. No servant can serve two mastors; he will hate one and love the other, be devote۔t to one and despise the other.  Yous can·not serve both God and mammon.”  Earhear۔ing of it, Pharisees, who wuz covet۔y, deride۔d he.  Jesus say۔d to they, “Yous justify yourselfs in the sight of others, but God know your hearts.  That which iz exalt۔d by peoples iz an abomination in the sight of God.  The law and the prophets wuz in effect until John arrive۔d; since then the king۔dom of God have been proclaim۔t, and peoples iz press۔ing to enter it.  It iz easy۔er for heaven and this world to end, than for one letter of the law to be change۔t.”
            Say۔d Jesus, “A certain rich man dress۔d in purple and expensive linen, and feast۔d sumptuous۔ly every day.  At his gate lay۔d a beg۔ort name۔d Lazarus, cover۔d with sores, crave۔ing the crumbs that drop۔d from the rich man’s table.  Dogs come۔d and lick۔d his wounds.  The poor man die۔d, and wuz carry۔d away by angels to be with Abraham.  Then the rich man die۔d, and wuz bury۔d; being torment۔d in hell, he see۔d, far away, Abraham, with Lazarus by his side.  He call۔d out, ‘Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water to cool my tongue, because I iz in agony in these flames.’  But Abraham reply۔d, ‘Remember that dur your life۔time you receive۔d good things, and Lazarus bad things, but now he iz comfort۔t and you iz torment۔t.  Moreover, between you and we iz a great chasm, which nobody can cross.’  Answer۔d he who wuz in hell, ‘I ask you, therefore, to send Lazarus to my father’s house, because I have five brothers; warn they, so that they shall not also come to this place of torment.’  Abraham reply۔d, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; let they earhear what they say.’  The former rich man object۔d, ‘No, Abraham, but if somebody go۔d to they from the dead, they would repent.’  Abraham reply۔d, ‘If they do not listen Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuade۔t by somebody rise۔d from death.’”
            Jesus say۔d to his apostles, “There will always be occasions when peoples succumb to temptation, but woe to the one who do the tempt۔ing!  It would be better for he if a millstone wuz hang۔d around his neck and he be throw۔t into the lake, than to cause somebody to stumble.  Heed!  If a fellow disciple trespass against you, rebuke he, and if he repent, forgive he.  If dur a single day he trespass seven times against you, and dur that day tell you that he seven times repent, forgive he.”  Request۔d the apostles, ‘Increase our faith.’  Answer۔d Jesus, “If your faith wuz only as big as a mustard see۔d, yous could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uproot۔t, and re۔plant۔t in the lake,’ and the deed would be do۔t.  But who among yous would say to your servant who had recent۔ly return۔d from plow۔ing a field or tend۔ing sheeps, ‘Come and sit with we for a meal’?  Would you not, instead, tell he, ‘Prepare supper for me.  Put on an apron and serve me while I dine.  Later you may eat and drink.’  Would you thank the servant for obey۔ing your command?  Alikewise, when yous have do۔d all that yous iz command۔t to do, say, ‘We iz non۔worth۔y servants.  We have mere۔ly do۔d our duty.’”
            In village Bethany, in region Judea, a friend of Jesus wuz sick:  Lazarus, brother of Mary and her sister Martha.  Thus the sisters send۔d a message to Jesus:  “Lord, he who you love iz grave۔by sick.”  Comment۔d Jesus, “The sick۔ness will not cause his death.  Rather, it iz for the glory of God, so that the son of God will be thereby glorify۔t.”  Jesus love۔d Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.  Two days later he say۔d to his apostles, “Lets return to Judea.”  Apostles object۔d, “Mastor, recent۔ly Jewans there try۔d to stone you; will you go there again?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Iz there not twelve clockhours of daylight?  Those who walk dur daylight do not stumble, because they see the light of the world.  But those who walk at night stumble, because the light iz not in they.”  He add۔d, “Our friend Lazarus iz asleep, so I shall go there to awake he.”  Say۔d apostles, “Lord, if he iz sleep۔ing, he will recover.”  Jesus, however, wuz speak۔ing not of sleep but of death, thus he clarify۔d, “Lazarus iz dead.”  He add۔d, “For your sakes, I iz glad I wuz not there, so that yous may have faith.  Lets now go to he.”  Say۔d Thomas to the other apostles, “Lets go, so that we may be with he in death.”  Therefore they journey۔d to Judea; approach۔ing Bethany, they learn۔d that Lazarus had die۔d, that he wuz already four days in his tomb, that many Jewans had arrive۔d from nearby Jerusalem to console Mary and Martha.  When the sisters earhear۔d that Jesus wuz come۔ing, Mary remain۔d with the mourn۔ors, while Martha walk۔d out to meet he.  Encounter۔ing Jesus, she say۔d, “Lord, if you had only been here, my brother would not be dead.  But I know that even now, whatever you ask of God, God will grant it to you.”  Jesus reply۔d, “Your brother will rise again.”  Say۔d Martha, “I know that he will rise again, in the resurrection at the last day.”  Jesus say۔d to she, “I iz the resurrection and the life.  Those who believe in me, even if they die, shall live.  Whoever believe in me will never die.  Do you believe this?”  “Yes, Lord,” answer۔d Martha; “I believe you iz the Christ, the son of God, who have come into the world.”  And she hasten۔d back to secret۔ly tell her sister Mary, say۔ing, “The mastor have arrive۔d, and iz call۔ing for you.”  Mary, inform۔d, quick۔ly depart۔d the house, accompany۔d by a few mourn۔ors, leave۔ing the others to suppose that she wuz go۔ing to the tomb to weep.  When she reach۔d Jesus, who wuz wait۔ing outside the village, she kneel۔d at his foots, say۔ing, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not be dead.”  When Jesus see۔d her weep۔ing, and see۔d the mourn۔ors weep۔ing who had come۔d with she, his spirit۔d wuz move۔d.  He ask۔d, “Where have yous lay۔d he?”  They answer۔d, “Come and see, Lord.”  And as they walk۔d, Jesus also weep۔d.  Mourn۔ors comment۔d to one another, “See how dear Lazarus wuz to he.”  But some ask۔d each other, “Could not this man, who have open۔d the eyes of the blind, not have prevent۔d this death?”  Jesus, wipe۔ing his tears, arrive۔d at the tomb:  a cave with a boulder block۔ing it’s open۔in.  Say۔d he, “Remove the stone.”  Object۔d Martha, “Lord, by now the corpse will be smell۔y, because my brother have been dead four days.”  Jesus say۔d, “Do۔d I not tell you that if you had faith you would witness the glory of God?”  So they roll۔d away boulder, and Jesus, look۔ing up۔ward toward the sky, say۔d, “Father, thank you for earhear۔ing me.  I know You always earhear me, but I say۔d that for the sake of this crowd, that they may believe You send۔d me.”  Then in a loud voice, Jesus call۔d, “Lazarus, come out!”  Soon, in the mouth of the cave, appear۔d he had who been dead, walk۔ing forth, his hands and foot and face wrap۔d with grave clothes.  The crowd cry۔d out in astonishment.  Jesus say۔d, “Dis۔wrap he, and let he go.”
            Many mourn۔ors, therefore, believe۔d in Jesus.  But some go۔d to the Pharisees, and tell۔d what Jesus had do۔d.  The chief priests and the Pharisees then gather۔d for council, ask۔ing each other, “What shall we do?  Because this man perform many miracles.  If we leave he alone, everybody will believe in he.”  Thenupon Caiaphas, the high priest for that year, prophesize۔d that Jesus should die.  From that day onward, they plot۔d to kill Jesus
            Jesus therefore nolonger walk۔d as open۔ly among Judean Jewans, but go۔d to village Ephraim, near the wilder۔ness, where he stay۔d with his apostles. 
            After a while Jesus journey۔d through Samaria, and into southern Galilee.  As he enter۔d a certain village, he encounter۔d ten lepors, who stand۔d a distance away.  They raise۔d they’s voices, cry۔ing, “Mastor, have mercy on we!”  Jesus answer۔d, “Go show yourselfs to the priests.”  And as they go۔d away, they wuz cleanse۔d.  One of they, a Samarian see۔ing hisself heal۔d, turn۔d back, and with a loud voice glorify۔d God.  He kneel۔d at Jesus’ foots, and thank۔d he.  Jesus ask۔d, “Wuz not ten cleanse۔d?  Where iz the other nine?  Have none of the Jewans return۔d to praise God?  Only this strangor?”  To the Samarian he say۔d, “Arise.  Go your way.  Your faith have make۔d you complete.”
           Later, ask۔d when the king۔dom of God would come, Jesus answer۔d, “The come۔in of the king۔dom of God shall not be observe۔able.  Peoples shall not say, ‘Look here!’ or ‘Look there!’  Because the king۔dom of God iz within you.” 
            To his apostles, Jesus say۔d, “By this birthcycle, the son of man must endure rejection and great suffer۔in.  The time will come when yous will yearn for the day when he return, but yous will not see it.”       Then Jesus tell۔d his apostles a parable about the importance of pray۔ing and not abandon۔ing hope.  “In a certain town live۔d a judge who neither fear۔d God nor respect۔d peoples.  Bother۔ing he wuz a woman, insist۔ing, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’  Dur a period, the judge refuse۔d, but final۔ly, to rid hisself of the annoyance, decide۔d to grant she justice.  Jesus say۔d, ‘Learn from the un۔just judge.  Even he render۔d a just decision.  Will not God grant justice to those who appeal to he day and night?  Will he delay long in help۔ing they?  I tell yous, He will grant they justice prompt۔ly.”  Jesus add۔d, “Yet when the son of man return, will he find faith in the world?”
            To certain peoples convince۔d of they’s righteous۔ness and who regard۔d others with contempt, Jesus tell۔d a parable.  “Two mans, a Pharisee and a tax·collect۔or, enter۔d a temple to pray.  The Pharisee pray۔d, ‘God, thank You that I iz not alike other mans:  thiefs, rogues, adulterors, or even alike this tax·collect۔or.  I foodfast twice per week, and tithe a dee۔ten of my earn۔ins.’ The tax·collect۔or, meanwhile, stand۔ing far away, not even lift۔ing his eyes toward heaven, beat۔d his chest, pray۔ing, ‘God have mercy on me, a sin۔or.’  I say to yous:  that man, not the other, go۔d home with God’s approval.  He who exalt hisself shall be humble۔t, and he who humble hisself shall be exalt۔t.”
            Jesus depart۔d Galilee, and, with many follow۔ing, he venture۔d south·east۔ward, cross۔ing river Jordan, to the land opposite Judea.  Whenever he stop۔d, crowds gather۔d around he and, as wuz his custom, he teach۔d they.
            Some Pharisees approach۔d, ask۔ing (to test he), “Iz it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason?”  Respond۔d Jesus, “What do۔d Moses command?”  They answer۔d, “Moses allow۔d a man to write a certificate of dismissal, and to divorce she.”  Jesus say۔d, “Because of the hard۔ness of your hearts, he write۔d that rule.  But in the begin۔in God create۔d male and female.  Therefore a man shall depart his father and mother and join his wife.  They iz therefore nolonger two, but one flesh.  What God join۔d together, let nobody separate.  I say to you, whoever divorce his wife for any reason except her un۔chastity, and marry another, commit adultery.  And if she divorce her husband and marry another, she commit adultery.  Disciples say۔d to he, “If such iz the case, better not marry.”  Jesus say۔d, “Not everybody need marry.  Because there iz eunuchs who have been so since birth, and eunuchs who have been make۔t so by others, and eunuchs who have make۔t theyselfs eunuchs for the sake of the king۔dom of heaven.  Let everybody accept this who can.”
            Peoples bring۔d little childs, so that Jesus could lay his hand on they, and bless they.  Apostles, see۔ing that, rebuke۔d the parents.  But Jesus say۔d, “Let the little ones come to me, because the king۔dom of God belong to such as these.  True۔ly I tell yous, whoever do not receive the king۔dom of God alike a little child, he shall in no way enter into it.”  And he take۔d the childs in his arms, and bless۔d they.
            A young leadrule۔ort ask۔d, “Good mastor, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?”  Jesus respond۔d, “Why call me good?  Nobody but God iz good.  But if you wish to enter into life, obey the commandments.”  The leadrule۔ort ask۔d, “Which?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Do not murder.  Do not commit adultery.  Do not steal.  Do not testify false۔ly.  Honor your father and mother.  Love your neighbor as much as yourself.”  The man reply۔d, “All those commandments I have obey۔d.  What lack I yet?”  Jesus answer۔d, “If you wish to be perfect, go sell all your possession, give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come, follow me.”  But earhear۔ing that, the young man go۔d away sorrowful۔ly, because he had great possessions.  Then Jesus say۔d to his apostles, “True۔ly I tell yous, it iz easy۔er for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the king۔dom of God.”  Apostles ask۔d, “Who then can have salvation?”  Jesus reply۔d, “What iz impossible for peoples alone iz possible with God.”  Peter say۔d, “See, we have leave۔d behind everythin, and follow۔d you.  What then shall we have?”  Jesus say۔d to they, “True۔ly I tell yous, at the renewal of all things, when the son of man iz seat۔d on the throne of his glory, yous also shall sit on twelve thrones, judge۔ing the twelve tribes of Israel.  Everybody who have depart۔d houses or parents, or kins, or wife, or childs for my sake shall receive a hundred۔fold as much, and inherit everlast۔y life.”  He continue۔d, “The king۔dom of heaven iz alike a land·own۔ort who go۔d out early in the mornin to hire labor۔ors for his vineyard.  When he had agree۔d with the labor۔ors to pay they one denarius for the day, he send۔d they into his vineyard.  Ap the third clockhour he go۔d out again, and see۔d others stand۔ing idle in the market·place.  He say۔d to they, “Go also to my vineyard, and I will pay yous whatever iz correct.  Thus they go۔d.  When he return۔d to the market·place dur the dee۔six clockhour (noon) and dur the dee۔nine clockhour he do۔d the same.  Alikewise dur the dee-eleven clockhour, and when he see۔d others stand۔ing idle he ask۔d they, ‘Why do yous stand here idle?’  They answer۔d, ‘Because nobody hire۔d we.’  The land·own۔or say۔d, “Go into my vineyard to work, and yous will receive what iz correct.’  When evenin arrive۔d, he say۔d to his steward, “Summon the labor۔ors and pay they’s wage, begin۔ing from last to first.  Thus to those hire۔d at the dee-eleven clockhour, the steward pay۔d one denarius.  When the first come۔d, they suppose۔d they would receive more money, but, after also receive۔ing one denarius, they grumble۔d to the land·own۔or, say۔ing, “Those last work۔d only one clockhour, while we work۔d all day in the scorch۔ing heat.  Reply۔d the land·own۔or, ‘Friends, I do۔d yous no wrong. Do۔d not I agree to pay yous one denarius?  Take the coin and go.  True, I give۔d the last the same that I give۔d yous; iz I not allow۔d to do what I choose with what belong to me?  Or iz yous envyous because I iz generous?  The last shall be first, and the first shall be last.  Many iz call۔t, but few iz choose۔t.”
            To his twelve apostles Jesus announce۔d, “Behold, we will go to Jerusalem, and all the things that wuz write۔d by the prophets about the son of man will be accomplish۔t.  The son of man shall be betray۔t unto the chief priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn he to death.  They shall deliver he to the gentiles, who will mock, and scourge, and crucify he, and on the third day he shall rise again.”
            Apostles James and John, the sons of Zebedee, approach۔d Jesus, say۔ing, “Teach۔or, we want you to grant we whatever we request.”  Jesus say۔d, “What do yous want me to do for yous?”  They answer۔d, “Let we be seat۔t, one on your rightside hand and the other on your leftside, in your glory.”  Jesus say۔d to they, “Yous do know not what you ask.  Iz yous able to drink the cup that I drink, and be baptize۔t with the baptism that I iz baptize۔d with?”  They reply۔d, “We iz able.”  Jesus say۔d, “The cup that I drink yous will drink, and be baptize۔t with the baptism that I iz baptize۔d with.  But to sit at my rightside or my leftside iz not mine to grant; decisions have already been make۔d on the assignment of those places.”  When the other ten disciples earhear۔d of it, they wuz indignant.  Thus Jesus call۔d they to he and say۔d, “Yous know that among the gentiles, leadrule۔ors dominate, with those leadrule۔ors under the authority of more powerful leadrule۔ors.  Not so shall it be among yous:  whoever wish to be great among yous, shall be your servant; and whoever wish to be first among yous shall be your slave.  Because the son of man come۔d not to be serve۔t but to serve, and to give his life for the salvation of many.”
            As Jesus, with a great multitude follow۔ing he, near۔d town Jericho, by the side of the road sit۔d blind Bartimaeus, son of Timaeus, beg۔ing.  Earhear۔ing the crowd, he ask۔d the mean۔in, and when tell۔d that Jesus of Nazareth wuz pass۔ing by, he cry۔d out, “Jesus, descendant of David, have mercy on me!”  Some rebuke۔d he, tell۔ing he to be silent, but he continue۔d to cry out for mercy.  Jesus, earhear۔ing he, ask۔d that he be bring۔t forward.  Therefore Bartimaeus, toss۔ing away his garment, rise۔d, and come۔d.  Jesus ask۔d he, “What do you want me to do for you?”  The blind man answer۔d, “Teach۔or, let me see again.”  Jesus say۔d, “Go.  Your faith have make۔d you complete.  Immediate۔ly the man receive۔d his sight, and follow۔d Jesus.
            They enter۔d Jericho, and wuz pass۔ing through it.  Among the spectate۔ors wuz a man name۔d Zaccaraus, who, as the chief tax·collect۔or, had become wealth۔y.  He attempt۔d to obtain a view of Jesus, but because of his short stature and the thick crowd he could not, therefore he run۔d ahead and climb۔d a sycamore tree.  When Jesus arrive۔d at that place, he look۔d up۔ward, and call۔d to he, “Zaccaraus, quick۔ly come down, because I must stay at your house today.  Thus the rich man scamper۔d down, and joyful۔ly lead۔d Jesus to his house.  Those who see۔d, grumble۔d, say۔ing, “He have go۔t to be a guest of a sin۔or.”  Zaccaraus say۔d to Jesus, “Lord, half of my possessions I will give to the poor, and if I have defraud۔d anybody of anythin, I will pay they back four۔fold.”  Jesus say۔d, “Today salvation have come to this house, because this man also iz a descendant of Abraham.  The son of man have come to seek and save those who wuz lost.”
            As they near۔d Jerusalem, he tell۔d they another parable, because they think۔d that the king۔dom of God wuz on the verge of appear۔ing.  “A nobleman, before embark۔ing on a journey to a far country to acquire a king۔dom, summon۔d ten of his servants and give۔d to each ten mina coins, say۔ing, ‘Conduct business with these until I return.’  But the citizens of his own country despise۔d he, and send۔d after he a delegation, which declare۔d, ‘We do not want you to reign over we.’  When he return۔d, have۔ing acquire۔d his new king۔dom, he summon۔d the ten servants to who he had give۔d money and ask۔d they what they had gain۔d by trade۔ing.  The first come۔d forward and say۔d, ‘Mastor, with your mina I have earn۔d ten minas.’  The nobleman reply۔d, ‘Well do۔d, good servant.  Because you have prove۔d trust·worthy in small things, take responsibility of ten towns.’  The second say۔d, ‘Mastor, with your mina I have earn۔d five minas.’  The nobleman tell۔d he, ‘You will be leadrule۔or over five towns.’  Another answer۔d, ‘Mastor, here iz your mina.  I wrap۔d in it cloth.  I fear۔d you, because you iz a harsh man, who withdraw what you do۔d not deposit, and reap what you do۔d no plant.’ The nobleman say۔d to he, ‘By your words I judge you, you wicked servant.  Know۔ing I wuz a harsh man, why do۔d you not put the money with the exchange۔ors, so that it would have earn۔d interest?’  To those who stand۔d by, he add۔d, ‘Take the mina from he, and give it to he who have earn۔d ten minas.’  They protest۔d, ‘Mastor, he already have many.’  Reply۔d the nobleman, ‘To those who have, more will be give۔t, but from those who have little, even what little they have shall be take۔t.  As for my enemys who do۔d not want me to reign over they, bring they here and slay they in my presence.’”
            The year۔y Passover wuz approach۔ing, thus many Jewans from the country travel۔d to Jerusalem to purify theyselfs.  Many wuz look۔ing for Jesus, ask۔ing theyselfs, as they stand۔d in the temple, “What do yous think?” and “Sure۔ly he will not come to the festival, will he?”  The chief priests had issue۔d a command require۔ing anybody who know۔d Jesus’ whereabouts to tell they, so they could arrest he.
            Six days before the begin۔in of the Passover, Jesus with his apostles return۔d to Bethany, near Jerusalem, where he had revive۔d Lazarus from death.  There they prepare۔d supper, with Martha serve۔ing, while Lazarus wuz among those sit۔ing at the table.  Then Mary, utilize۔ing expensive perfume of pure nard, anoint۔d Jesus’ foots, and wipe۔d they with her hairs, as the house fill۔d with the fragrance.  Ask۔d apostle Judas Iscariot, “Why wuz not this perfume sell۔d for three-hundreds dinariuses and the money give۔d to the poor?  (He speak۔d thus not because he care۔d about the poor, but because he wuz a thief, steal۔ing from the coin purse, which wuz in his charge.)  Reply۔d Jesus, “Leave she alone.  She acquire۔d it for the day of my burial.  Yous always have the poor with yous, but yous do not always have me.  True۔ly I tell yous, wherever this gospel shall be preach۔t in the entire world, what this woman have do۔d will be tell۔t in remembrance of she.”
            A great crowd arrive۔d – not only to see Jesus, but to see Lazarus, revive۔d from death.  But the chief priests conspire۔d to kill Lazarus, because it wuz on his account that many Jewans believe۔d in Jesus.
            They continue۔d onward to Jerusalem, as they approach۔d the village of Bethphage on the mountain of Olives, Jesus send۔d for two apostles, and say۔d to they, “Go to the village ahead, and as soon as yous enter it yous will see a young donkey tie۔d that have never been ride۔d.  Dis۔tie it and bring it here.  If anybody question you, say, “The Lord need it, and will return it soon.”  Thus they go۔d to the village, and find۔d a young donkey outside tie۔d to a door.  As they wuz dis۔tie۔ing it, some by·stand۔ors ask۔d,” What iz yous do۔ing?” The apostles tell۔d they what Jesus had say۔d, so they wuz allow۔t to take it.  They bring۔d the young donkey back to Jesus, and lay۔d garments on it’s rear۔side, and Jesus sit۔d on they.
            The road to Jerusalem wuz crowd۔d with pilgrims head۔ing to the Passover feast, and when they earhear۔d that Jesus wuz come۔ing, they lay۔d palmplant fronds and tree branches along the way.  As Jesus approach۔d the path down from the Mountain of Olives, the multitude in loud voices joyful۔ly praise۔d God for the might۔y deeds he had do۔d, say۔ing, “Bless۔t iz he who come in the name of the Lord!  A Pharisee among the crow۔d call۔d out, “Teach۔or, quiet your follow۔ors.”  Jesus answer۔d, “If the peoples wuz silent, the stones would shout.”  And as he near۔d the city, he weep۔d, say۔ing, “If yous only know۔d the things require۔t for peace but iz now hide۔t from your eyes!  The days shall come when your enemys will surround yous and your childs, and crush yous to the ground, and they will not leave one stone upon another, because yous do۔d not recognize۔d the time of your visitation by God.”  As he enter۔d the city, the crowd wuz tumultuous, some ask۔ing, “Who iz he?”, others answer۔ing, “The prophet Jesus, from Nazareth, in Galilee.”
            In Jerusalem, Jesus walk۔d into the temple.  And after he had look۔d around, it being evenin, he with the twelve walk۔d back to Bethany.  The next day, return۔ing to Jerusalem, he feel۔d hunger۔y.  See۔ing in the distance a fig tree, he walk۔d near۔er, to see whether it bare۔d fruits, but he find۔d nothin but leafs, as it wuz not yet the season for figs.  Say۔d Jesus to the tree, “May nobody ever eat fruits from you again.”  And, lo, the fig tree wither۔d.  Exclaim۔d the apostles, “How quick۔ly the tree wither۔d!”  Jesus reply۔d, “True۔ly I tell yous, if you have faith, without doubt, not only can yous do what have been do۔d to this fig tree, but you can say to that mountain, ‘Lift up, and plunge into the oceansea,’ and it will be do۔t.”
            Jesus walk۔d into the temple, and declare۔d, “My house iz the house of prayer, but yous have convert۔d it into a den of thiefs.”  He forbid۔d carry۔ing anythin in or out of the temple.  Then, one by one, he overturn۔d the tables of the money lend۔ors, and the chairs of those who sell۔d dovebirds.
            In the temple, Jesus teach۔d.  The blind and the lame come۔d to he, and he heal۔d they.  Childs call۔d out, “Praise the descendant of David!”
           But the chief priests and the scribes wuz perturb۔t.  They ask۔d Jesus, “Do۔d you earhear what these childs iz say۔ing?  Jesus answer۔d, “Yes.  Have yous never read۔d, ‘From the mouths of babys, your praise have been make۔d complete’?”  Because so many peoples wuz enthrall۔t by Jesus’ doctrine, the chief priests and scribes fear۔d he.  They want۔d to kill he, but do۔d not know how, because of the crowds around he, intent on earhear۔ing his words.  Lament۔d they among theyselfs, “We can do nothin.  The world have flock۔d to he.”
            They approach۔d Jesus as he wuz teach۔ing in the temple, and ask۔d he, “By what authority do you do these things?”  Jesus respond۔d, “I will tell yous, if yous answer this question:  Do۔d the baptism of John come from heaven, or wuz it of human origin?”  The leadrule۔ors confer۔d among theyselfs, reason۔ing, “If we answer, ‘from heaven’, he will ask we why we do not believe he, but if we say ‘of mans’, peoples will stone we, because they iz persuade۔d that John iz a prophet.  Therefore they answer۔d, “We can·not tell.”  Jesus say۔d, “Neither will I tell yous by what authority I do these things.”
            Jesus then ask۔d they, “What do yous think?  A man had two sons.  To the first he say۔d, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’  The son answer۔d, ‘I will not’, but later he repent۔d and go۔d.  To the second son the father say۔d the same; the son answer۔d, ‘I will go, sir,’ but he do۔d not go.  Which of the sons do۔d the will of the Father?”  They answer۔d, “The first.”  Jesus say۔d, “True۔ly I tell yous, tax·collect۔ors and prostitutes shall enter the king۔dom of God before yous.  Because John come۔d to show yous the way of righteous, but yous do۔d not believe he, nor repent, but the tax·collect۔ors and prostitutes do۔d.
            “Earhear another parable.  A land·own۔ort plant۔d a vineyard, erect۔d a fence around it, dig۔d a place for press۔ing grapes into wine, and build۔d a watch·tower.  Then he lease۔d it to tenants, and travel۔d to another country.  At harvest۔time he send۔d servants to collect a share of the produce.  But the tenants beat۔d one servant, and kill۔d another, and stone۔d another.  The land·own۔or send۔d more servants – more than the first time – but they meet۔d the same fate.  Final۔ly he send۔d his son, reason۔ing, ‘They will respect he.’  But when the tenants see۔d the son, they reason۔d, ‘He iz the lawfulheir.  Lets kill he, and seize the inheritance.’  Therefore they slay۔d he.  Now,” ask۔d Jesus, “when the land·own۔ort hisself return, what will he do to those tenants?”  Peoples answer۔d, “Put those wretches to a miserable death, and lease the vineyard to others who will give he produce at harvest۔time.”  Jesus ask۔d, “Have yous never read۔d in the scriptures?, ‘The stone that the build۔ors reject۔d have become the new cornerstone; this iz the Lord’s do۔in, and it iz marvelous in our eyes.’  Therefore, I tell yous, the king۔dom of God will be take۔t from yous and give۔d to peoples who produce fruits of the king۔dom.  He who fall on this stone will be break۔t to pieces, and anybody on who it fall shall be crush۔t to powder.”
            Again Jesus speak۔d to they in parables, say۔ing, “The king۔dom of heaven iz alike a certain king, who host۔d a wed۔in for his son. He send۔d his servants to summon all those who had been invite۔t to the wed۔in banquet, but they would not come.  So he send۔d more servants, say۔ing, ‘Tell those who have been invite۔t:  Look, I have prepare۔d a feast, my oxes and fat calfs have been slaughter۔t, and everythin iz ready; come to the wed۔in banquet.  But some who had been invite۔t reply۔d with excuses, one attend۔ing to his farm, another to his business, while others seize۔d the servants, mis۔treat۔d they, and kill۔d they.  The king wuz enrage۔d; he send۔d his troops, destroy۔d the murder۔ors, and burn۔d they’s town.  Then he say۔d to his servants, “The wed۔in iz ready, but those who wuz invite۔t wuz not worth۔y.  Go, therefore, to the main roads, and invite everybody yous see to the banquet.  The servants go۔d out and gather۔d all they encounter۔d, so the wed۔in hall wuz fill۔d with guests.  When the king see۔d the guests, however, he notice۔d a man who wuz not wear۔ing a wed۔in garment.  And he wuz speech۔less.  Say۔d he to his servants, ‘Bind his hands and foots, and put he into outer dark۔ness, where there will be weep۔in and gnash۔in of tooths.’”  Jesus conclude۔d, “Because many iz call۔t, but few iz choose۔t.”
            The chief priests and Pharisees, earhear۔ing the parables, perceive۔d that Jesus wuz speak۔ing against they.  But they fear۔d lay۔ing they’s hands on he who the multitude consider۔d a prophet.  So they confer۔d, plot۔ing how to utilize Jesus’ words against he.  They send۔d spys, who pretend۔d to be mans of justice, to entrap he and deliver he to the jurisdiction and authority of the Roma۔y govern۔or.  One, speak۔ing for the Pharisees and Herodians try۔ing to trap Jesus, say۔d, “Teach۔or, we know you iz sincere, and show deference to nobody, because you do not regard peoples with partiality, but teach the way of God in accordance with trust.  Iz it lawful to pay taxes to emperort Caesar, or not?”  Jesus perceive۔d they’s wicked۔ness, and reply۔d, “Why test me, yous hypocrites?  Show me a denarius coin.  On it iz whose head, and whose title?”  They answer۔d, “The Roma۔y emperort’s.”  Jesus say۔d, “Give to Caesar the things that iz Caesar’s, and to God the things that iz God’s.”
            Among the Sadducees, who do۔d not believe in resurrection, one question۔d Jesus, say۔ing, “Moses say۔d that if a man die leave۔ing no childs, his brother shall marry his wife so that they may birth and raise childs.  There wuz seven brothers.  The first marry۔d and die۔d child۔less.  The second marry۔d the wife of the first, but die۔d, leave۔ing no childs, and the third do۔d alikewise.  All seven marry۔d the same woman, but none leave۔d childs.  Last۔ly, the woman die۔d.  In the resurrection, whose wife shall she be?  Jesus answer۔d, “Yous err, know۔ing neither the scriptures nor the power of God.  Because in the resurrection they do not marry, but iz alike angels in heaven.  As for the resurrection of the dead, have yous not read۔d that God say۔d, ‘I iz the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?  God iz not of the dead, but of the live۔in.”  The crowd marvel۔d at his teach۔in.
            A lawyor, to test Jesus, ask۔d he, “Which iz the great۔est commandment?”  Jesus answer۔d, “The Lord our God iz one Lord.  And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.  This iz the first and great۔est commandment. The second iz, You shall love your neighbor as you love yourself.  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”  The lawyor respond۔d, “You iz correct, teach۔or.  You have true۔ly say۔d that He iz one, and besides he iz no other.  And to love he with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself – that iz much more important than burn۔t offer۔ins and sacrifices.”  When Jesus earhear۔d that he answer۔d wise۔ly, he say۔d, “You iz not far from the king۔dom of God.”  After that, nobody dare۔d to ask he another question.
             Then say۔d Jesus to the multitude and to his disciples, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat; therefore, follow they’s teach۔in, but do not do as they do, because they do not practice what they preach.  They load heavy burdens, grievous to endure, which they lift not one finger to lighten.  All deeds they do to be see۔t by others; they wear on they’s arms extra-wide scripture cases, and drape they’s robes with extra-long tassels.  They love the up۔er rooms at feasts and the chief seats in the synagogues, and to stroll around in long robes, and to receive salutations in the market·places, and to be dub۔t Rabbi, Rabbi.  But dont yous be dub۔t Rabbi, because yous have only one teach۔or, and all of yous iz brothers.  Dub nobody in the world your father, because yous have only one Father, the one in heaven.  Neither be dub۔t mastors, because yous have one mastor, the Christ.  The great۔est among yous shall be your servant.  All who exalt theyselfs shall be humble۔t, and all who humble theyselfs shall be exalt۔t.  Woe to yous, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  Because yous can·not enter the king۔dom of heaven, yous attempt to prevent others from enter۔ing.  Woe to yous, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  Yous devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense recite long prayers; therefore shall yous receive the great۔er damnation.  Woe to yous scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  Yous cross lake and land to make one convert, and yous make the convert twice as much a child of hell as yourselfs.  Woe to yous, blind guide۔ors, who say, ‘Whoever swear by the altar iz not obligate۔t, but whoever swear by the gold of the altar iz obligate۔t by his oath.  Blind fools!  Which iz great۔er, the gold or the sanctuary that make the gold sacred?  So whoever swear by the altar, swear by it and everythin on it; and whoever swear by the sanctuary, swear by it and by the one who reside in it; and whoever swear by heaven, swear by the throne of God and by the one who iz seat۔d upon it.  Woe to yous, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  Yous tithe mint, dill, and cumin from your garden, but neglect important۔er matters of the law:  justice and mercy and faith.  Yous blind guide۔ors!  Yous strain out a gnat but swallow a camel!  Woe to yous, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  Yous clean the outsides of your cup and dish, but inside yous iz full of greed and self۔indulgence.  First clean the inside of the cup, so that the outside may also become clean.  Woe to yous, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  Yous iz alike whitewash۔t tombs, which on the outside appear beautyful but inside iz full of the bones of the dead and of all types of filth.  Yous also on the outside look righteous to others, but on the inside yous iz full of hypocrisy and law۔lessness.  Woe to yous, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  Yous construct tombs for the prophets and decorate graves of the righteous, and yous say, ‘If we had live۔d in the days of our ancestors, we would not have join۔d they in spill۔ing the blood of the prophets.’  Thus yous testify against yourselfs that yous iz the descendants of those who murder۔d the prophets.  Mimic, then, the sin of your forefathers.  Yous serpents, yous offsprings of vipers!  How can yous escape being sentence۔t to hell?  Therefore I send yous prophets, sages, and scribes, but some yous will kill and crucify, and some yous will flog in your synagogues and henceforth pursue from town to town.  Upon you, therefore, will be place۔t blame for the spill۔ing of all righteous blood in the world, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Barachiah, who yous murder۔d in the temple between the sanctuary and the altar.  True۔ly I tell yous, this judgement will fall upon this birthcycle.  Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kill prophets and stone those send۔t there!  How often have I desire۔d to gather your childs together as a hen gather her brood under her wings, yet yous wuz not willin!  Look, your house iz leave۔d empty.  Because, I tell yous, yous will not see me again until yous say, ‘Bless۔t iz the one who come in the name of the Lord.’” 
            Afterward Jesus sit۔d across from the temple treasury, and watch۔d peoples toss money into it.  Many who wuz rich toss۔d in much.  A poor widoworm arrive۔d, and toss۔d in two small brass coins, arachnid۔ets.  Jesus summon۔d his apostles, and say۔d to they, “True۔ly I tell yous, this widorm have contribute۔d more than all the others.  Because they give۔d from they’s abundance, while she put۔d in everythin she had.
            Then Jesus depart۔d from the temple, and as they wuz depart۔ing the city one of his apostles say۔d to he, “Teach۔or, behold these magnificent build۔ins, with such impressive stonework!”  Jesus say۔d to they, “The day will come when not one stone will rest upon another.  All will be throw۔t down.”
            That evenin as they sit۔d on the Mountain of Olives, fish۔or apostles Peter, Andrew, James, and John ask۔d Jesus private۔ly, “Teach۔or, when shall come such destruction?  What shall be the sign of the end of the era?”  Jesus answer۔d, “As occur۔d dur the days of Noah, so it will be when the son of man return; peoples wuz enjoy۔ing drink۔in and banquets and wed۔ins until the day Noah enter۔d the arkboat, and the land flood۔d and destroy۔d they all.  Alikewise dur the days of Lot, peoples wuz eat۔ing and drink۔ing, sell۔ing and purchase۔ing, plant۔ing and build۔ing, until the day Lot depart۔d Sodom, and fire and brimstone rain۔d down upon they, destroy۔ing all.  So shall it be on the day that the son of man iz reveal۔d.  On that day, he who iz on a house۔top, with belong۔ins in the house, must not go down to fetch they, and he who iz in a field must not go back to his house.  Remember Lot’s wife, who defy۔d an angel’s warn۔in and look۔d back at the destroy۔t city, and she become۔d a pillar of salt.  Whoever attempt to secure his life shall lose it, and whoever attempt to lose his life shall preserve it.  I tell yous:  dur that night two peoples shall be sleep۔ing in one bed; one will be take۔t, and the other leave۔t.  Two womans shall be grind۔ing grain; one will be take۔t, the other leave۔t.
            “Yous will earhear of wars, and rumors or wars.  Be not terrify۔d; they must occur before the end iz near.  Nation will rise again nation, and king۔dom against king۔dom; there will be famines, and pestilences, and earth·quakes in dive۔ors’ places.  Those events iz mere۔ly birth·pangs. 
            “But before all that shall occur, they shall arrest yous and persecute yous.  The gospel must first be proclaim۔t to all nations.  Yous shall be bring۔t before kings and govern۔ors because of my name – that will provide yous an opportunity to testify, but prepare not your defense, because I will give yous wisdom and words that none of your opponents will be able to contradict or withstand.  Brother will betray brother, childs will rise against parents, and some will be kill۔t.  Yous will be hate۔t because of my name.  False prophets shall arise, and deceive many.  Because iniquity shall abound, love shall wax cold.  But they who endure shall attain salvation.  The good news of the king۔dom of God shall be proclaim۔t throughout the world, as a testimony to all nations.  Then the end will come.
            “When yous see Jerusalem surround۔t by armys, then know it will soon be destroy۔t.  Those in Judea, flee to the hills; those in the country, do not venture into the city; those inside the city, abandon it.  Because those shall be days of vengeance.  Woe to pregnant womans, and nurse۔ing mothers, because there shall be sorrow in the land such as had not been see۔d since the begin۔in of creation, nor will be see۔t thereafter.  Peoples will fall by the blades of swords, and be take۔t as captives to all nations.  Jerusalem will be trample۔t beneath the foots of gentiles, until the era of gentiles iz fulfill۔t.  There will be signs from the sun, moon, and stars, and in the world perplexity at roar۔ing oceanseas and strange tides.  Hearts will stop from fear and forbode۔in.  False messiahs and false prophets shall appear, and perform wonders, deceive۔ing even the elect.  “If at that time anybody say to yous, ‘Look here, the Christ!’ do not believe he.  If they say, ‘There he iz, out in the desert!’, do not go out there, or, ‘Here he iz, in a secret chamber,’ do not believe they.  Many will come in my name, say۔ing, ‘I iz the Christ’ and “The end iz near’.  Do not follow they.  Because as lightnin flash in the east and shine in the west, so will be the second come۔in of the son of man.
            “If the come۔ing terrible period of calamity wuz not to be shorten۔t, no peoples would survive.  But it shall be shorten۔t, for the sake of the elect – God’s choose۔t ones.
            “After that tribulation, the sun shall darken, and the moon shall nolonger give light.  Stars shall fall, and heaven shall be shake۔t.  Then shall come the son of man in clouds of power and glory.  He will send angels to gather the elect from the four winds – from the far۔est ends of the world and heaven.  When these events begin to occur, stand up, and raise your heads, because redemption iz near.
            “Take heed!”
            Apostles ask۔d, “Where will this occur, Lord?  Jesus answer۔d, “Where the corpses lay, there shall vultures gather.  Earhear now the parable of the fig tree.  When it’s branches become tender and sprout leafs, yous know that summer iz near.  When these events I have foretell۔d come to pass, yous will know that the king۔dom of God iz near.
            “Heaven and the world will pass away, but my words will not pass away.  True۔ly I tell yous, this birthcycle shall not pass until these events iz fulfill۔t.  Yet at what clockhour neither angels of heaven nor the son know, but only the Father.  Remain vigilant, therefore, because yous know not when your Lord iz come۔ing.”
            Jesus say۔d, “The king۔dom of heaven iz alike ten bridesmaids who take۔d they’s lamps and go۔d to meet the bridegroom.  Five wuz fool۔ish, five wuz wise.  The fool۔ish carry۔d they’s lamps, but no spare oil, while the wise carry۔d also spare oil in flasks.  The bridegroom wuz delay۔d, and all ten feel۔d drowsy, and sleep۔d.  At mid۔night come۔d a shout, ‘Behold, the bridegroom come!  Come out to meet he!’  The bridesmaids arise۔d, to ignite they’s lamps.  The fool۔ish entreat۔d, ‘Give we some of your oil, as our lamps have extinguish۔d.’  But the wise reply۔d, ‘No, there iz not enough for yous and we.  Better yous go to the oil sell۔ors, and purchase for yourselfs.’  While they go۔d to purchase, the bridegroom arrive۔d, and those who wuz ready go۔d with he to the wed۔in banquet, and the door wuz shut۔d.  Later the other bridesmaids arrive۔d, call۔ing, ‘Lord, lord, open for we.’  But he refuse۔d, reply۔ing, ‘I know yous not.’  Remain vigilant, therefore, because yous know not the day or the clockhour when the son of man will appear.”
             Jesus say۔d, “When the son of man arrive, and all the holy angels with he, he will sit on the throne of his glory.  All nations will be gather۔t in front of he, and he will separate peoples one from another as a shepherd separate sheeps from goats:  he will put the sheeps at his rightside hand and the goats at his leftside.  Then the king will say to those at his rightside hand, ‘Come, yous iz bless۔t by the Father, inherit the king۔dom prepare۔t for yous from the foundation of the world, because I wuz hunger۔y and yous give۔d me food, I wuz thirst۔y and yous give۔d me drink, I wuz a strangor and yous welcome۔d me in, I wuz naked and yous give۔d me clothe۔in, I wuz sick and yous care۔d for me, I wuz in prison and yous visit۔d me.’  Then the righteous will answer he, ask۔ing, ‘When wuz it that we see۔d you hunger۔y and give۔d you food, or thirst۔y and give۔d you drink?  When do۔d we see you as a strangor and welcome you, or naked and give۔d you clothe۔in?  When do۔d we see you sick or in prison and come to you?’  The king will answer, ‘True۔ly I tell yous, ‘As yous do۔d it to the least among yous, yous do۔d it to me.’  Then he will say to those at his leftside hand, ‘Yous iz the accurse۔t.  Depart me, into the eternal fire for the devil and his angels.  Because I wuz hunger۔y, and yous give۔d me no food, I wuz thirst۔y and yous give۔d me no drink, I wuz a strangor and yous do۔d not welcome me, naked and yous give۔d me no clothes, sick and in prison and yous do۔d not visit me.’  Then they will answer, ask۔ing, ‘Lord, when wuz it that we see۔d you hunger۔y or thirst۔y or a strangor or naked or sick or in prison, and do۔d not care for you?”  He will answer, ‘True۔ly I tell yous, as yous do۔d not do it for the least among yous, yous do۔d not do it for me.’  They shall go away to eternal punishment, while the righteous shall attain eternal life.”
            Conclude۔d Jesus to his apostles, “As yous know, in two days will begin the feast of the Passover.  At that time the son of man will be betray۔t, and hand۔t over to be crucify۔t.”
            Daytimes he continue۔d teach۔in in the temple, and peoples come۔d early in the mornin to earhear he.  Evenins he return۔d to the Mountain of Olives, to sleep.
            Among those who attend۔d the Passover festival wuz some Hellasans, and one of they, Philip, of Bethsaida in Galilee, approach۔d apostle Andrew, say۔ing, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.”  Andrew lead۔d they to Jesus, who tell۔d they, “The clockhour have arrive۔d for the son of man to be glorify۔t.  True۔ly I tell yous, unless a grain of wheat fall into soil and die, it remain mere۔ly a single grain; but if in soil it die, it will produce many new kernels.  Those who love they’s life will lose it, and those who hate they’s life in this world will have eternal life.  Whoever serve me must follow me, and where I iz will also my servants be.  Whoever serve me, the Father will honor.”  To those gather۔d around, he continue۔d.  “Now my soul iz distress۔t.  What should I say, ‘Father, save me from this clockhour?’  No; it iz for this reason I have arrive۔d at this clockhour.  Father, glorify your name.”
            A loud voice, as though from heaven, say۔d, “I have glorify۔d it, and I will glorify it again.”
            The peoples stand۔ing there, earhear۔ing it, wonder۔d at it’s origin.  Some say۔d it sound۔d alike thunder.  Others say۔d, “An angel have speak۔d.”  Jesus say۔d, “That voice come۔d not for my sake, but for your sakes.  Now iz the judgement of the world.  Now the leadrule۔or of the world will be remove۔t.  And I, lift۔t up from the world, will attract all peoples to me.”  Listen۔ors ask۔d, “The law say that the Christ will have life without end, thus how say you that the son of man must be lift۔t up?” and “Who iz this son of man?”  Jesus say۔d to they, “The light will be with yous only a little long۔er.  Walk while yous have the light, so that dark۔ness do not overtake yous.  If yous walk in dark۔ness, yous will not know where yous iz go۔ing.  While yous have the light, believe in the light.”  Then he depart۔d, and hide۔d from the multitude.
            Although Jesus had perform۔d many miracles, many peoples do۔d not believe in he.  Nevertheless, many, even among the authoritys, do۔d believe in he, but, because the Pharisees (who had the power to shut they out of the synagogues) oppose۔d Jesus’ teach۔in, they fear۔d say۔ing so open۔ly, prefer۔ing human glory to the glory of God.
            Later, among the multitude, Jesus proclaim۔d in loud voice, “Whoever believe in me, believe not in me but in He who send۔d me.  And whoever see me, see He who send۔d me.  I have come as light into the world, so that everybody who believe in me will not remain in dark۔ness.  I do not judge anybody who earhear my words and do not believe my words, because I come not to judge the world, but to save it.  They who reject me, and refuse to receive my words, have a judge:  on the last day my words will serve as judge.  Because I have not speak۔d on my own, but on behalf of my Father who send۔d me, who have command۔d me what to say.  I know that His commandment iz eternal life.  What I say, therefore, iz exact۔by what the Father have tell۔d me.”
            Meanwhile in the palace, high priest Caiaphas assemble۔d the chief priests and scribes and oldstors of the peoples.  They conspire۔d to arrest Jesus, by subtlety, and kill he.  “But,” they agree۔d, “not dur the festival, lest there be an uproar among the populace.”
            It wuz then that one of Jesus’ twelve apostles, Judas Iscariot, go۔d to the chief priests, and ask۔d they, “What will yous give me if I delivery Jesus to yous?”  They agree۔d on thirty silver coins.  Thus Judas promise۔d to find an opportunity, when no crowd wuz present, to betray Jesus.
            On the first day of the feast of non۔leaven۔y bread, when the Passover lamb wuz sacrifice۔t, Jesus’ apostles ask۔d he, “Where do you want we to prepare the Passover meal?”  To Peter and John, Jesus say۔d, “Go into the city, where yous will encounter a man carry۔ing a pitcher of water.  Follow he into the house he enter, and say to the home own۔ort, ‘The teach۔or ask you, Where iz the guest chamber, where I will eat the Passover with my disciples?’  He will show yous a large up۔er room, furnish۔t.  Make preparations for we there.”  Thus they go۔d, and find۔d as he had say۔d, and prepare۔d the meal.
            When evenin arrive۔d, Jesus sit۔d at the table with his twelve apostles.  Then Jesus rise۔d, remove۔d his outer robe, and tie۔d a towel around hisself.  He flowpour۔d water into a basin, and begin۔d wash۔ing the disciples’ foots, dry۔ing they with the towel.  Peter, when it wuz his turn, ask۔d, “Lord, iz you go۔ing to wash my foots?”  Jesus answer۔d, “You do not know what I iz do۔ing, but later you will comprehend.”  Peter protest۔d, “You shall never wash my foots.”  Respond۔d Jesus, “Unless I wash you, you wont belong to me.  Peter say۔d, “Lord, not my foots only; wash also my hands and head!”  Jesus answer۔d, “Those who have already bathe۔d iz clean, therefore need only to wash they’s foots.  But not all twelve of yous iz clean.”
            After he had wash۔d they’s foots and put۔d back on his robe, Jesus return۔d to the table, and say۔d to they, “Do yous know what I have do۔d for yous?  Yous call me teach۔or and lord, and yous iz correct, because that iz what I iz.  Therefore if I, your lord and teach۔or, have wash۔d your foots, yous ought to wash one another’s foots.  I have set۔d an example that yous should follow.  True۔ly I tell yous, servants iz not great۔er than they’s mastor, nor iz messagors great۔er than the one who send۔d they.  If yous know these things, and act upon they, yous iz bless۔t. 
            To the twelve Jesus say۔d, “I have eager۔ly desire۔d to attend this last supper with yous before I suffer.  I say to yous, I myself will not eat this Passover meal until it’s mean۔in iz fulfill۔t in the king۔dom of God.”  He pick۔d up a cup of wine and, after give۔ing thanks, say۔d, “Divide this among yourselfs, because from now on I will not drink of the vine until the arrival of the king۔dom of God.”  He reach۔d for a breadloaf, and when he had give۔d thanks break۔d it into pieces and give۔d a piece to each, say۔ing, “This iz my body, give۔d to yous in remembrance of me.”  They eat۔d, and after the meal he again pass۔d they the cup, say۔ing, “This cup iz testament of my blood, which iz flowpour۔d out for yous.”
            Then Jesus, distress۔t in spirit, declare۔d, “I say to yous, one of yous will betray me.”  Earhear۔ing that, the disciples look۔d at one another, ask۔ing, “Iz it i?”, “Iz it i?”  Jesus answer۔d, “It iz he to who I give this piece of bread after I have dip۔d it in the dish.  The son of man proceed as wuz determine۔d, but woe iz he who betray the son of man – it would be better for he if he had not been birth۔d.”  Then he dip۔d the bread into the bowl, and hand۔d it to Judas Iscariot, and Jesus say۔d to he, “What you will do, do quick۔ly.”  The other disciples wuz puzzle۔d, wonder۔ing if (because Judas keep۔d the common money bag) Jesus wuz ask۔ing he to purchase somethin for the festival, or to give to the poor.  Judas stand۔d, walk۔d out of the room, and hasten۔d out into the night.
            Among the disciples a dispute arise۔d as to which of they would be regard۔t as great۔est.  Jesus, upon return۔ing, say۔d to they, “Among gentiles, kings refer to theyselfs as benefactors.  But with yous, not so.  Rather, among yous the great۔est must act alike the least, and the lead۔or alike one who serve.  Because who iz great۔er, the one sit۔ing at the table, or the one who serve he?  Iz it not he at the table?  But I iz among you, as one who serve.  Yous iz those who have stand۔d by me in my trials.  I confer on yous, as my Father have confer۔d on me, a king۔dom, so that yous may eat and drink at my table in my king۔dom, and yous shall sit on thrones judge۔ing the twelve tribes of Israel.”
            Jesus then say۔d, “Now have the son of man enter۔d into his glory, and God have been glorify۔t because of he.  And because God receive glory by the son, he will soon give glory to the son.  Little childs, I shall be with yous only a little long۔er.  Yous shall seek me, but, as I have say۔d, where I will go yous can·not come.  I hereby give yous a new commandment:  As I have love۔d yous, love one another.  If yous love one another, all will know yous iz my disciples.”
            Then Jesus say۔d to they, “Tonight all of yous shall turn away from me, because it iz write۔t in scriptures, ‘I will smite the shepherd, and the sheeps of the chun shall scatter.’ But I shall rise again, and go ahead of yous to Galilee.”  He continue۔d, “Peter, Peter, listen!  Satan want you, so that he may sift you alike wheat.  But I have pray۔d for you, so that your strength shall not fail.  When you have turn۔d back, strengthen your brothers.”  Peter answer۔d, “I iz ready to go with you to prison, even to death.”  Jesus reply۔d, “Peter, I tell you, the rooster will not crow this day before you have thrice deny۔d that you know me.”
            Ask۔d Jesus, “When I send۔d yous forth without purse, bag, or sandals, do۔d yous lack anythin?”  They answer۔d, “No, nothin.”  Jesus continue۔d, “But now, he who have a purse, let he take it, and alikewise a bag.  And whoever have no sword must sell his cloak and purchase one.  Because, I tell you, this scripture must be fulfill۔t:  ‘And he wuz reckon۔d among the transgress۔ors.’  Indeed, what wuz prophesize۔t about me iz reach۔ing fulfillment.”  They say۔d, “Lord, among we, we have two swords.”  He reply۔d, “Enough.”
            Jesus tell۔d they, “Let not your hearts be distress۔d.  Yous believe in God; believe also in me.  My Father’s house have many mansions.  If not so, I would have tell۔d you.  I go there to prepare a place for yous.”  Thomas say۔d to he, “Lord, we know not where you iz go۔ing.  How can we know the way?”  Jesus answer۔d, “I iz the way, the truth, and the life.  Nobody come to the Father except through me.  If yous know me, yous know also my Father.  Henceforth, yous do know He, and have see۔d He.”  Philip say۔d, “Lord, show we the Father, and that will suffice.”  Jesus reply۔d, “I have been with yous all this time, Philip, and still you do not know me?  Whoever have see۔d me, have see۔d the Father.  How can you ask, ‘Show we the Father’?  Do you not believe that I iz in the Father, and the Father iz in me?  My words to you come not from myself, but from the Father who reside in me and do His deeds. If you do not believe that I iz in the Father and the Father iz in me, atleast believe me because of the miracles.  True۔ly I tell yous, those who believe in me can also perform the deeds that I perform – infact, perform great۔er deeds than those, because I will go to the Father, and whatever yous ask in my name I will do, so that the son bring glory to the Father.  If yous love me, yous will keep my commandments.  I will ask the Father, and He will give yous another counsel۔or, to be with yous forever:  the spirit of truth, which the world can·not acknowledge because it do not recognize, but which each of yous will know because it reside within you. Soon the world will nolonger see me, but I will not abandon yous as orphans – I will come to yous.  Because I will live, yous also shall live.  On that day yous will realize that I iz in my Father, and yous iz in me, and I iz in yous.  They who keep my commandments iz they who love me and will be love۔t by my Father, and I will love they and reveal myself to they.”
            Ask۔d apostle Thaddaeus, “Lord, how iz it that you will reveal yourself to we, and not to the world?”  Jesus answer۔d, “Those who love me will obey my teach۔in, and my Father will love they.  And we will come to they, and make our home with each of they.  Whoever do not love me will not obey my teach۔in.  What I tell yous iz not from me, but from my Father who send۔d me.  But your indwell۔y counsel۔or, the holyspirit, who the Father will send in my name, will teach yous everythin, and remind yous of all that I have say۔d.  Peace I leave with yous; my peace I give to yous – peace such as the world can·not give.  Let not your hearts be distressful.  Be not afraid.  Yous earhear۔d me tell yous, ‘I will go away, and I will come to yous.’  If yous love me, yous will rejoice that I will go to the Father, because He iz great۔er than I.  I tell yous this before it occur, so that when it occur, yous will believe.  I will nolonger talk much with yous, because the leadrule۔or of this world iz come۔ing.  He have no power over me.  I do as the Father have command۔d me, so that the world may know that I love the Father.  Rise, lets be on our way.”  Together they sing۔d a hymnsong, then walk۔d back up the Mountain of Olives.
            It wuz on the mountain that Jesus say۔d to his disciples, “I iz the true vine, and my Father iz the vine grow۔or.  He remove every branch in me that produce no fruits, thus prune۔ing, to bring forth more fruits.  Yous iz already cleanse۔d by the words I have speak۔d to yous.  Abide in me, as I abide in yous.  As a branch can·not produce fruits unless it abide in the vine, neither can yous unless yous abide in me.  I iz the vine, yous iz the branches.  Those who abide in me, and I in they, produce much fruits, because apart from me yous can do nothin.  Whoever do not abide in me iz discard۔t alike a detach۔t branch, and wither; such branches iz gather۔t, throw۔t into the fire, and burn۔t.  If yous abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever yous wish, and your wish will be grant۔t.  My Father iz glorify۔t that yous produce much fruits and become my disciples.
            “As my Father have love۔d me, so I have love۔d yous; abide in my love. If yous obey my commandments, yous will abide in my love, as I have obey۔d my Father’s commandments and abide in His love.  I have say۔d these things to yous so that my joy may be in yous, and that your joy may be complete.  This iz my commandment:  That yous love one another as I have love۔d yous. No one have great۔er love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.  Yous iz my friends if yous do what I command yous.  I nolonger call yous servants, because servants do not know what they’s mastor iz do۔ing; I call yous friends, because I have tell۔d yous everythin I know from my Father.  Yous do۔d not choose me; I choose۔d yous.  I ordain۔d yous to go forth and produce fruits, endure۔ing fruits, so that whatever yous ask the Father in my name he will give to yous.
            “If the world hate yous, know that it hate۔d me before it hate۔d yous.  If yous belong۔d to the world, the world would love yous as it’s own; but because yous iz not of the world, since I have take۔d yous out of the world, yous iz hate۔d by the world.  Remember my words to yous:  ‘Servants iz not great۔er than they’s mastors.’  If they persecute me, they will persecute yous; if they keep my words, they will keep yours also.  But these things they will do for my name’s sake, because they do not know He who send۔d me.  If I had not come and speak۔d to they, they would not have sin; but now they have no excuse for they’s sin.  Whoever hate me, hate my Father also.  If I had not perform۔d miracles that nobody else had do۔d, they would not have had sin; but now they have see۔d and hate۔d both me and my Father.  That occur۔d so that the word write۔t in they’s law would be fulfill۔t.  They hate۔d me without cause.
            “Your indwell۔y spirit of truth, who I will send to yous from my Father, upon arrival will testify on my behalf.  Yous also shall attest, because yous have been with me from the begin۔in.
            “I say these things so yous will not go astray.  They will oust yous from the synagogues.  Indeed, there will come a time when those who kill yous will believe they iz serve۔ing God.  Because they have know۔d not the Father, nor me.  These things I tell yous now, so that when they occur yous will remember my warn۔in; I do۔d not tell yous before, because I remain۔d with yous.  Now I will go to He who send۔d me, yet no one of yous ask me, ‘Where iz you go۔ing?’  Instead, because of what I have tell۔d yous, yous grieve.
            “Yet true۔ly I tell yous, it iz for your good that I go away, because if I do not go away, the indwell۔y spirit of truth can·not come, but upon depart۔ing I will send it to each of yous.  When it arrive, it will reprove the world for it’s sin, for it’s false righteous۔ness, and for it’s poor judgement.  When the spirit of truth arrive, it will guide each of yous to complete truth; it will show yous things that iz to come, and it will glorify me. 
            “I still have many things to say to yous, but yous can·not endure they now.  A little period, and yous will nolonger see me.  Again a little period, and yous will see me again.”  Some of his disciples ask۔d each other, “What do he mean by tell۔ing we, ‘A little period, and yous will nolonger see me; again a little period, and yous will see me again’ and ‘Because I will go to the Father’?”  Jesus, know۔ing they’s question, say۔d, “True۔ly I tell yous, yous will be weep۔ing and sorrow۔ing, but the world will be glad.  And your sorrow will change to joy.  While a woman iz deliver۔ing birth she feel pain, because her clockhour have come”, but after the baby iz birth۔d she forget her anguish, because of her joy from have۔ing bring۔d a child into the world.   Thus yous sorrow now, but when I will see yous again; your hearts will rejoice, and nobody will be able to take from yous your joy.
            “On that day yous will ask nothin of me.  True۔ly I tell yous, if yous ask anythin of the Father in my name, he will give it to yous.  Until now, yous have not ask۔d for anythin in my name.  Ask and you shall receive, so that your joy may be complete.”
            Jesus say۔d, “Do yous now believe?  The time will soon arrive when yous will be scatter۔t, each to his home, leave۔ing me alone.  Yet I iz not alone, because the Father iz with me.  I have speak۔d to yous thus so that in me yous may experience peace.  In the world yous face persecution.  But take courage:  I have conquer۔d the world!”
            Then Jesus lift۔d his eyes toward heaven, and say۔d, “Father, my time have come.  Glorify Your son, so that the son my glorify You.”
             Then Jesus and his apostles descend۔d from the Mountain of Olives, and cross۔d brook Cedron, to a place where he had often meet۔d, name۔d Gethsemane, where there wuz a garden.  After nightfall, he say۔d to they, “Sit here, while I go yonder to pray.”  He take۔d with he Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, James and John.  Feel۔ing sorrowful and agitate۔d, he say۔d to they, “I iz deep۔ly grieve۔d, even to death.  Stay here, and keep watch for me.”  He walk۔d a stone’s throw away, and kneel۔d, his face touch۔ing the ground, pray۔ing, “My Father, let this cup pass from me, but not in accordance with my will, but in accordance with your will.”  When he return۔d to his three disciples and encounter۔d they sleep۔ing, he say۔d, “Peter, you could not stay awake for me even one clockhour?  Remain awake, and pray, so that you will not be lead۔t into temptation.  Spirit iz indeed will۔ing, but flesh iz weak.”  Again he go۔d away, and pray۔d, “Father, if the cup can·not pass unless I drink it, let your will be do۔d.”  When he return۔d, he see۔d they again sleep۔ing, for they’s eye·lids wuz heavy.  Depart۔ing they, he again go۔d away, and, being in agony, he pray۔d more earnest۔ly, and his sweat fall۔d alike liquiddrops of blood to the ground.  When he return۔d he say۔d, “Sleep now, take your rest.  The clockhour iz at hand.  The son of man iz betray۔t into the hands of sin۔ors.”
            As he speak۔d, appear۔d apostle Judas Iscariot, lead۔ing a group of officors and servants (some with swords) from the chief priests, they’s way illuminate۔t with lanterns and torches.  Judas walk۔d over to Jesus, and kiss۔d he.  Jesus, know۔ing that wuz the signal to identify hisself to the soldiors, say۔d, “Judas, you betray the son of man with a kiss?”
            Jesus step۔d forward and ask۔d, “Who do yous seek?”  They answer۔d, “Jesus of Nazareth.”  He answer۔d, “I iz he.”
            As soldiors come۔d forward to seize Jesus, Peter raise۔d a sword, and slice۔d off the rightside ear of a high priest’s servant, name۔d Malchus.  Jesus turn۔d to Peter, say۔ing, “Sheath your sword, because all who fight with the sword will die by the sword.  Do you think I could not now pray to my Father, and he would not send forth twelve legions of angels?  But how, then, would the scriptures be fulfill۔t?  The cup that my Father have give۔d me, should I not drink it?”  Then Jesus say۔d, “Enough of this.”  He touch۔d the spot, and Malchus ear wuz heal۔d.
            Then the soldiors grasp۔d Jesus, bind۔d he, and lead۔d he away.  Peter and another of the apostles follow۔d at a distance, as other apostles flee۔d.
            The soldiors lead۔d Jesus to the palace of high priest Caiaphas, and into the courtyard, where Pharisees and scribes and oldstors wuz assemble۔d.  They present۔d he first to Annas, the father۔inlaw of high priest Caiaphas, who had counsel۔d that it wuz expedient that Jesus should die.
            Soon afterward arrive۔d the two apostles who had been follow۔ing.  While Peter wait۔d outside, the other, who wuz know۔d at the palace, speak۔d to the door·tend۔orm, who also allow۔d in Peter.  So the two sit۔d by a kindle۔y fire, warm۔ing theyselfs, to witness the proceed۔ins.  Then a serve۔orm approach۔d Peter and say۔d to he, “I see۔d you with Jesus in Galilee.”  Peter deny۔d it, say۔ing, “Woman, I know he not.”  He rise۔d, and go۔d out onto a porch.
            The high priest then question۔d Jesus about his doctrine, and about his disciples.  Jesus answer۔d, “I speak۔d open۔ly to the world, and teach۔d in the synagogues, and in the temple, where Jewans congregate.  Why ask me?  Why not ask those who have earhear۔d me?  I have keep۔d nothin secret.  Why do۔d yous not lay your hands on me then?  But this iz your clockhour, and the power of dark۔ness.”  An officort, stand۔ing by, slap۔d Jesus, say۔ing, “You answer the high priest thus?”  Jesus answer۔d he, “If I have speak۔d wrong۔ly, correct me; if I have speak۔d correct۔ly, why strike me?”
            While Peter wuz out on the porch, the serve۔orm again approach۔d, announce۔ing, “His speech portray that he iz a Galileen.  Sure۔ly he iz one of the disciples.”  Peter answer۔d, “I iz not.” Then a serve۔ort of the high priest, kin to he whose ear Peter had slice۔d off, declare۔d, “This fellow wuz with he.”  Peter curse۔d, and say۔d, “I know not the man.”  Immediate۔ly after he speak۔d, a rooster crow۔d, and Jesus, from the courtyard, turn۔d to look at Peter.  Peter go۔d outside, and there weep۔d bitter۔ly.
            Guard۔ors mock۔d Jesus.  They blindfold۔d he, and slap۔d his face, ask۔ing he, “Prophesize who iz it that iz strike۔ing you?”  And many other blasphemous say۔ins do۔d they heap upon he.
            The chief priests, and oldstors, and all the council, seek۔d testimony that would justify they’s kill۔in Jesus.  Many witnesses false۔ly testify۔d, but with each other they’s testimony wuz contradictory.  Some say۔d they earhear۔d Jesus say, “I will destroy this temple, that wuz make۔d with hands, and in three days build a new one, not make۔d with hands.”  But even on that they do۔d not agree.  Final۔ly the high priest rise۔d, and ask۔d Jesus, “Have you no answer?”  Jesus remain۔d silent.  Thus guard۔ors lead۔d he away.
            At sundawn the chief priests and the scribes and the oldstors bring۔d Jesus back into they’s council.  The high priest Caiaphas stand۔d in they’s midst, and ask۔d Jesus, “Iz you the Christ, the messiah, the son of God?”  Jesus answer۔d, “I iz.  And you will see the son of man sit۔ing on the rightside hand of Power, and come۔ing on the clouds of heaven.”  The high priest declare۔d, “He have blaspheme۔d!  What need have we for further witnesses?  Yous have all earhear۔d his blasphemys!  What do yous think?”  All agree۔d to condemn Jesus to death.  They spit۔d on Jesus, blindfold۔d he again, and repeat۔ly slap۔d he.
            Then the assembly rise۔d as one, and lead۔d Jesus from the palace of high priest Caiaphas to the Hall of Judgement of region Judea.  It being still early, they do۔d not go inside, to avoid ritual defilement, therefore Roman govern۔or Pontius Pilate come۔d out to meet they, ask۔ing, “What accusations do yous bring against this man?”  The chief priests answer۔d, “If he wuz not a criminal, we would not have deliver۔d he to you.”  Pilate tell۔d they, “Take he and judge he in accordance with your Jew۔y law.”  Jewans reply۔d, “But it iz not lawful for Jewans to execute anybody.  This man have been pervert۔ing the nation, forbid۔ing the pay۔ing of taxes to emperort Caesar, claim۔ing he iz Christ, a king.”  The govern۔or ask۔d Jesus, “Iz you king of Jewans?”  Jesus answer۔d, “As you say.”  Pilate continue۔d, “What do you say to the accusations against you?”  Jesus remain۔d silent, and the govern۔or marvel۔d that he do۔d not defend hisself.  To the chief priests, he say۔d, “I find no fault with this man.”  The chief priests become۔d agitate۔y, and insistent, say۔ing, “He stir the peoples with his teach۔in throughout the land, begin۔ing in Galilee, then here in Judea.”  When Pilate learn۔d that Jesus wuz a Galileen, he send۔d he to Herod, tetrarch of Galilee, who wuz in Jerusalem for the Passover.
            Herod, upon see۔ing Jesus, wuz exceed۔by glad, because he had want۔d to meet he dur many seasons.  Much he had earhear۔d, and he hope۔d to witness a miracle.  As the chief priests stand۔d by, vehement۔ly accuse۔ing he, Herod ask۔d Jesus many questions.  But to each, Jesus answer۔d nothin.  Therefore Herod and his soldiors treat۔d he contemptuous۔ly, mock۔ing he.  They put۔d on he a purple royal robe, and send۔d he back to govern۔or Pilate.
            Meanwhile, when Judas Iscariot learn۔d that he who he had betray۔d had been condemn۔d to die by the counsel of Jewans, he repent۔d, and return۔d to the palace, say۔ing, “I have sin۔d, by betray۔ing innocent blood.”  Chief priests answer۔d, “That iz nothin to we.”  Judas throw۔d down the thirty silver coins, and depart۔d.  The chief priests pick۔d up the coins, say۔ing, “We can·not return bloodmoney to the treasury.”  Thus they decide۔d to donate it to a pot۔or’s field utilize۔d to bury strangors – henceforth to be name۔t Field of Blood.  Judas Iscariot tie۔d a rope around his neck, and neckhang۔d hisself.
            From the Hall of Judgement, once again emerge۔d govern۔or Pilate to meet the delegation hold۔ing Jesus.  From the gather۔ing crowd peoples call۔d out, “Crucify he!  Crucify he!”  Chief priests say۔d, “By our law he ought to die, because he declare۔d hisself the son of God.”  Earhear۔ing that, the govern۔or feel۔d afraid; he ask۔d Jesus, “From where iz you?”  When Jesus do۔d not answer, Pilate say۔d to he, “Know۔ing I have the power either to release you or crucify you, you refuse to speak to me?”  Jesus answer۔d, “You have no power over me except what iz give۔d to you from above.  Therefore they who deliver۔d me to you iz the great۔er sin۔ors.”  Jewans call۔d out, “If you free he, you iz no friend of Caesar, because anybody who declare hisself king, speak against the emperort!  Away with he!  Away with he!”  Pilate ask۔d they, “Shall I crucify your king?”  Chief priests answer۔d, “We have no king but Caesar!”
            At the year۔y Passover festival the govern۔or customary۔ly release۔d one imprison۔or select۔d by the populace.  Therefore Pontius Pilate say۔d to the chief priests, the oldstors, and the crowd, refer۔ing to Jesus, “Yous bring۔d me this man as a pervert۔or of peoples, and I have examine۔d he and discover۔d the accusations basis۔less.  Alikewise have Herod, who send۔d he back to me.  Indeed, he have do۔d nothin to deserve death.  Therefore I will have he flog۔d, and release۔d.”  Because the govern۔or realize۔d it wuz from envy that they had hand۔d he over.  But the chief priests rally۔d the crowd, persuade۔ing they to demand instead the release of Barabbas, an insurrectionor who had commit۔d murder dur an uprise۔in.  Pilate, want۔ing to release Jesus, address۔d they again, but the crowd shout۔d, “Release Barabbas!”  A third time, Pilate ask۔d they, “Why?  What evil have he do۔d?”  But they loud۔ly demand۔d, “Crucify he!  Crucify he!  Roma۔y policy wuz to allow colonys to govern theyselfs, except in matters such as taxation and security, thus govern۔or Pilate acquiesce۔d to the desires of the Jewan lead۔ors and the tumultuous crowd, and command۔d the release of Barabbas.  In front of they he wash۔d his hands with water, say۔ing, “I iz innocent of the blood of this just man.  The responsibility iz yours.”  The peoples call۔d back, “Let his blood be on we, and on our childs!”  Therefore Pilate command۔d Jesus flog۔d, then crucify۔d.
            Roma۔y soldiors take۔d Jesus into a common hall, and whip۔d he.  On his head they put۔d a crown of thorns.  In his hand they put۔d a reedgrass.  And, mock۔ing he, they bow۔d to he, say۔ing, “Hail, king of Jewans!”
            Soldiors then stripremove۔d Jesus of the purple robe, put۔d his own clothes back on he, and lead۔d he away to crucify he.  From the crowd they select۔d a man – a pilgrim name۔d Simon, from Cyrene, northern Africa – to carry up·hill the heavy wood۔y crucifix.  Follow۔ing Jesus, and stand۔ing along the way, wuz a crowd of peoples, some lament۔ing, many womans wail۔ing.  Jesus, as he pass۔d, turn۔d to they and say۔d, “Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me but for yourselfs and for your childs.  Because, behold, days iz come۔ing dur which yous will say, ‘Bless۔t iz the barren, and the wombs that never birth۔d.’ Then shall peoples beg the mountains, ‘Fall on we’, and the hills, ‘Cover we’.  Because if they do this when the tree iz green, what will they do when it iz wither۔y?”
            The procession arrive۔d at a place name۔d Golgotha, mean۔ing “the place of the skull”.  On the low hill two crucifixes wuz already erect, onto which wuz nail۔d two thiefs.  Part way up the hill, mid۔way between the two stand۔in crucifixes, soldiors command۔d Jesus to lay on his crucifix, with his hands stretch۔d out along it’s horizontal beam.  Into his open rightside hand they hammer۔d a metal spike, through his flesh and into the wood; another spike they hammer۔d through his leftside hand.  They overlap۔d his foots, and drive۔d a third spike through both foots and into the low۔er stem of the crucifix.  And when Jesus wuz thus fasten۔d, ap the third clockhour, four soldiors hoist۔d the crucifix vertical۔ly into it’s hole, and pack۔d dirt around it to steady it.  Thus do۔d Jesus hang, by his outstretch۔d hands, his foots secure۔d, while at the foot of the hill the crowd thicken۔d, and from they arise۔d much wail۔ing.
            Govern۔or Pilate arrive۔d, bring۔ing a plaque inscribe۔d, in languages Hebrew۔ese, Hellas۔ese, and Latin۔ese, with the words, “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of Jewans”.  After soldiors nail۔d it to the crucifix below Jesus’ bleed۔ing foots, chief priests object۔d to the govern۔or, say۔ing, “Write not ‘the king of Jewans’, but instead, ‘this man say۔d he wuz king of Jewans’.  Pontius Pilate reply۔d, “What I write۔d, I write۔d.”
            Among the mourn۔ors wuz Jesus’ mother, Mary, and his mother’s sister (the wife of Clopas), and Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and Salome, the mother of apostles James and John Zebedee.  Jesus call۔d down to his mother, “Woman, behold your son!”  And to his apostle stand۔ing beside his mother, “Behold, thy mother!” – thus instruct۔ing he to care for she as his own.
            Some of the spectate۔ors, as they watch۔d life drain۔ing from the three crucify۔d mans, revile۔d Jesus, wag۔ing they’s heads, call۔ing up to he, “You who brag۔d you could destroy the temple and re۔build it in three days, save yourself!” and “If you iz the son of God, come down from the crucifix!”  Alikewise do۔d the chief priests, the scribes, and oldstors, mock he, say۔ing, “He save۔d others, but he can·not save hisself.”  “If he iz king of Jewans, let he now come down from the crucifix, and we will believe he.”  “Son of God?  Then why do God not save he?”
            Jesus, after look۔ing down۔ward upon they, look۔d up۔ward, and say۔d, “Father, forgive they, because they know not what they do.”
            The thief hang۔ing on the crucifix at Jesus’ leftside, call۔d over, “If you iz the messiah, save yourself and we!”  But the thief hang۔ing on the crucifix at Jesus’ rightside, rebuke۔d the first, call۔ing back, “Do you not fear God?  We have been condemn۔d just۔ly, reap۔ing just reward for our deeds, but this man have do۔d nothin wrong,” and to Jesus he say۔d, “Lord, remember me when you enter your king۔dom.”  Jesus reply۔d, “I tell you true۔ly, today you will be with me in paradise.”
            At the dee۔six clockhour, when the yellow sun wuz high۔est between horizons, the sky darken۔d, as though night had arrive۔d.  And many peoples feel۔d afraid
            Ap the dee۔nine clockhour, daylight return۔d.  Jesus call۔d out, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” in his native Aramaic۔ese language, mean۔ing, “My God, My God!  Why have You forsake۔d me?”
            Some in the crowd wonder۔d outloud, “Do۔d he call for Elias?” and “Will Elias save he?” – because of the similarity of the prophet’s name and “Eli”.
            Soon afterward, in a weaken۔d voice, Jesus say۔d, “I thirst.”  From the crowd a man soak۔d a sponge in vinegar, attach۔d it to a hyssop branch, walk۔d up·hill to the foot of the crucifix, and hand۔d up the sponge to Jesus’ lips.
            When Jesus had drink۔d, he call۔d out in a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!”
            Then he bow۔d his head, exhale۔d his last breath, and release۔d his spirit.
            The spectate۔ors, many mourn۔ing loud۔ly, walk۔d away.
            Jewan lead۔ors, concern۔d that ritual not be violate۔t by leave۔ing bodys on crucifixes dur the subsequent day, the Sabbath, ask۔d Pilate to command that they’s legs to be break۔t, and that they’s bodys be carry۔t away, and the govern۔or grant۔d they’s request.  Soldiors then break۔d the legs of the two crucify۔d thiefs, but see۔ing that Jesus wuz already dead, instead of break۔ing his legs they pierce۔d his side with a spear.
            That evenin a good man from Arimathea (in Judea) name۔d Joseph, a secret disciple of Jesus, go۔d to Pilate, and beg۔d for Jesus’ corpse.  The govern۔or, after check۔ing with the centurion to be certain that Jesus wuz dead, grant۔d permission.  That night arrive۔d also Pharisee Nicodemus, who had once question۔d Jesus and been impress۔d with his answers, and who later had defend۔d Jesus to his fellow Pharisees; to the crucifixion siteplace he bring۔d a mixture of myrrh and aloes.  The two mans take۔d the body of Jesus, and wrap۔d it with the spices in linen cloths, in accordance with Jew۔y burial custom, and carry۔d it into Joseph’s own new tomb, a cave cut۔t into rock.  Then they roll۔d a boulder to block the entrance to the tomb.  After the mans depart۔d, stay۔ing watch wuz Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and Salome.
            The next mornin, meet۔ing at the tomb cave with govern۔or Pilate wuz chief priests and Pharisees, say۔ing, “Sir, the impostor, while yet alive, prophesize۔d, ‘After three days I will rise again.’  Command, therefore, that the tomb be secure۔t, lest his follow۔ors steal the body and claim he have rise۔d.”  Pilate then command۔d soldiors to seal the boulder block۔ing the tomb, and to guard it.  Then the womans go۔d away to prepare spices and ointments to anoint the body, and to rest dur the Sabbath as require۔d by Judaic law.
            At sundawn dur the day after the Sabbath, at the siteplace of the tomb, sudden۔ly the land quake۔d.  From heaven descend۔d an angel, his appearance alike lightnin, his garments as white as snow.  He roll۔d back the boulder, and sit۔d upon it.  The guard۔ors shake۔d with fear, then flee۔d.
            As the sun rise۔d Mary Magdalene, Salome, and Mary the mother of James and Joseph, carry۔ing they’s spices and ointments, near۔d the tomb, wonder۔ing who would roll the stone away from the cave's open۔in so that they could anoint the corpse.  When they arrive۔d, they discover۔d the boulder already roll۔d away.  No soldiors or guard۔ors within sight.
            When the womans enter۔d the cave they discover۔d, instead of the body of Jesus, a young man – an angel – in shine۔y garments, stand۔ing.  The womans, afraid, bow۔d they’s heads, but the angel say۔d, “Be not fearful.  Yous come۔d to see Jesus of Nazareth, who wuz crucify۔d.  He have rise۔d from death.  Remember his words:  ‘The son of man must be deliver۔t into the hands of sin۔ors, and be crucify۔t, and dur the third day he will rise again.’  Go your way, and tell his disciples that he go ahead of yous to Galilee, where yous will see he.”  The womans depart۔d, tremble۔ing with amazement, and hasten۔d to tell the apostles.
            Meanwhile the tomb guard۔ors had hasten۔d back to the city, and inform۔d the chief priests what they had witness۔d.  The priests assemble۔d with the oldstors, and, form۔ing a plan, hand۔d many silver coins to the soldiors, tell۔ing they, “Say that the disciples come۔d dur the night and, while yous sleep۔d, steal۔d the corpse.  From the govern۔or, we will protect yous from punishment.  Henceforth, this will be the official story.”  The guard۔ors take۔d the money, and report۔d as they wuz instruct۔t.
            The apostles, earhear۔ing the womans’ storytale about the empty tomb, consider۔d it difficult to believe.  Therefore Peter and another apostle hurry۔d to the tomb.  The other outrun۔d Peter, and arrive۔d first.  Stoop۔ing, peer۔ing inside the tomb, he see۔d only the linen clothes lay۔ing on the cave floor.  When Peter arrive۔d, he go۔d inside, and inspect۔d the scatter۔t linen.  Then they return۔d to they’s lodge۔in in Jerusalem to tell the others.
            Mary Magdalene return۔d to the tomb, weep۔ing.  When she stoop۔d down and look۔d inside, she see۔d two angels, both in white, sit۔ing, one at the head and the other at the foots of where Jesus had lay۔d.  One ask۔d she, “Woman, why do you weep?”  She answer۔d, “Because they have take۔d away my Lord, and I know not where they have lay۔d he.”
            Mary turn۔d around, and see۔d, stand۔ing nearby, a man she suppose۔d to be a garden۔or, who ask۔d, “Woman, why do you weep?  Who do you seek?”  She answer۔d, “Sir, if you have carry۔d he away, tell me where you have lay۔d he.”  The man say۔d, “Mary.”  Then she recognize۔d he as Jesus, and reply۔d, “Teach۔or!”  Jesus say۔d to she, “Touch me not, because I iz not yet ascend۔d to my Father.  Go to my brethren, and tell they, ‘I iz ascend۔ing to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”
            Mary Magdalene hurry۔d away, back to the city, and tell۔d the apostles that she had see۔d Jesus, and what he had say۔d.  But they believe۔d she not.
            Later that same day two of Jesus’ follow۔ors wuz walk۔ing from Jerusalem to village Emmaus, ap seven kilo۔meters away.  They had earhear۔d of the mystery of the empty tomb, and of Mary’s report to have see۔d Jesus and speak۔d with he, and they wuz discuss۔ing those events when Jesus hisself happen۔d along, and walk۔d with they – but they’s eyes wuz prevent۔t from recognize۔ing he.  He ask۔d they, “What wuz yous discuss۔ing with such sad faces?”  The man name۔d Cleopas reply۔d, “Iz you the only strangor in Jerusalem who do not know of the events of the recent few days?”  Jesus ask۔d, “What events?”  They reply۔d, “Jesus of Nazareth, a prophet might۔y in word and deed, who we had hope۔d would free Jewans from Roma۔y leadrule, wuz condemn۔d to death by our chiefs priests, and crucify۔d.  Yes, and some womans who visit۔d the tomb early this mornin discover۔d Jesus’ body miss۔ing, which two of his disciples, after visit۔ing the tomb, confirm۔d.  Moreover, one of the womans report۔d that she had see۔d a vision that Jesus wuz alive!”  Jesus reply۔d, “How fool۔ish yous iz, how slow to believe what the prophets long ago declare۔d.  Wuz it not necessary that the messiah suffer those things, before enter۔ing into his glory?” Then, begin۔ing with Moses, he interpret۔d for they what the prophets had say۔d about he in the scriptures.  As they near۔d village Emmaus, Jesus walk۔d ahead, as though intend۔ing to proceed alone.  But they urge۔d he, “Stay with we, because it iz almost evenin.”  Thus he remain۔d with they, and later at the dinner table he break۔d bread, bless۔d it, and hand۔d it to they.  They’s eyes wuz open۔d, and they recognize۔d he.  Then he vanish۔d from they’s sight.  To each other they comment۔d, “While he wuz talk۔ing to we on the road, explain۔ing the scriptures, wuz not our hearts burn۔ing?” 
            Without delay they return۔d to Jerusalem, and find۔d ten apostles (lack۔ing Thomas) gather۔d together behind lock۔d doors, for fear of the Pharisees. Cleopas and his fellow travel۔or relate۔d how, after the break۔ing of the bread, Jesus become۔d know۔t to they. 
            While they wuz talk۔ing excite۔ly, Jesus hisself appear۔d in they’s midst, say۔ing, “Peace be with you!”  All wuz terrify۔d, as though see۔ing a ghost.  Jesus say۔d to they, “Why be afraid?  And do doubts arise in your hearts?  Look at my hands and foots.”  And he show۔d they the holes from the spikes, and the gash in his side from the spear.  “Touch me, and see; a ghost do not have flesh and bones as I do.”  While they       wuz asyet not believe۔ing, and fill۔t with wonder, he ask۔d they, “Have yous anythin to eat?”  They give۔d he a piece of boil۔t fish, and a chunk of honeycomb, and he eat۔d in they’s presence.
            He say۔d to they, “These iz my words that I speak۔d to yous while I wuz still with yous – that everythin write۔t about me by Moses and the prophets, and the psalms, must be fulfill۔t.”  Then he open۔d they’s minds to comprehend the scriptures, add۔ing, “Thus it wuz write۔t that the Christ wuz to suffer, and to rise from death on the third day, and that repentance and forgive۔ness of sins iz to be proclaim۔t in his name to all the world, begin۔ing in Jerusalem.  Yous iz witnesses to these things.  Behold:  I iz send۔ing yous the spirit of truth, as my Father promise۔d.  Stay here in the city until the holyspirit of truth arrive, and fill yous with the power of heaven.”
            Later when Thomas earhear۔d that Jesus had appear۔d to his fellow apostles, he declare۔d, “Unless I see the mark of the spikes in his hands, and put my finger on they, and my hand in his side, I will not believe.”
            Eight days later Jesus re۔appear۔d to the apostles in the same lodge۔in, say۔ing, “Peace be with you.”  Thomas wuz among they, and Jesus say۔d to he, “Put your finger into my palm, and your hand into my side.  Do not doubt, but believe.”  Thomas do۔d so, and exclaim۔d, “My Lord and my God!”  Jesus say۔d to he, “Because you have see۔d me, you have believe۔d.  Bless۔t iz those who have not see۔d, yet believe.”
            Many days later, after the apostles had return۔d north۔ward to Galilee, several of they – include۔ing Peter and Thomas and the sons of Zebedee and three others – fish۔d on lake Galilee, off·shore from town Tiberias.  But that night they catch۔d nothin.  As they return۔d slight۔by after daybreak, approach۔ing the shore, they notice۔d a man stand۔ing on the beach:  Jesus, although they do۔d not recognize he.  Jesus call۔d to they, “Childs, have yous no fishes?”  They answer۔d, “No.”  He say۔d, “Cast your net on the rightside of the boat, and yous will find some.  They cast۔d, and the net fill۔d with so many fishes that it wuz too heavy to haul back up.  One of the disciples then exclaim۔d, “It iz the Lord!”  That wuz the third time he had appear۔d to the disciples since being raise۔d from death.  Drag۔ing the net full of fishes, they beach۔d the boat, and as they step۔d ashore they see۔d a charcoal fire, and bread.  Jesus say۔d to they, “Bring some of your fishes.”  Thus they drag۔d the net ashore, and although there wuz so many fishes – they count۔d 153 – the net do۔d not tear.  Jesus break۔d the bread, and hand۔d it to they, and do۔d the same with the fishes. 
            When they had finish۔d eat۔ing breakfast, Jesus ask۔d Peter, “Do you love me?”  Peter reply۔d, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.  Jesus say۔d to he, “Feed my lambs.”  Again Jesus ask۔d, “Peter, do you love me?”  Peter reply۔d, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”  Jesus say۔d, “Tend my sheeps.”  A third time Jesus ask۔d he, “Do you love me?”  Peter, feel۔ing hurt because he had been ask۔d thrice, reply۔d, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”  Jesus say۔d, “Feed my sheeps.”
            Then Jesus say۔d to they, “True۔ly I tell yous, when yous wuz young yous dress۔d yourselfs, and walk۔d wherever yous want۔d to.  But when yous iz old, yous will stretch out your hands, and another will dress yous, and carry yous where yous dont want to go.”  Jesus add۔d, “Follow me.” 
            Soon afterward the eleven apostles walk۔d up a hill in Galilee, to a spot designate۔t.  Jesus appear۔d to they, and they worship۔d he, but some doubt۔d.  Jesus say۔d to they, “All power iz bestow۔d upon me in heaven and in the world.  Go yous into the world, preach the gospel to everybody, baptize۔ing in the name of the Father, the son, and the holyspirit.  Teach they to observe all my commandments.  Those who believe and iz baptize۔t will be save۔t, but those who do not believe will be damn۔t.  Signs will be manifest۔t by those who believe:  by utilize۔ing my name they will extract out demons, and they will speak new languages; they will be able to pick up snakes without being bite۔t, and drink poison without die۔ing; they will lay they’s hands on the sick, and the sick will recover.  Behold, I send the promise of my Father upon yous.  Tarry until the arrival of the spirit of truth, when each of yous will be endow۔t with the power from on high.  Lo, I iz with yous always, until the end of the world.  Amen."
            When Jesus had finish۔d speak۔ing, he bless۔d they, and ascend۔d into heaven.  There he sit on the rightside hand of God.
            Many other things do۔d Jesus say and do, which iz not record۔d in these gospels.  These events wuz describe۔d so that you may believe in Jesus the Christ, the son of God, and that, by believe۔ing, you may live full۔ly in his name.
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